
Sangamon Sun

Sunday, March 9, 2025

Chatham Community Fire Protection District Board met September 12.

Webp hall

Chatham Community Fire Protection District Board met Sept. 12.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:


 Meeting was called to order at 1735 hours.


 Present were: Trustee Mueller, Trustee Perkins, Chief Schumer, Assistant Chief Osborne, Division Chief Rose, FF/EMT Bell, Gerberding and Administrative Assistant Kashima Stotts.

 Absent were: Trustee Hughes


 Open and closed session minutes of August 22, 2017 District Meeting were presented for approval. Motion to approve the minutes was made by Trustee Perkins and seconded by Trustee Mueller; motion passed.

Hughes absent Mueller yes Perkins yes


 Motion was made to pay the bill by Trustee Mueller and seconded by Trustee Perkins; motion passed.

Hughes absent Mueller yes Perkins yes

 Trustee Perkins and Trustee Mueller accepted treasurer’s report.

                                               08/21//2017   09/12/2017

UCB-Money Market Account $ 18,924.01 $ 60,393.96

Bank & Trust M/M $ 898,438.73 $ 892,762.73

Bank & Trust Pension $ 42,737.37 $ 42,737.37

Bank & Trust Equipment Reserve Fund $ 505,620.42 $ 505,620.42

Bank & Trust Real Estate Fund $ 592,224.09 $ 592,224.09

Bank & Trust Death Benefit Supplement $ 19,617.88 $ 19,617.88

Bank & Trust Foreign Fire Insurance Board $ 50,505.00 $ 50,505.00

Bank & Trust Donations & Memorial Fund $ 102.52 $ 212.77

Chatham Fire Department Volunteer Account $ 10,739.54 $ 10,739.54


 Review of CFD Treatment and Transport Survey’s.

 FF/EMT Bell Thanked district for the new boots


 Amendment to Contract for Sale of Real Estate between Janet Marsha Currie Trust and Chatham Community Fire Protection District tabled.

 Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus notice and bid proposal approval was discussed, Trustee Perkins made a motion to approve the notice and bid proposal for the SelfContained Breathing Apparatus and was seconded by Trustee Mueller; motion passed.

Hughes absent Mueller yes Perkins yes


 Vendor List additions were discussed, Trustee Perkins made a motion to approve the additions to the Vendors List and was seconded by Trustee Mueller; motion passed.

Hughes absent Mueller yes Perkins yes

 Request for funding for replacement of computers; 3 CPU’s and 1 laptop computer along with three (3) new monitors for cost not to exceed $3,700.00 was discussed, Trustee Mueller made a motion to approve the replacement of computers and laptop with new monitors not to exceed $4,000.00 and was seconded by Trustee Perkins; motion passed.

Hughes absent Mueller yes Perkins yes

 Special Consideration Operating Guideline 602, Personnel Position Description updates to be effective October 1, 2017 was discussed, Trustee Mueller made a motion to approve the Special Consideration Operating Guideline 602 and was seconded by Trustee Perkins; motion passed.

Hughes absent Mueller yes Perkins yes

 Kashima Stotts review of evaluation and determination of percentage of salary increase was discussed, Trustee Perkins made a motion to approve the raise increase for Kashima from $16.35 per hour to $16.84 per hour and was seconded by Trustee

Mueller; motion passed.

Hughes absent Mueller yes Perkins yes


 Will submit letter to request name from the Final Eligibility List.


 Gathering information for audit.

 Jim Nowicki getting stuff ready for insurance


 Will meet on Thursday.


 Trustee’s accepted the Chief’s semi-monthly report.

 The following items were discussed:

 Apparatus Group

 Group projects the need for U1, U4 to be replaced within an year or two

 Replacement of 3F27 with new ambulance on 2018 chassis is projected later this fall

 Volunteer Working Group

 FFIB approved the purchase of retractable banners, table banners and popup tents for recruiting efforts

 We have 12 positions vacant for volunteer members

 Ordering banners and tents


 Vrchota and Bone are in 2nd week of Basic FF Course

 We will receive weekly evaluations for IFSI

 Final eligibility roster formed and posted by BOFC


 Still waiting on some documents from Brockmeyer before he will be placed on the hireback list

 Pre-Annexation Working Group

 Had a meeting at VOC today with attorneys and Village administration to coordinate efforts to proceed in court petition and annexation of properties

 Working with Chris Currie to annexation of his properties to VOC

 New laws go into effect Jan. 01, 2018, which will change annexation issues.

 Vehicle / Equipment Report

 Engine 1 24 ft ladder that was damaged is now replaced with new ladder

 Engine 1 the ladder is unfit for the fire service, we are keeping it for now Lt. Kissel has an idea for a training prop for the undamaged section

 Engine 2 air leak has been serviced and AC is documenting corrosion spots on this unit and will have it repaired

 Brush 1 speed limit signage placed in vehicle to limit speed to 55mph

 Brush 2 speed limit signage placed in vehicle to limit speed to 55mph

 Truck 1 Gauge replaced, air pressure guage was bad

 U1 out of service, vehicle won’t start and had to be towed

 Personnel issues

 Working on phase 2 - 2nd year FF Driving Program

 Phase 3 – Lt’s Guidebook / Program will be started after Phase 2 complete.

 Preparing for upcoming events

 Homecoming parade September 20, 2017

 Fill the Boot September 23, 2017

 Fire Prevention Week October 10 – October 13

 Holiday Parties:

 Adult Party December 2, 2017 – Jacobs confirmed rental.

 Children’s Party December 17, 2017 – Santa confirmed by Mrs. Stotts.


 Trustee’s accepted the Asst. Chief’s semi-monthly report.

 The following items were discussed:

 Grants

 2016 AFG Grant-received awarded on June 30, 2017

 Projects

 Engine 2 is back from Rush Truck Center

 Truck 1 is banck from Banner Fire

 Engine 2 is scheduled Monday September 16-26 to have the corrosion repaired and repainted at Prairie Services of Illinois

 I sent a rough draft of a Bid Notice and Bid Proposal to Attorney Jim Sinclair to review and approve

 Next LED will replace four led boards on south sigh board soon

 3F28 was serviced at Landmark Ford East on September 06, 2017

 Picked up new 24’ extension ladder from Banner Fire for Engine 1

 Pump testing on apparatus was completed on Tuesday, September 05, 2017

 Fuel pump went out on Utility 1 had it towed to fire house Mike Gorsage to repair

 Utility 1 needs all 4 tires replaced and front end rebuilt

 Received notice from DHS that they have accepted my close-out report for our 2011 SAFER grant


 Motion to go into Closed Session at 1755 hours to discuss Employment/Appointment matters in accordance with (5 ILCS 120/2) (c) (1) was made by Trustee Mueller and seconded by Trustee Perkins; motion passed.

Hughes absent Mueller yes Perkins yes

 In attendance were Trustee Hughes, Trustee Mueller, Trustee Perkins, Chief Schumer, and Asst. Chief Osborne.

 Closed session started at 1755 hours.

 Closed session ended at 1759 hours.

 Returned to open session at 1800 hours


 Motion to adjourn meeting at 1811 hours was made by Trustee Perkins and was seconded by Trustee Mueller; motion passed.

Hughes absent Mueller yes Perkins yes
