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Auburn City Council met February 20.

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Auburn City Council met February 20.

Here is the minutes provided by the Council:

Alderman Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the absence of Mayor Berola

Present: Larry Hemmerle, Joe Powell, Rod Johnson, Tracy Sheppard, Lori Basiewicz, Seth Williams, Jason Garrett,

Absent: Mayor Berola

Department Heads: Bruce Centko, Mike McCarthy, Kristy Ponsler. City Attorney: Raylene Grischow.

I. Mayor’s Comments – (Alderman Johnson was in charge of meeting in place of Mayor Berola)

Alderman Johnson stated that at the last council meeting they received Chief Bruce Centko’s letter of retirement. Alderman Hemmerle made the motion to accept Chief Centko’s retirement letter effective March 16, 2018, second by Powell. Vote Aye: Larry Hemmerle, Joe Powell, Rod Johnson, Tracy Sheppard, Lori Basiewicz, Seth Williams, Jason Garrett, Vic Devos, Jr., Jones, Devine, Anaya Nay: None. Present: None (11-0-0-0)

II. Visitors/Public Comments – No Visitors Present

III. City Clerk’s Report –Barnhill

A. February 20, 2018 – Meeting Minutes

Clerk Barnhill presented the meeting minutes from the February 5, 2018 council meeting for review and approval. Alderman Sheppard made the motion to approve the February 5, 2018 meeting minutes, second by Garrett. Vote Aye: Larry Hemmerle, Joe Powell, Rod Johnson, Tracy Sheppard, Lori Basiewicz, Seth Williams, Jason Garrett, Vic Devos, Jr., Jones, Devine, Anaya Nay: None. Present: None. Absent: None (11-0-0-0)

IV. Treasurer’s Report – Warwick

Treasurer Warwick presented the January 2018 cash report for the council review and approval. Alderman Sheppard made the motion to approve the January 2018 cash report, second by Williams. Vote Aye: Larry Hemmerle, Joe Powell, Rod Johnson, Tracy Sheppard, Lori Basiewicz, Seth Williams, Jason Garrett, Vic Devos, Jr., Jones, Devine, Anaya Nay: None. Present: None. Absent: None (11-0-0-0)

B. Bills List February 6, 2018 to February 20, 2018

Warwick presented the Bills List from February 6, 2018 to February 20, 2018 for the Council’s review and approval.

Alderman Johnson asked Office Manager Ponsler regarding the bill pertaining to A&A Tele messaging for the after-hours call service. The amount was approximately 164.00. Office Manager Ponsler indicated that this past month’s bill included the monthly fee plus going over our minutes. This past month there were water breaks, frozen pipes, etc. that caused a lot of call outs for after-hours assistance.

A motion was made by Alderman Johnson to approve the Bills List from February 6, 2018 to February 20, 2018, second by Basiewicz. Vote Aye: Larry Hemmerle, Joe Powell, Rod Johnson, Tracy Sheppard, Lori Basiewicz, Seth Williams, Jason Garrett, Vic Devos, Jr., Jones, Devine, Anaya Nay: None. Present: None. Absent: None (11-0-0-0)

V. Attorney’s Report –

a. Identifies where the funds will be distributed with the revenue that is being deposited from the IMRF overpayment. The following dollar amounts will be deposited into the following funds:

i. General: 58513.30; Gas: 19405.32; Water: 12128.33; Sewer: 12128.33 with a grand total of $102,175.28. $10,000 of the general fund will be issued to the library.

B. First Reading, Ordinance 1449-18 – Amendments to Chapter 21, Article V – Building Sewers and Connections.

a. Attorney Grischow just asked that Superintendent McCarthy makes sure that every component is included.

C. First Reading, Ordinance 1450-18 – Amendments to Chapter 24 – Utilities

D. First Reading, Ordinance 1451-18 – Amendments to Chapter 19 ¼ - Personnel

a. Attorney Grischow discussed this with the mayor pertaining to our separation allowance. A government entity is not allowed to just give funds. It must have some definite purpose and giving a separation allowance to an employee is not a legitimate government purpose. Attorney Grischow provided those details to the mayor and he asked that she prepare an ordinance deleting this section.

VI. Department Heads

A. Chief Bruce Centko

1. Prepared a starting point for the next budget in case the next appointed police chief is not sworn in prior to retirement.

2. Chief Centko has not gotten prices on any additional squad cars as of yet, but will have those available by the next council meeting.

B. Mike McCarthy

1. As stated at the last meeting, the city is required to mitigate possible corrosion on unprotected gas risers. There are 250 total gas risers in our system. In the Dropbox there is a document that outlines costs. Option (1) replaces risers with new ones. The lowest bid came from Schulte Supply at a cost of 32.87 each or 8217.50 for 250. Option (2) was to mitigate the corrosion issue by installing 1# sacrificial anodes on the current risers. This would create some additional work in the form of yearly testing, but basically will buy the city time. The lowest bid for this option came from Groebner. The anodes quoted at 20.00 each or 5000.00 for 250.

