Illinois Early Learning Council Executive Committee met June 5.
Here is the agenda provided by the Committee:
1. Welcome and Introduction – Phyllis Glink and Beth Purvis (10 Minutes)
2. Status of ECBG RFP and RFSP - ISBE (15 Minutes)
3. Early Learning Legislation and Discussion – Sara Shaw (10 Minutes)
4. Establishment of an Ad Hoc Committee to address SB 1829 (10 minutes)
5. DHS Follow Up on Childcare – Diane Grigsby Jackson (60 min)
6. Break (10 Minutes)
7. ELC Priorities and Concerns – Elizabeth Cole ( 45 minutes)
8. Presentation on Family Engagement Recommendations – Access Committee (20 Minutes)
9. Illinois Children’s Mental Health Partnership Director Update (5 minutes)
10. Update on Pyramid Model Leadership meeting and Training of Trainers (5 Minutes)
11. Cake and farewell to RTT Staff
12. Adjourn