
Sangamon Sun

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Ball Chatham Community Unit School District 5 Board met June 7.

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Ball Chatham Community Unit School District 5 Board met June 7.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

President Steve Copp called the meeting to order at 5:08 p.m. The Board clerk noted that Board members Brewer, Copp, Maddox, Sieren, Worley, and Yurevich were present.

Administrators present: Jen Farnsworth, Betsy Schroeder, and Supt. Dr. Doug Wood

Media present: None

Approval of Agenda President Copp called for a vote to approve the evening’s agenda.

Maddox moved to approve the agenda for the Board of Education’s special meeting of June 7, 2017. Upon said motion being seconded by Yurevich, the Board president called for a vote. All Board members voted “yes.”

Consent Board President Copp asked if anyone would like to pull any items out of Consent for further discussion. None were noted. Mr. Copp called for a vote on the item listed under “Consent.”

Maddox moved to approve the Consent Agenda item. Upon said motion being seconded by Yurevich, the Board president called for a vote. All members voted “yes.” The Consent Agenda item included:

● Appoint or Reappoint Members to the BCEF Board, as presented on May 22, 2017.

New Business Appoint New Board Member to Board of Education - Board President Copp administered the Oath of Office to Dr. Srinivasan Durairaj, the Board’s final member, to a two-year term. The Board had one seat open after the general election due to restrictions on the number of individuals who can serve from any one congressional township. Membership on the Ball-Chatham Board of Education is restricted to a maximum of three (3) members from any congressional township. On this basis of existing board membership, Ball Township residents [T 14N Range 5W] were not eligible to fill the vacancy. Applications were reviewed, and interested persons were interviewed on May 24. After interviews were completed, Dr. Srinivasan Durairaj was chosen. Dr. Durairaj has taught higher education in the United States, India and Fiji. He has published several articles in peer review journals, as well as presented at National and International conferences. At the present time, Dr. Durairaj is an Associate Professor at Richland Community College, and was the recipient of the 2016 NISOD (National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development) Excellence Award in Teaching.

Board President Copp asked for a vote to approve the appointment of new Board member, Dr. Srinivasan Durairaj, to the vacant seat on the Ball-Chatham Board of Education. All members voted “yes.”

Adjournment With there being no further business, Board President Copp called for a motion to adjourn.

Yurevich moved to adjourn the special meeting at 5:15 p.m. Upon said motion being seconded by Maddox, the president called for a vote. All Board members voted “yes.”