These risers were identified as an issue with the ICC during a recent field audit. This is to be a top priority. The consideration is to be to purchase 225 anodes ($4500) and 25 new risers (821.75) to be installed this spring. As the installation of anodes is commencing, the garage staff will find risers that need immediate replacement. The 25 new risers will be used on those they find to be in the worst condition.

Alderman Johnson made the motion to approve the purchase of 225 anodes and 25 risers for a price not to exceed $5400, Williams second. Vote Aye: Williams, Sheppard, Powell, Johnson, Jones, Hemmerle, Garrett, Devos, Devine, Basiewicz, Anaya Nay: None. Present: None. Absent: None (11-0-0-0)

2. Superintendent McCarthy did state that the garage did purchase the new CP multimeter as discussed at the last council meeting.

3. Superintendent McCarthy discussed the copper change-out program. Some of the items they currently have in stock for the program, however, he will need additional supplies to stay on track for that project. There is an 8-12 week turnaround time from the factory. Ordering right now is critical to ensure all parts and materials are here in the spring. Intends to order (40) meter stops valves from Illinois Meter at 32.00/each; (30) anode less gas risers from Schulte at 32.87 each; and (3) excess flow valves from Groebner at 48.65/each. Superintendent McCarthy tracks all orders and does not pay invoices until all supplies are received. A motion was made by Alderman Johnson to approve the purchase of the (40) meter stop valves, (30) anode less gas risers, and (3)0 excess flow valves at a cost not to exceed $3800, second by Garrett. Vote Aye: Anaya, Basiewicz, Devine, Devos, Jr., Garrett, Hemmerle, Johnson, Jones, Powell, Sheppard, Williams. Nay: None. Present: None. Absent: None (11-0-0-0)

C. Ponsler

1. Office Manager Ponsler conducted interviews for cleaning applications that were received in the city office and made the recommendation for the city to hire, pending a background check, Jessica Waterkotte, for the position of cleaning the city hall and community center. This position is for 10.00 an hour not to exceed 15 hours bi-weekly. A motion was made by Alderman Johnson to approve hiring Jessica Waterkotte as the city cleaning person at a rate of 10.00/hour not to exceed 15 hours bi-weekly, pending a background check, second Sheppard. Vote Aye: Williams, Sheppard, Powell, Jones, Johnson, Hemmerle, Garrett, Devos, Jr., Devine, Basiewicz, Anaya. Nay: None. Present: None. Absent: None (11-0-0-0)

VII. Committee Reports

A. Administration – Johnson

Vacation Pay Requests (Chris Bridges, Edna Dolbeare, Connie Powell, Amber Watkins)

1. The city received vacation pay requests from those employees who have left the city within the last five years and who were not paid for their accrued vacation earned from January 1st until the time of their departure from the city.

2. Alderman Johnson made a motion that the city approves payment for Chris Bridges for the amount of 918.83 (849.39 net amount, 64.98 for taxes, and 4.46 for unemployment), second Williams. Vote Aye: Anaya, Basiewicz, Devine, Devos, Jr., Johnson, Jones, Powell, Sheppard, Williams. Nay: None. Present: Garrett, Hemmerle Absent: None (9-0-2-0)

3. Alderman Johnson made a motion that the city approves payment for Edna Dolbeare for the amount of 768.48 (710.41 net amount, 54.35 for taxes, and 3.73 for unemployment), second Sheppard. Vote Aye: Williams, Sheppard, Powell, Jones, Johnson, Devos, Jr., Devine, Basiewicz, Anaya. Nay: None. Present: Hemmerle, Garrett Absent: None (9-0-2-0)

4. Alderman Johnson stated that details are still being worked out on pay request for Connie Powell so no additional discussion will take place at this time.

5. Alderman Johnson made a motion that the city approves payment for Amber Watkins for the amount of 736.42 (680.76 net amount, 52.08 for taxes, and 3.57 for unemployment), second by Sheppard. Vote Aye: Anaya, Basiewicz, Devine, Devos, Jr., Johnson, Jones, Powell, Sheppard, Williams Nay: None. Present: Garrett, Hemmerle Absent: None (9-0-2-0)

