
Sangamon Sun

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Williamsville Community Unit School District 15 Board met October 16.

Meeting 05

Williamsville Community Unit School District 15 Board met October 16.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

Call to Order/ Roll Call/ Pledge of Allegiance/ Approval of Agenda:

The meeting was called to order by President, Matt Seman. Roll call was taken by Marilyn Montgomery. Those in attendance stood and recited the Pledge of Allegiance.

A motion was made by Charlie Waugh and seconded by Tom Ray that the agenda be approved amended.

Discussion: Action Item 9b - added Administrative increase for 2017-18

Motion carried

Byron Hainter - South Uounty huplications,

Stacie Henderson and Laura Kennedy, teachers at WJHS

Mrs. Henderson and Mrs. Kennedy presented on the English Language Arts curriculum changes in the junior high. They noted that previously, reading and writing skills were taught and assessed separately. Skills for each subject were taught autonomously. Language Arts consisted of reading skills for comprehension, and English was comprised of grammar and writing. They went on to state that present Common Core education uses a strategy to develop and implement a comprehensive system that meets the common needs of all students, and combines an assessment system to measure student performance, ensuring that all students are equally provided with a program of clear expectations designed to meet the requirements of future colleges and careers from state to state. They noted the goal is to challenge the students to become independent, strategic readers, writers, and, most importantly, thinkers. The current ELA curriculum is now a fusion of Language Arts and English. What was once taught and assessed autonomously is now taught in tandem.

Informational Items and Dates:

Mr. Reedy presented a list of upcoming Important dates to the Board.

oOctober 16-17 PA Conference

oOctober 17 SES PTO Chick-Fil-A Night

oOctober 20 End of 1st Nine Weeks for SES, WMS, WJHS

oOctober 27 % Day Attendance SIP Day

oOctober 28 SES PTO Fal Festival

oOctober 31 Halloween

oNovember 8 % Day & PT Conferences 12:30-8:00 pm

oNovember 9 NO School PT Conferences 8:00-11:00am

oNovember 10 No School Veteran's Day

oNovember 17-18 Conference

oNovember 20 6:00pm Regular BOE Meeting

Approval of the Consent Agenda:

A motion was made by Pam Kovacevich and seconded by Kurt Ratliff to approve the consent agenda containing items a, b, c, d, e, f and g. Approval of the Regular Meeting Minutes of September 18, 2017, Approval of the Executive Session Meeting Minutes of September 18, 2017, Approval of the Negotiation Meeting Minutes of September 27th, Approval of the Bills in the amount of $532,723.29, including reimbursement of the revolving fund of $1309.00, Approval of the Lunch Report, Approval of the Treasurer's Report, and Approval of Superintendent's Acceptance of Resignation:

•Courtney Turnbul - PT WHS Custodian

•Dan O’Connor - WJHS ASSistant track Coach

On roll call the following members answered aye!

Teresa Benner Charles Waugh

Kurt Ratliff Pam Kovacevich

Tom Ray Corey Conklin

Matt Seman

On roll call the following members were absent:

Motion carrier

A. Administrative Reports

All principals are attending the IPA Conference and have submitted full reports to the Board

B. Superintendent's Report

1. Financial Update

Mr. Reedy discussed the current fund balances and noted that the Operating Fund Balances are comprised of the Education Fund, $3,828,231.74; Operations & Maintenance Fund, $850,398.82; Transportation Fund, $190,126.25, IMRF, $173,798.12, and the Working Cash Fund, $79,910.82 for a total of $5,122,465.75. Current All Funds = $6,781,819.65.

He noted that we anticipate additional tax extension revenue in October and November depending on when the county clerks disperse the money. Additionally, we are receiving the scheduled general state aid (GSA) payments on time twice per month.

He stated the All Fund total is skewed due to FY17 back payments, and the future HB1947 payment schedule. The district should have adjusted true balances October 30, 2017 for the November 20, 2017 board meeting.

Mr. Reedy also noted that the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) stated they may have the Evidence Based Model funding formula figured out after January 1, 2018.

Mr. Reedy will begin working on the Levy after attending IASBO PMA levy workshop on Thursday, 10/19/17. He will share the levy projections next month for approval in December.

Finally, Mr. Reedy stated that we need to continue to tighten our belt and work towards creating 3-4 months of fund balances as reserves. Due to the FY17 back payments, we will have more revenue in FY18 than We Will in FY19.

Mr. Reedy included a 2005-2017 cash flow analysis and reiterated where we are at the end of September with a balance in all funds of $6,781,819 and a balance in the Operating Funds of $5,122,466. By comparison, at the end of September 2016, our balance in all funds was $6,389,287 and in the Operating Funds was $4,785,070.

