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City of Springfield City Council met March 6.


City of Springfield City Council met March 6.

Here is the minutes provided by the Council:

Pre-Council Session:

City Clerk Frank Lesko called the Pre Council Session of the Springfield City Council to Order at 5:00 p.m., Tuesday March 6, 2018 in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Center West.

Clerk Lesko read the ordinances on First Reading and assigned to the Committee of the Whole.


2018-091 An Ordinance Authorizing The Execution Of A Letter Offer For Extension, Approving A One-Year Contract Extension Under Proposal No. Ue15-25 With Apcompower Inc. A/K/A Alstom Power Inc. With No Additional Funding Required For The Office Of Public Utilities

2018-092 An Ordinance Accepting Bids And Authorizing The Execution Of Contract Ue18-12-65 - Pad-Mounted Switchgear Equipment With Power Line Supply Company In A Total Amount Not To Exceed $125,085.80 For The Office Of Public Utilities

2018-093 An Ordinance Accepting The Bid And Authorizing The Execution Of Contract Ue18-01-72 – Heavy Equipment Maintenance And Repairs At Dallman With Roland Machinery Company In An Amount Not To Exceed $325,000.00, For The Office Of Public Utilities

2018-094 An Ordinance Accepting Bids And Authorizing The Execution Of Contract Ue18-01-74 – Elevator Preventative Maintenance And Repair With Kone Inc. For A Five-Year Term In An Amount Not To Exceed $733,500.00 For The Office Of Public Utilities

2018-095 An Ordinance Accepting Bids And Authorizing The Execution Of Contract Ue18-01-82 – Streetlight Poles With Anixter Inc. For A Five-Year Term In An Amount Not To Exceed $743,985.00 For The Office Of Public Utilities

2018-096 An Ordinance Authorizing Payment Of North American Electric Reliability Corporation (“Nerc”) Fees For Fy 2019 In An Amount Not To Exceed $56,454.00, For The Office Of Public Utilities

City Council Minutes 1 March 6, 2018

2018-097 An Ordinance Approving Payment To Trimble Inc. D/B/A Trimble Navagation Limited, In An Amount Not To Exceed $126,965.00 For Annual Software Maintenance And Related Services For A One- Year Term For The Outage Management Systems For The Office Of Public Utilities

2018-098 An Ordinance Approving A Master Telecommunications Contract Service Agreement With Memorial Health System For The Office Of Public Utilities

Public Works:

2018-099 An Ordinance Accepting The Lowest Responsible Bid And Authorizing The Execution Of Contract Number Pw 18-01-68 With P.H. Broughton & Sons Inc. To Furnish Construction On The 2019 Bituminous Overlay Program For An Amount Not To Exceed $6,857,007.42 For The Office Of Public Works

2018-100 An Ordinance Accepting The Lowest Responsible Bid And Authorizing Execution Of Contract Number Pw 18-01-77 With Kinney Contractors Inc. For The 2018 Brick Street Maintenance Program In An Amount Not To Exceed $644,975.26, For The Office Of Public Works

2018-101 An Ordinance Authorizing A Contract With Jerry Stasikunas For The Purchase Of One Parcel Of Real Estate Located At 2315 And 2319 S. 6th Street In The Amount Of $26,000.00 And Relocation Expenses And Closing Costs Not To Exceed $1,500.00 And For A Total Amount Not To Exceed $27,500.00 Relating To The Springfield Rail Improvement Project, For The Office Of Public Works

2018-102 An Ordinance Authorizing A Contract With James Furman And Sadie M. Furman For The Purchase Of One Parcel Of Real Estate Located At 2429 S. 5th Street In The Amount Of $9,900. Relating To The Springfield Rail Improvement Project, For The Office Of Public Works

2018-103 An Ordinance Authorizing A Contract With Fredship Properties, Llc, Series A For The Purchase Of One Parcel Of Real Estate Located At 2513 Burton Drive In The Amount Of $77,000.00 And Relocation Expenses And Closing Costs Not To Exceed $21,780.00 And For A Total Amount Not To Exceed $98,780.00 Relating To The Springfield Rail Improvement Project, For The Office Of Public Works

2018-104 An Ordinance Authorizing A Contract With Cari Nicole Lutchman, F/K/A Cari Franz Lutchman, F/K/A Cari N. Franz For The Purchase Of One Parcel Of Real Estate Located At 2424 S. 4th Street In The Amount Of $1,675.00 Relating To The Springfield Rail Improvement Project, For The Office Of Public Works

2018-105 An Ordinance Authorizing A Contract With Carolyn S. Parks For The Purchase Of One Parcel Of Real Estate Located At 401 E. Iles Avenue In The Amount Of $73,000.00 And Relocation Expenses And Closing Costs Not To Exceed $36,310.00 And For A Total Amount Not To Exceed $109,310.00 Relating To The Springfield Rail Improvement Project, For The Office Of Public Works