B. Public Works/Public Utilities – Hemmerle/Johnson –

a. Alderman Johnson stated that the City of Auburn had received the IDOT Proposed Agreement for Intersection Improvements, Resurfacing, and ADA sidewalk ramps. This is the agreement received in regards to the roadway improvement project they are doing at the intersection of Route 4 and 104. The only thing that was unclear was the portion of the cost covered by the city. All expenses will be covered through MFT and that amount for the city is 172,500. This will serve as a large chunk of the city MFT project this year. Alderman Johnson made a motion to authorize payment for the city portion of this project in the amount of $172, 500, second Williams. Vote Aye: Williams, Sheppard, Powell, Jones, Johnson, Hemmerle, Garrett, Devos, Jr., Devine, Basiewicz, Anaya. Nay: None. Present: None. Absent: None (11-0-0-0)

b. Alderman Hemmerle provided information on the new energy aggregation that was presented at the February 12th committee meeting. The city contract is set to expire in June 2018. Ted Bailey was in attendance to present the details. Ted Bailey stated that pricing did come up just slightly from the February 12th committee meeting but Homefield Energy provided lower rates for the 12, 24, and 36 month term over Direct Energy. The 36 month pricing for Homefield as 0.04605. This company will continue to offer a consolidated bill with all of the accounts. Homefield is actually an extension of Ameren. Alderman Hemmerle made a motion to approve the 36 month contract with Homefield at a rate of 0.04605, second Williams. Vote Aye: Anaya, Basiewicz, Devine, Devos, Jr., Garrett, Hemmerle, Johnson, Jones, Powell, Sheppard, Williams. Nay: None. Present: None. Absent: None (11-0-0-0)

c. Alderman Johnson reminded everyone that on March 6th a Committee of the Whole Meeting has been scheduled to discuss the next steps in the facilities planning and the water main replacement plan with Benton and Associates.

C. Health & Safety – Williams

a. There was a Health and Safety Committee Meeting on February 12th. Chief Centko had provided some budgetary adjustments to his line items with the intent of trying to purchase a new squad car within this budget year. The budget amendments are for the following areas: Move 3371.39 from full time dispatch into part time dispatch. This covers the overage in that account. Move 15,000 from full time dispatch into the new police car line item. Move 4700.00 from Police Training into Police Supplies. This would allow for the upgrading of equipment including necessities for a squad car. There is a line item budgeted for new police car, but 12,000 was taken from that line to purchase new in car computers which is why there is a shortage. Vote Aye: Williams, Sheppard, Powell, Jones, Johnson, Hemmerle, Garrett, Devos, Jr., Devine, Basiewicz, Anaya. Nay: None. Present: None. Absent: None (11-0-0-0)

b. The conversation was tabled in terms of the new police car until the new Ford and Dodge models are released.

c. FOP negotiations have been scheduled for 2/21/18 at 9 a.m.

d. A Health and Safety Committee meeting will be scheduled for Tuesday, February 27, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. to discuss new police car and Chief Centko’s replacement. Alderman Williams stated they had discussed opening the position up to current Auburn police officers. Alderman Johnson also stated that the mayor had asked him to review salary ranges for the position as well. Attorney Grischow indicated that the position would be advertised to the public as well. Alderman Williams still wanted to get the interest of those within the department as well. Attorney Grischow again stated that from prior discussions with the mayor, it was going to post out to the public as well including list servs for police officers as well. Chief Centko recommended that the citizens deserved someone familiar with the city and the city should look within the department first. Anyone interested in the position currently within the department should submit a letter for review at the committee meeting.

D. Health & Housing – Sheppard – No Report

E. Parks – Hemmerle

a. Committee meeting held on February 12, 2018 following the other committee meetings to discuss the parks grant provided by Office Manager Ponsler. It still is applicable for the city to write for the grant and whatever Office Manager Ponsler feels is best. There was discussion on tennis courts, playground equipment, and lights at the baseball field. The committee asked Office Manager Ponsler to review past recipients and the types of projects that were the focus.

F. Sidewalks – Garrett

a. At the last meeting it was discussed to get bids for the removal of trees. Alderman Garrett has marked 7 trees and has had four tree services provide bids. One of the tree services has not provided any bids at all and the other two services have not been willing to cut the tree on Jefferson Street. Additional information received will be provided to the council at the next meeting.

G. Economic Development Committee – Basiewicz

a. Expecting Red Bud Festival to take place in April but be small and grow in time. Alderman Basiewicz did ask TJ Henson about having an open house for the garage at the time of the festival and city wide garage sales, April 20-21, 2018. There would be a lot of foot traffic in town and thought it would be a good way to highlight the new city building. It would be a one day open house, possibly Saturday, April 21st.

Motion was made by Alderman Sheppard to go into executive session at 7:40 p.m., second by Basiewicz.

Motion my by Alderman Williams to come back into regular session at 8:13 p.m., second by Sheppard.

H. Adjournment

Motion to adjourn was made by Sheppard at 8:17 p.m.; second by Williams. Voice Vote Aye: Larry Hemmerle, Joe Powell, Rod Johnson, Tracy Sheppard, Lori Basiewcz, Seth Williams, Jason Garrett, Vic Devos, Jr., Jones, Devine, Anaya Nay: None. Present: None. Absent: None (11-0-0-0)




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