2. Future Committee of the Whole Meetings

Mr. Reedy proposed once per month committee of the whole meetings to follow each regular board meeting in November, December and January to discuss in more depth revenue and referendum options for the district, such as limiting rate referendums, debt service extension referendums, building bond referendums, and a possible county wide sales tax. He noted the current bonds expire in 2022. The board agreed to have these meetings.

3. Facilities and HLS Update

Mr. Reedy informed the board the RFP for the mowing and landscaping is due November 3, and that we currently have not had any bids turned back in.

He also noted that after the last rain we had a few leaks in the buildings - SES, WHS and WMS. He has contacted TREMCO to come out and repair them.

Mr. Reedy told the board the recent Health-Life-Safety (HLS) inspection that was completed by the Regional Office of Education went very well. The district has a few minor repairs to complete, and he presented the BLDD Architecture firm's estimated costs for a HLS and Facilities Study.

4. ASBO Resolutions

Mr. Reedy noted that Charlie Waugh has volunteered to be the board representative at this part of the upcoming Il Conference in Chicago.

5. Il Conference

Mr. Reedy reminded the board that the conference will take place November 17-19, 2017 and that registration and hotel information have been emailed to each member.

C. WCUSD15 FY2107 Audit Report

Cory Brown from Mose, Yockey, Brown and Kull presented results of the FY17 audit to the board. Mr. Brown reviewed deficit spending. He noted the district will once again obtain Recognition status, but this is due to receiving and using early tax money. In reality, the district deficit spent over the 2017 fiscal year.

Executive Session:

A motion was made by Teresa Benner and seconded by Charlie Waugh to enter into Executive Session for the purpose of Under 5 ILCS 120/2c of the Open Meetings Act: collective bargaining, the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of a specific employee or legal counsel for the public body


On roll call the following members answered aye!

Teresa Benner Charles Waugh

Kurt Ratliff Pam Kovacevich

Tom Ray Corey Conklin

Matt Seman

On roll call the following members were absent: Motion carried

The Board entered executive session at 7:15 pm and returned to open session at 8:20 pm

A motion was made by Corey Conklin and seconded by Kurt Ratliff to return to open session.

Discussion: None

Motion carried.

Action Items:

A motion was made by Tom Ray and seconded by Charlie Waugh to approve the WEA/BOE Collective Bargaining Agreement for the 2017-18 school year


On roll call the following members answered aye:

Teresa Benner Charles Waugh

Kurt Ratliff Pam Kovacevich

Tom Ray Corey Conklin

Matt Seman

On roll call the following members were absent:

Motion Carried

A motion was made by Pam Kovacevich and seconded by Teresa Benner to approve the noncertified salary increases for the 2017-18 school year


On roll call the following members answered aye:

Teresa Benner Charles Waugh

Kurt Ratliff Pam Kovacevich

Tom Ray Corey Conklin

Matt Seman

On roll call the following members were absent:

Motion Carried

A motion was made by Corey Conklin and seconded by Kurt Ratliff to approve the FY17 WCUSD15 audit as presented by Cory Brown of Mose, Yockey, Brown and Kull, LLC, Certified Public ACCountants


On roll call the following members answered aye:

Teresa Benner Charles Waugh

Kurt Ratliff Pam Kovacevich

Tom Ray Corey Conklin

Matt Seman

On roll call the following members were absent:

Motion Carried

A motion was made by Corey Conklin and seconded by Tom Ray to hire certified and noncertified staff for the 2017-18 school year:

oSteve Mitts - PT Building and Grounds Position

oBrian Olysav - PT Building and Grounds Position

oAmy Sexton - PT WHS Custodian

oAngie McKinney - PT WJHS Cook

oChantel Jennings — WMS Title I Aide

oRebecca KrikOrian – SES Aide

oDan O’Connor - WJHS Girls” rack Coach

oDan O'Connor — WJHS Volunteer 6" grade Boys' Basketball Coach

oChris O'Connor - WJHS 6th grade Boys' Basketball Coach

oJack Zibutis - WHS Volunteer Boys' Basketball Coach

oJane Grebner - Long Term Substitute November 1, 2017


On roll call the following members answered aye:

Teresa Benner Charles Waugh

Kurt Ratliff Pam Kovacevich

Tom Ray Corey Conklin

Matt Seman

On roll call the following members were absent:

Motion carried

A motion was made by Kurt Ratliff and seconded by Charlie Waugh to approve Press Policy Updates. 2:220E, 2:260, 6:80, 6:210, 7:275 and 8:70


On roll call the following members answered aye!

Teresa Benner Charles Waugh

Kurt Ratliff Pam Kovacevich

Tom Ray Corey Conklin

Matt Seman

On roll call the following members were absent:

Motion Carried


A motion was made by Pam Kovacevich and seconded by Matt Seman to adjourn the meeting.

Discussion: None

Motion Carried.

Meeting adjourned at 8:31 pm
