
Sangamon Sun

Friday, January 31, 2025

City of Petersburg Council met December 19.

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City of Petersburg Council met Feb. 19.

Here is the agenda provided by the Council:


Mayor Rick Snyder called the City Council to order at 7:04 p.m.


A. Members present were Mayor Rick Snyder, Aldermen Kevin Molohon, Nathan Grosboll, Andrew Gain, Bruce Gorman, Rick Sonnemaker, and Keith Wilson. Also present were Treasurer Dave Frick, City Clerk Ken Ortman and City Attorney Chris Sherer.

B. Mayor Snyder led the Council in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America.

C. A motion was made by Alderman Gain and seconded by Alderman Grosboll to approve the agenda as Presented. VOTES: Sonnemaker, yes; Gorman, yes; Molohon, yes; Grosboll, yes; Gain, yes, Wilson, yes. Mayor Snyder declared the MOTION CARRIED.


A. The City Clerk presented the Warrant List and Accounts Payable. A motion was made by Alderman Gorman and seconded by Alderman Gain to approve payment of the bills as listed on the Warrant List and Accounts Payable. VOTES: Gorman, yes; Molohon, yes; Grosboll, yes; Gain, yes; Wilson, yes; Sonnemaker, yes. Mayor Snyder declared the MOTION CARRIED.

B. A motion was made by Alderman Gorman and seconded by Alderman Grosboll to approve the minutes of December 5, 2017 Regular Meeting. VOTES: Molohon, yes; Grosboll, yes; Gain, yes; Wilson, yes; Sonnemaker, yes; Gorman, yes. Mayor Snyder declared the MOTION CARRIED.


A. Police Asst. Chief Sean Kelly presented two names for possible hire as part time officers for the Police Department Kyle Hopps and Mike Milligan. A motion made by Alderman Molohon to approve the hiring of Kyle Hopps and Mike Milligan as Part Time Officers for the Police Department at a rate of $15.00 per hour beginning January 1, 2018. VOTES: Gain, yes; Wilson, yes; Sonnemaker, yes; Gorman, yes; Molohon, yes; Grosboll, yes. Mayor Snyder declared the MOTION CARRIED.

B. Streets

Street Superintendent Dave Troxell gave the Street Department Report. They got the 911 building at the South Tower almost complete. Needs the door installed and electricity installed. Then it’s up to the County to get the radios moved from the tower base into the 911 building.

C. Water

Water Collector Georgia Ed presented the Water Collector’s Report. A motion made by Alderman Wilson seconded by Alderman Gorman to approve the Water Collector’s Report and adjustments as presented. VOTES: Grosboll, yes; Gain, yes; Wilson, yes; Sonnemaker, yes; Gorman, yes; Molohon, yes. Mayor Snyder declared the MOTION CARRIED.

Water Superintendent Dave Troxell gave his Monthly report. The new computer is in and working fine. We signed a letter of intent to the company that is working on the water tower. They should start on it soon after the first of the year.

D. Zoning



A. Mayor’s Report

The mayor suggested we move the January 2nd meeting to the 3rd or January. A motion made by Alderman Gain seconded by Alderman Gorman to move the January 2nd meeting to January 3rd. VOTES: Wilson, yes; Sonnemaker, yes; Gorman, yes; Molohon, yes; Grosboll, yes; Gain, yes. Mayor Snyder declared the MOTION CARRIED.

City Council Minutes December 19, 2017

Discussion on Public Act 100-0554 as signed into law on November 16, 2017 which requires all government entities in Illinois, by January 15, 2018, pass by resolution or ordinance a policy against sexual harassment. A motion by alderman Grosboll seconded by Alderman Gain to approve Ordinance 2017-08 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING A POLICY PROHIBITING SEXUAL HARASSMENT FOR CITY OF PETERSBURG. VOTES: Sonnemaker, yes; Gorman, yes; Molohon, yes; Grosboll, yes; Gain, yes, Wilson, yes. Mayor Snyder declared the MOTION CARRIED.

B. Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer David Frick presented the Treasure’s Report. A motion made by alderman Gain seconded by Alderman Gorman to accept the Treasurer’s Report. VOTES: Gorman, yes; Molohon, yes; Grosboll, yes; Gain, yes; Wilson, yes; Sonnemaker, yes. Mayor Snyder declared the MOTION CARRIED.






Sean Kelly reported that the Lift UP Committee talked on what they are doing for the citizens of the City of Petersburg. They wanted permission to paint Blue Jay logo on Sheridan Street past the brick work leading up to the school. By consensus the Council will allow the painting of the Blue Jay logo on Sheridan Street.

X. Old Business

Golf Cart Ordinance. Alderman Gain will have it ready for the January 16th meeting. City Attorney Chris Sherer volunteered his secretary to convert it to the correct format.




A motion was made by Alderman Gain and seconded by Alderman Grosboll to adjourn the meeting. VOTES: Gorman, yes; Molohon, yes; Grosboll, yes; Gain, yes; Wilson, yes; Sonnemaker, yes. Mayor Snyder declared the MOTION CARRIED. Meeting Adjourned at 8:13PM
