
Sangamon Sun

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Sangamon County Board met August 8.

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Sangamon County Board met Aug. 8.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

The Sangamon County Board met in Reconvened Adjourned June Session on August 8, 2017 in the County Board Chambers. Chairman Van Meter called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. Auditor Andy Goleman introduced Rabbi Mendy Turen, with the Springfield Jewish Center, to give the Invocation, and Mr. Snell led the County Board in the Pledge of Allegiance.


Chairman Van Meter asked County Clerk Gray to call the roll. There were 27 Present – 2 Absent. Mr. O’Neill and Mr. Smith were excused.


Mrs. Williams presented a Proclamation in recognition of National Passport Month. Chairman Van Meter noted that the income from passport issuance has been rising substantially, almost doubled last year, and it’s ahead of last year’s pace so far this year, so that is great.


A motion was made by Ms. Sheehan, seconded by Mrs. Small, for approval of the Minutes of July 11, 2017. A voice vote was unanimous.

Motions Carried Resolution Adopted


A motion was made by Mr. Bunch, seconded by Ms. Sheehan, to place correspondence on file with the County Clerk. A voice vote was unanimous.


1. Resolution approving the low bid for a pavement preservation project on County Highway 31-

Williamsville Road.

A motion was made by Mr. Fraase, seconded by Mrs. Deppe, to place Resolution 1 on the floor. Chairman Van Meter asked County Clerk Gray to call the roll. Upon the roll call vote, there were 25 Yeas – 0 Nays. Mr. Bunch was out of the room at the time of the roll call vote.

Motions Carried Resolution Adopted


2. Resolution approving the right-of-way settlement for the Sukup Parcel.

A motion was made by Ms. Sheehan, seconded by Mr. DelGiorno, to place Resolution 2 on the floor. A motion was made by Mr. Stumpf, seconded by Mr. DelGiorno to consolidate Resolutions 2 – 5. Chairman Van Meter asked County Clerk Gray to read Resolutions 3 – 5.

3. Resolution approving the right-of-way settlement for the Ostermeier Parcel.

4. Resolution approving the right-of-way settlement for the Carroll Parcel.

5. Resolution approving an intergovernmental agreement between the Springfield Park District,

Village of Rochester, Village of Chatham, City of Springfield, and the Sangamon County Highway Department.

A voice vote was unanimous on the consolidation. A motion was made by Ms. Sheehan that the roll call vote for Resolution 1 stands as the roll call vote for Resolutions 2 – 5, as consolidated. A voice vote was unanimous.

Motions Carried Resolution Adopted


6. 2017-029 – Dietrich S. Ostermeier, 10659 Warrington Road, Pawnee – Granting a Conditional

Permitted Use and Variance. County Board Member – Jeff Thomas, District #4.

A motion was made by Mr. Thomas, seconded by Mrs. Fulgenzi, to place Resolution 6 on the floor. A motion was made by Mr. Stumpf to waive the reading of the professional staff’s report. There were no objections. A voice vote was unanimous for the adoption of Resolution 6.

Motions Carried Resolution Adopted


7. 2017-030 – Matthew Cloyd, 900 Watret Road, Loami – Granting a Rezoning and Variance.

County Board Member – Craig Hall, District #7.

A motion was made by Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Tjelmeland, to place Resolution 7 on the floor. A motion was made by Mr. Stumpf to waive the reading of the professional staff’s report. There were no objections. A voice vote carried for the adoption of Resolution 7. Mr. Krell voted Present.

Motions Carried Resolution Adopted


8. 2017-031 – Colleen DiGirolamo, 4819 Mechanicsburg Road, Springfield – Granting a Rezoning

and Conditional Permitted Use. County Board Member – Tom Madonia, Jr., District #9.

A motion was made by Mr. Madonia, seconded by Mr. Sullivan, to place Resolution 8 on the floor. A motion was made by Mr. Stumpf to waive the reading of the professional staff’s report. There were no objections. A voice vote was unanimous for the adoption of Resolution 8.

Motions Carried Resolution Adopted


9. 2017-032 – Covenant Management, LLC, 4200 Block of Bissell Road, Springfield – Granting a Rezoning and Variances. County Board Member – Lori Williams, District #8.

A motion was made by Mrs. Williams, seconded by Mr. Miller, to place Resolution 9 on the floor. A motion was made by Mr. Stumpf to waive the reading of the professional staff’s report. There were no objections. A voice vote was unanimous for the adoption of Resolution 9.

Motions Carried Resolution Adopted


10. 2017-033 – Edward and Suellyn Williams, 1998 N. Walnut Road, Rochester – Granting a Rezoning and Variances. County Board Member – Tom Madonia, Jr., District #9.

