Pawnee Community Unit School District No. 11 Board of Education met October 18.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
1. Call to Order and Roll Call
Vice President Shelton called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m.
Members present: Howard, Kern, Shelton, Starr, Wort
Members absent: Ward, Adcock
Administrators Present: Alexander, Kratochvil, Mendenhall, and Recording Secretary, Hamilton
2. Request Closed Session to discuss the employment, compensation, resignation of specific employees of the District, collective bargaining matters between the District and its employees or their representative, student discipline and to discuss pending or probable litigation as provided by 5ILCS 120/2(C) 1, 2,9. and 11.
Motion: Go into executive session for the stated purpose.
Motion: Wort
Second: Kern
Ayes: 5-0
Vice President Shelton declared the meeting open at 7:04 p.m.
Motion: Seal the minutes of Executive Session.
Motion: Wort
Second: Starr
Ayes: 5-0
Pledge Of Allegiance-please stand if able
3. Communications
A thank you note from Chelsea McGlothlin and family was shared with the board.
4. Good News Reports
$487.00 was raised for the King family. Jordan King returned to school. October Student of the Month is Nick Ellis; 264 pounds of supplies donated for hurricane relief, Jessica Mast received an Early Education Grant of $100.00, Congratulations to Ms. Chambers on the Fall Concert.
5. PTO and Student Council updates
Student Council reported on the upcoming Winter Carnival dance and possible Trivia Night
6. Presentation of annual audit by Pehlman and Dold, P.C.
6.1 Approve 2016/2017 Audit as reviewed by Auditor Dorinda Fitzgerald
Motion: Kern
Second: Starr
Ayes: 5-0
7. Approval of Minutes Action
7.1 Approve regular board meeting minutes of October 18, 2017
Motion: Approve the October 18, 2017 board minutes.
Motion: Starr
Second: Howard
Ayes: 5-0
8. Approval of Financial Reports and Expenditures Action
8.1 Consideration and approval of financial reports and expenditures
Motion: Approve the financial reports and expenditures of $207,539.78 and addendum bills of $42,437.31.
Motion: Kern
Second: Howard
Ayes: Howard, Shelton, Starr, Wort, Kern
Shelton asked about the Athletic Director Activity Account. Reporting will be provided at next month's meeting.
9. Recognition of Visitors
10. Administrative Reports
Reports herein attached.
11. New Business
11.1 Consideration and approval of extra-curricular leave of absence
Motion: Approve the HS Track coaching leave of absence for Melissa Dennis.
Motion: Wort
Second: Starr
Ayes: 5-0
11.2 Consideration and approval of personnel resignation
Motion: Accept the resignations of Cambry Bennett as Assistant Musical Director.
Motion: Wort
Second: Adcock
Ayes: 5-0
Action 11.3 Consideration and approval of personnel employment
Motion: Approve the employment of Chris Henneman as Junior Varsity Basketball Coach.
Motion: Howard
Second: Wort
Ayes: 5-0
Motion: Approve the employment of Teresa Hamilton as Paraprofessional.
Motion: Howard
Second: Starr
Ayes: 5-0
Motion: Approve the employment of Chelsi Sitze as Paraprofessional.
Motion: Kern
Second: Wort
Ayes: 5-0
Motion: Approve the employment of Tina Newingham as Paraprofessional.
Motion: Starr
Second: Howard
Ayes: 5-0
11.4 Consideration and approval of volunteer coaches
Motion: Approve the recommendation of Jeff Jarrett to have Maggie Birks and Megan Simpson as volunteer coaches for high school girls' softball.
Motion: Kern
Second: Howard
Ayes: 5-0
11.5 Consideration and approval of administrative contract extension
Tabled until full Board is present.
11.6 Information from Board Union Committee Meeting
Kern updated Board on orientation for new teachers, support guided reading; requested more meaningful for Professional Development Day, registration process; additional copier training; prioritize computer repairs, Lucas Kruger doing good job, Leanne Gehrs 4 Chrome Notebooks; staff helping long-term sub Lindsey Ward; 10 additional privacy filterpurchased through Doner's Choice.
11.7 Discussion of possible co-op in High School Track with Morrisonville and Soccer with Raymond
There is continued interest in the Raymond co-op; hope for more football interest in the future. A soccer survey was conducted for 8-11 graders and 21 males and 24 females were interested.
13. Adjournment
Motion: Adjourn the meeting at 8:08 p.m.
Motion: Wort
Second: Howard
Ayes: 5-0