
Sangamon Sun

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Chatham Area Public Library District Board met June 6

Webp meeting 05

Chatham Area Public Library District Board met June 6.

Here is the minutes as provided by the board:

I. Board Meeting Called to Order

All library board trustees present—C. Moore, D. Holden, S. Fairfield, M. Roubichek,

C. Jeffries, L. Ross. Please note, Director Byers is also in attendance.

II. Recognition of Visitors / Public Comments

No visitors or members of the public are present.

III. Unfinished Business

A. De-annexed lake-leased properties litigation / APPROVAL

Executive Session 5ILCS120/2(c)(11)

Motion to move into executive session in order to discuss the ongoing litigation

with the City of Springfield was made by S. Fairfield and seconded by D. Holden,

motion carried.


A motion to adjourn executive session and move back into regular session was

made by S. Fairfield, seconded by D. Holden. Motion carried.

Please note: all library board members are still present in regular session.

During executive session the board of trustees discussed ongoing litigation

between CAPLD and the City of Springfield and CAPLD’s next steps. S. Fairfield

makes a motion to move forward with the offer Jon Ellis, CAPLD litigator,

presented during a meeting with Langfelder. The CAPLD Board also authorizes

Christine Westerlund, Board president, to negotiate if necessary. Additionally S.

Fairfield also makes a motion to have C. Westerlund and L. Ross sign an

intergovernmental agreement in preparation of the upcoming meeting.

Seconded by C. Jeffries. Motion carries.

B. HVAC RTU 12 repair or replacement / APPROVAL

Contrary to what was originally stated, the air conditioner unit that needs

repair/replacement is in the café bookstore. Director Byers raised questions as to

how this unit was originally selected because according to E.L. Pruitt the specs

do not match our needs.

Director Byers is going to go back to APACE to gather information on the original

selection process.

Due to the age of the unit, and thereby its likely lifespan, it seems to make more

fiscal sense to replace the unit rather than pay the high repair cost. The decision

to move swiftly was also impacted by the increasingly hot summer weather and

the summer reading program—which is one of the library’s most heavily

trafficked time periods.

S. Fairfield makes a motion to repair unit RTU 12 at a cost of $5,823, motion

seconded by C. Jeffries. Motion carries. A voice vote was also conducted and the

motion was unanimously passed.

C. Jeffries makes a motion for CAPLD to acquire an engineer to investigate the

other three similar air conditioner units, seconded by M. Roubitchek.

IV. New Business

A. No new business.

V. Announcements

A. Next Board Meeting—Thursday, June 22, 2017 7:00 PM

VI. Adjournment

Motion to adjourn made by D. Holden, seconded by S. Fairfield. Motion carries.
