
Sangamon Sun

Sunday, March 9, 2025

Chatham Firefighter’s Pension Fund Board of Trustee met August 4

Webp meetingroom04

Chatham Firefighter’s Pension Fund Board of Trustee met Aug. 4.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

· Meeting called to order at 0805 hours on Friday, August 04, 2017 by President W. Rose.

Present were: President W. Rose, Secretary B. Osborne and Trustee K. Romadka.

Absent were: Trustee J. Bolletta and Trustee B. Gorbett.

Public Comment and Concerns:

· No Public Comment.

Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes:

· Motion to approve the minutes from the July 05, 2017 meeting(s) was made by Secretary B. Osborne and seconded by Trustee K. Romadka, motion passed.

Rose……….yes Osborne……….yes Bolletta……….absent

Romadka……….yes Gorbett……….absent

Treasurers/Investment Committee Report:

· The Chatham Firefighter’s Pension Fund account balance reported on the July 13, 2017 Bank & Trust Company statement balance is $ 33,715.07. Previous balance was $ 27,842.52 with $ 6,566.58 in deposits, $ 704.10 in debits, and $ 10.07 in interest.

· Motion to accept Treasurers Report was made by Secretary B. Osborne and seconded by Trustee K. Romadka, motion passed.

Rose……….yes Osborne……….yes Bolletta…….…absent

Romadka……….yes Gorbett……….absent

· Bill Yocius of Mitchell, Vaught & Taylor Inc. Investment Advisors was present on Wednesday, August 02, 2017 to review the Chatham Firefighter’s Pension Fund 2nd quarter, 2017 Financial Report. Also received the Third Quarter of 2017 statement from Mitchell, Vaught &Taylor Inc. in the amount of $3,484.00.

· Motion to accept any Investments and Transactions completed by our Investment Advisor, Bill Yocius of Mitchell, Vaught & Taylor Inc. was made by Secretary B. Osborne and seconded by Trustee K. Romadka, motion passed.

Rose……….yes Osborne……….yes Bolletta……….absent

Romadka……….yes Gorbett……….absent

· Motion to approve payment to Attorney Carolyn W. Clifford invoice(s) for cost of services concerning the Gorbett Disability matter in the amount of $ 1,575.00 was made by Secretary B. Osborne and seconded by President W. Rose, motion passed.

Rose……….yes Osborne……….yes Bolletta……….absent

Romadka……….yes Gorbett……….absent

· Motion to approve payment to Attorney Carolyn W. Clifford invoice(s) for cost of services concerning the Resolution and revisions to Rules and Forms in the amount of $ 180.00 was made by Trustee K. Romadka and seconded by Secretary B. Osborne, motion passed.

Rose……….yes Osborne……….yes Bolletta……….absent

Romadka……….yes Gorbett……….absent

· Motion to approve payment to Visa for cost of tuition for Trustee Brian Gorbett to attend the Certified Trustee Program in the amount of $ 800.00 was made by President W. Rose and seconded by Trustee K. Romadka, motion passed.

Rose……….yes Osborne……….yes Bolletta……….absent

Romadka……….yes Gorbett……….absent

· Meeting recessed for several emergency medical calls at 0820 hours. No quorum present.

· Meeting resumed at 1143 hours.

Present were: President W. Rose, Secretary B. Osborne and Trustee K. Romadka.

Communications or Reports:

· Received correspondence from Charles Schwab about trade confirmation(s).

· Received June 01-30, 2017 statement period, trades, and explanation of fees and services from Charles Schwab and Mitchell, Vaught &Taylor Inc.

· Received notice from AFFI about Pension Seminar in Bloomington, IL. In October 9-10, 2017.

· Received notice from Lauterbach & Amen LLP. about Pension Conference in St. Louis, MO. on October 4-5, 2017.

Old Business:

· No Old Business.

New Business:

· Stobbs, Sinclair & Associates, Ltd., have received a signed release from Brian Gorbett and his attorney for copies of the Chatham Firefighter’s Pension Fund and/or Pension Board’s full and complete file of fire department Brian Gorbett’s disability matter before the Pension Board including, but not limited to, the application for disability benefits, all filings made in connection with the application, the full transcript of the Board’s proceedings regarding the application, incident reports, medical records and medical reports regarding the injuries which were the basis for the application, and the decision of the Board with regard to the application.

A copy of Gorbett’s release was sent to our attorney, Carolyn W. Clifford. Her office will gather and send all of the requested records to Stobbs, Sinclair & Associates, Ltd.

· After review of Probationary FF/EMT Jeffrey J. Bone application for membership to the Chatham Firefighter’s Pension Fund. A motion was made by Secretary B. Osborne to approve acceptance of FF/EMT Jeffrey J. Bone’s application to the Pension Fund and seconded by President W. Rose, motion passed.

Rose……….yes Osborne……….yes Bolletta……….absent

Romadka……….yes Gorbett……….absent

· After review of Probationary FF/EMT Robert T. Vrchota application for membership to the Chatham Firefighter’s Pension Fund. A motion was made by Secretary B. Osborne to approve acceptance of FF/EMT Robert T. Vrchota’s application to the Pension Fund and seconded by President W. Rose, motion passed.

Rose……….yes Osborne……….yes Bolletta……….absent

Romadka……….yes Gorbett……….absent

· Performed the semi-annual review of Closed Session Minutes and all Closed Session Minutes are to remain closed.

· Next scheduled Chatham Firefighters Pension Board Meeting is 1500 hours on Wednesday, September 06, 2017.


· Upcoming Training: IPPFA, 32-Hour, Mandatory Trustee Training; in Edwardsville, IL.; on Tuesday August 22, 2017, Tuesday September 19, 2017, Tuesday, October 17, 2017, and Tuesday November 14, 2017. Trustee Gorbett is enrolled to attend this training.

· Discussed the upcoming Trustee training being held at the AFFI Pension Seminar in Bloomington, IL. on October 9-10, 2017. It was decided that President William Rose, Secretary Bruce Osborne, Trustee Joe Bolletta and Trustee Kyle Romadka would attend this training.

NOTE: Just a reminder: Illinois Department of Insurance (DOI) has made a rule, that all Pension Board Trustee’s, must complete 16 hours of training annually by August 12th of each year.


· Motion to adjourn meeting at 1200 hours was made by Secretary B. Osborne and seconded by Trustee K. Romadka, motion passed.

Rose……….yes Osborne……….yes Bolletta……….absent

Romadka……….yes Gorbett……….absent