A motion was made by Mr. Madonia, seconded by Mrs. Hills, to place Resolution 10 on the floor. A motion was made by Mr. Stumpf to waive the reading of the professional staff’s report. There were no objections. A voice vote was unanimous for the adoption of Resolution 10.

Motions Carried Resolution Adopted

Mr. Stumpf stated he would like to bring up Resolution 7 that is under Old Business since it is a zoning case. A motion was made by Mr. Stumpf, seconded by Ms. Sheehan, to now take Resolution 7 from the table for the convenience of the public. A voice vote was unanimous.

Motion Carried Resolution 7 Taken From The Table


A. Resolution 7 – Tabled 6/13/17

2017-022 – Willis Payton, 1411 N. 29th Street, Springfield – Denying a Conditional Permitted Use and Granting a Variance. County Board Member – Jason Ratts, District #10.

Trustin Harrison, professional staff, stated the petitioner is requesting a conditional permitted use for a tavern; a variance to allow for three uses on one parcel including: an apartment building with three dwelling units, a tavern limited to 420 square feet for video gaming, and a watchman’s quarters for a tavern and video gaming; a variance to allow the tavern property line to be located less than 100 feet from a residence (approximately 50 feet); and, a variance to allow an apartment building with three units on the same parcel as the tavern. Steven Keenan, professional staff, stated the Planning Commission recommends denial of the conditional permitted use to allow a tavern in the B-3 district. The residential character of the area to the north could be changed with the addition of a tavern to the area. In addition, to the extent that the property is zoned to allow a tavern, there may be injury to property values in the area. Staff recommends approval of the variance request to allow three uses on one parcel. Since staff has recommended denial of the CPU for the tavern, the uses on the subject property would include: a business permitted in the B-3 district, a three-unit apartment building, and a watchman’s quarters for the business. The subject property has a history of multiple uses. Some of the uses have been approved, while others have not been approved. The approval of the variance to allow three uses would bring the property into compliance with the Zoning regulations. As staff has recommended denial of the CPU for a tavern, the variance requests to allow a tavern property line to be within 50 feet of a residence and to allow an apartment building with three units on the same parcel as the tavern are unnecessary. Mr. Harrison stated the Zoning Board of Appeals concurs with the staff recommendation.

Chairman Van Meter explained to Mr. Willis Payton that the Board has not been idle since he was here before. They have been trying to work out how to address his concerns. Their understanding, from his testimony before, is that he would like to see this Resolution amended to allow him to operate a tavern in that location. Mr. Payton verified that is correct.

Mr. Payton addressed the County Board. He knows when this was brought up there was concern about a tavern being in this residential neighborhood. There is actually a gaming room on 29th Street just across the road from his residence. It is closer to his apartment buildings than what his would be. His apartment building is to the north end of the lot and has its own parking lot. The tavern would be to the south end with plenty of parking. He has the facility for it. When he bought his property back in the 1980’s there was actually a tavern right next door to his property. As far as there being too many things on one parcel of land, at 2110 North Grand they have two barber shops, a pizza shop, a tattoo shop, and a gaming room with one large parking lot in the front. At 2256 North Grand there is a grocery store, a bar, and a gaming room on one parcel of ground. He doesn’t know how he is out of line with anything else that is going on in the area. His son works part-time on North Dirksen Parkway, and there is a gaming room and a couple other businesses, plus there are a couple houses within 20 feet of them. He doesn’t know how they ever got a license to operate there. He has all the separation and everything that’s required by the Zoning Board.

Mr. Stumpf asked the professional staff if the addresses Mr. Payton mentioned are county addresses. Trustin Harrison stated the property directly across to the east is a county address, but the other subject properties are not. Molly Berns explained that staff believes there is a sizeable difference between looking at a roadway as a major thoroughfare, as North Grand Avenue and Dirksen would be, which are expected to be commercial corridors facing those streets, as compared to 29th Street, which is a feeder into a residential area, as well as Ridge to some extent. Mr. Payton stated the gaming room would be off of Ridge Avenue, and would have nothing to do with 29th Street.

