Sangamon County Road and Bridge Committee met January 31.
Here is the agenda provided by the Committee:
1. Approval of the minutes of the November 29, 2017 Road & Bridge Committee Meeting.
2. Approval and singing of payment vouchers.
3. Resolutions & Ordinances.
a. Resolution approving the low bids for the township aggregate supply contracts.
b. Resolution authorizing application for Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program funds.
c. Resolution authorizing application for Statewide Planning and Research funds.
4. Committee Approvals.
a. Pre-travel approval for Johnson and Davis to attend the conference (Feb.27-28).
b. Approval of Sangamon county Highway Department Qualification Based Selection Policy.
5. Public Comment
6. Discussion Items.
a. Safety improvements for C.H.23- Spaulding Orchard Road and C.H. 18- Curran Road intersection.
b. Seasonal weight limits
c. Personnel issues
7. Next meeting date- February 28,2017.
8. Adjournment.