
Sangamon Sun

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Chatham Area Public Library District Board met February 19.

Webp meeting 02

Chatham Area Public Library District Board met Feb. 19.

Here is the agenda provided by the Board:

I. Board Meeting Called to Order

A call to order was made by C. Westerlund at 7:00 p.m. A roll called was conducted by L. Ross. Board members in attendance: C. Westerlund, S. Fairfield, L. Ross, M. Roubitchek, C. Jeffries, and C. Moore

Absentees: D. Holden. Please note that Director Byers and Administrative Assistant Dara Lewis are also present.

II. Recognition of Visitors / Public Comments

No visitors or members of the public were present.

III. Approval of Minutes - January 15th, 2017

A motion to approve the January 15, 2018, meeting minutes was made by S. Fairfield seconded by M. Roubitchek. The motion passed.

IV. Treasurer’s Reports / Review of Payments

C. Jeffries noted that the electric bill is remaining under $3000 due to last fall’s lighting upgrade.

A motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report was made by S. Fairfield and seconded by C. Moore. The motion passed.

V. Reports

A. Friends of the Library

Director Byers reported that the Friends have been very active in trying increase membership and their membership goals have almost been met. The Murder Mystery play will be held on March 9th and 10th.

B. Library Director’s Report

Director Byers reported that four new laptops had been purchased for the computer lab. Her own laptop recently became inoperable and a replacement laptop was purchased.

The open Circulation Assistant position has been filled. The board was informed that arrangements have been made for an unpaid intern to work 12 hours/week during the summer.

C. Jeffries made a motion to approve the Library Director’s report and it was seconded by S. Fairfield. The motion passed.

C. ILA Palm Card and Legislative Report

Director Byers reported on the conference where the lack of state funding and future property tax freeze were discussed. The Library District Annexation bill was also mentioned.

D. Newspaper Articles

No comments were made

E. Lighting Savings Update

C. Westerlund noted the significant savings of the new lighting to the library. What savings might be over time was discussed and a conclusion was drawn that the company did not give an estimate for potential savings but seemed confident that it should be significant.

F. Art Committee Report - Voting on Call to Entry

The CTE committee voted “She Speaks,” by Roslinda Post-Lucas as the Best in Show. Committees (Friends, Library Foundation, Chamber and Trustees) need to vote by the end of this week to determine the other awards. The Open House Reception will be held on March 2nd and 5 awards will be given out.

G. Other

There was no other business to discuss.

VI. Unfinished Business

A. Other

There was no unfinished business to discuss.

VII. New Business

A. RTU #3 & RTU #5 replacement or repair

The last 2 units remaining from the 1995 install are in need of repair or replacement. The life of a unit is 12-15 years. Cost to repair is $1,918 and the cost to replace is $15,500.

Westerlund called for discussion. C. Jeffries noted that the units were more than 20 years old and past their life expectancy. Director Byers added that the purchase would come from Special Reserve Fund. C. Westerlund commented that the units being beyond life expectancy could warrant purchasing new units and C. Moore, S. Fairfield, and M. Roubitchek also agreed.

A motion to approve the RTU#3 AND RTU#5 replacement unit purchase was made by M. Roubitchek and seconded by S. Fairfield.

A Roll Call vote was conducted Aye’s: C. Moore, S. Fairfield, M. Roubitchek, C. Westerlund, C. Jeffries, and L. R Nay’s: None

B. Projector Screen replacement

The two bids were discussed to replace both projector screens.

A motion to approve the replacement of the screens by Beatty Televisual was made by S. Fairfield and seconded by C. Jeffries. The motion passed.

A Roll Call vote was conducted. Aye’s: C. Moore, M. Roubitchek, S. Fairfield, C. Westerlund, C. Jeffries, and L. Ross Nay’s: None

C. Seasonal Children’s Assistant

Director Byers discussed the need to hire a former teacher or someone with similar work experience to help the children’s staff during the summer program.

A motion to approve the seasonal children’s assistant was made by M. Roubitchek and seconded by S. Fairfield. The motion passed.

D. Other

There was no other new business.

VIII. Announcements

A. Next Board Meeting: March 19th at 7 p.m.

B. Friends' Murder Mystery Dinner Theater March 9th & 10th

IX. Adjournment

A motion to adjourn was made S. Fairfield and seconded by C. Jeffries. The motion passed.

The board adjourned at 7:29 pm