A motion was made by Mr. Krell, seconded by Mr. Preckwinkle, to amend Resolution 7 to approve the petition, as submitted, provided the size of the tavern is limited to no more than 420 square feet. Chairman Van Meter stated this amendment would address the real request to add back the ability to operate a tavern at that location. Chairman Van Meter asked County Clerk Gray to call the roll. There were 7 Yeas – 19 Nays. Those voting Yea were: Bunch, DelGiorno, Krell, Madonia, Preckwinkle, Sheehan, and Tjelmeland. The motion to amend Resolution 7 failed. Chairman Van Meter explained they now have before them the resolution as it was presented by the Zoning Board of Appeals. Mr. Payton will not be able to operate the tavern, but will be granted the other CPU’s or variances. Mr. Payton stated he can’t have a gaming room without the tavern because that is the city’s rules. He really didn’t want a tavern to begin with. He just wanted a gaming room. He had a lady that was retiring and wanted to start her own business, so you just killed that and killed two or three jobs in the process of it. Chairman Van Meter asked Mr. Payton if he would favor the adoption of the rest of these CPU’s and variances. Trustin Harrison explained that by accepting the rest of the recommendations, it brings the property into compliance. In the original petition there was a floral shop back there and it is now an apartment building.

The existing uses on that property will be in compliance with the current zoning ordinance. Chairman Van Meter asked Mr. Payton if he objects to that. Mr. Payton asked if this would basically put the two parcels as one. Mr. Harrison stated it would allow the uses on the two parcels of land to currently exist the way they are without having any violations with the Zoning Department. Mr. Payton agreed that would be fine.

A voice vote was unanimous for the adoption of Resolution 7 as presented from the Zoning Board of Appeals.

Motions Carried Resolution Adopted


11. Resolution setting forth budget policies for the preparation of the FY2018 Sangamon County


A motion was made by Mr. Preckwinkle, seconded by Mr. Bunch, to place Resolution 11 on the floor. A motion was made by Ms. Sheehan that the roll call vote for Resolution 1 stands as the roll call vote for Resolution 11. A voice vote was unanimous.

Motions Carried Resolution Adopted


12. Resolution approving an Intergovernmental Agreement between the Springfield-Sangamon County Regional Planning Commission and the Village of Chatham regarding Plat Officer Designation.

A motion was made by Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. DelGiorno, to place Resolution 12 on the floor. A motion was made by Ms. Sheehan that the roll call vote for Resolution 1 stands as the roll call vote for Resolution 12. A voice vote was unanimous.

Motions Carried Resolution Adopted

Waiver Of Ten-Day Filing Period

A motion was made by Mr. Bunch, seconded by Ms. Sheehan, to waive the ten-day filing period. A voice vote was unanimous.

Motion Carried Ten-Day Filing Period Waived


13. Resolution approving the replacement of technical monitoring systems by Seico Security

Electronic Integration Company for monitoring in the Courthouse and Jail.

A motion was made by Mr. Ratts, seconded by Mrs. Scaife, to place Resolution 13 on the floor. A motion was made by Mr. Bunch, seconded by Mr. Sullivan, to consolidate Resolutions 13 – 17. Chairman Van Meter asked County Clerk Gray to read Resolutions 14 – 17.

14. Resolution amending Chapter 5.20 of the Sangamon County Code for the Public Health Department.

15. Resolution authorizing a building lease for the SMART facility.

16. Resolution authorizing services to be provided by SMART to rural and small urbanized areas.

17. Resolution authorizing the execution of all required grant applications and agreements with IDOT for the SMART program.

A voice vote was unanimous on the consolidation. A motion was made by Mr. Stumpf, seconded by Ms. Sheehan and Mr. Bunch, to amend Resolution 14. Mr. Stumpf stated the amendment changes the effective date to December 1, 2017. Chairman Van Meter explained the purpose of this amendment is to set the effective date for Resolution 14 and the other changes to the Health Code to the same date of December 1, 2017. A voice vote was unanimous. A motion was made by Ms. Sheehan that the roll call vote for Resolution 1 stands as the roll call vote for Resolutions 13-17, as consolidated and amended. A voice vote was unanimous.

Motions Carried Resolutions Adopted


A. Resolutions

There were no new resolutions.

B. Appointments

There were no appointments. The nominations for appointment in September were submitted.

Reports Of County Officials, Reports Of Special Committees, Reports Of Standing Committees, Committee Report On Claims

A motion was made by Mr. Bunch, seconded by Ms. Sheehan, to place the reports on file with the County Clerk. A voice vote was unanimous.

Motion Carried Reports Filed


A motion was made by Ms. Sheehan, seconded by Mr. Bunch, to recess the meeting to September 19, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. Chairman Van Meter stated the meeting is changed from the regularly scheduled date of September 12, 2017 to accommodate the Chairman’s travel schedule and also to accommodate the report from the consultants on Economic Development in this community. That meeting will coincide with the Q5 meeting the next day and will allow this board to preview and discuss the consultants’ reports that evening.

Motion Carried Meeting Recessed