2018-106 A Resolution Notifying The State Of Illinois Department Of Transportation That Motor Fuel Tax Funds In The Amount Of $247,165.00 May Be Used For Land Acquisition For Springfield Rail Improvement Projects, For The Office Of Public Works

2018-107 An Ordinance Authorizing Execution Of An Amendment To An Agreement With The State Of Illinois Department Of Transportation For The Design Of Improvements To Archer Elevator Road Between Wabash Avenue And Old Jacksonville Road, Mft Section 02-00431-00-Pv, For The Office Of Public Works


2018-108 An Ordinance Authorizing A Contract With Yazell Consulting, Llc For Val Yazell To Provide Management Contractual Services For The Office Of Planning And Economic Development

2018-109 An Ordinance Approving A Supplemental Appropriation In The Amount Of $71,220.00 From Unbudgeted, Unappropriated Fund Balance For The Springfield Convention And Visitors Bureau

2018-110 An Ordinance Amending Various Sections Of Chapter 38, Of The 1988 City Of Springfield Code Of Ordinances, As Amended, To Decrease The Minimum Contract Amounts For Which City Council Approval Is Required

General City Business:

2018-111 A Resolution Recommending Termination Of The Lake Lease At 7100 And 7200 Woodland Trail

2018-112 A Resolution Referring A Petition To The Springfield Planning And Zoning Commission For Public Hearing And Consideration Proposing Changes To Chapter 155, Section 155.227, Of The 1988 City Of Springfield Code Of Ordinances, As Amended, Regarding Lake Leases

2018-113 An Ordinance Authorizing Execution Of An Intergovernmental Reciprocal Borrowing Agreement With The Board Of Trustees Of Lincoln Land Community College On Behalf Of The Lincoln Land Community College Library And City Of Springfield Lincoln Library To Facilitate The Loaning Of Library Materials

2018-114 An Ordinance Authorizing Execution Of An Architectural Artifact Display Agreement With Ace Sign Company For Display Of Parts Of The Façade From The Original Lincoln Library Building

2018-115 An Ordinance Approving The Appointment Of Kassandra Wilkin As The Purchasing Agent For The City Of Springfield

2018-116 An Ordinance Approving The Appointment Of Herbert Williams To The Bicycle Advisory Council

2018-117 An Ordinance To Increase The Number Of Class “D” Liquor Licenses By One For Dew Chilli Parlors Of America, Llc No. 4 D/B/A Dew Chilli Parlor, Grill And Pub Located At 301 North Grand Avenue West

The following ordinances are on tonight’s consent agenda. 2018-057; 2018-058; 2018-059; 2018-060; 2018-2018-061; 2016-062; 2018-063; 2018-064; 2018-065; 2018-066; 2018-067; 2018-068; 2018-069; 2018-070; 2018-071; 2018-072; 2018-073; 2018-074; 2018-075; 2018-076; 2018-077; 2018-079; 2018-081; 2018-083; 2018-084; 2018-085; 2018-086; 2018-087 and 2018- 088

The Pre-Council session concluded at 5:09 pm.

City Council Regular Agenda:

Mayor Langfelder called the March 6, 2018 meeting of the Springfield City Council to order at 5:30 PM. He invited everyone to recite the Pledge of Allegiance.

Clerk Lesko took the roll call of members.

Present: Alderman Senor , Alderman Fulgenzi , Alderman Proctor , Alderman DiCenso , Alderman McMenamin , Alderman Theilen , Alderman Donelan , Alderman Hanauer and Mayor Langfelder

Absent: Alderman Redpath , and Alderman Turner

Clerk Lesko announced there was a quorum for a meeting.

Next, Mayor Langfelder asked for a motion to dispense with a reading of the minutes of the February 20, 2018 City Council meeting and approve the minutes. Alderman Donelan made the motion and Alderman DiCenso seconded. The motion passed on a voice vote of 8-0.

Next, Mayor Langfelder asked for a motion to incorporate the Pre-Council first reading of ordinances into the record of the Council meeting. Alderman Donelan made the motion with Alderman Hanauer seconding. The motion passed on a voice vote of 8-0.

Next, Mayor Langfelder asked to incorporate the pre-council reading of the consent agenda into the record. Alderman Donelan made the motion. Aldermen Proctor and Hanauer seconded the motion. The motion passed on a voice vote of 8-0.

Next, Mayor Langfelder asked for a motion to place the consent agenda on final passage. Alderman Proctor made the motion to place the consent agenda on final passage. Alderman Theilen seconded the motion.

The motion passed 8-0 voting yes: Alderman Senor , Alderman Fulgenzi , Alderman Proctor , Alderman DiCenso , Alderman McMenamin Alderman Theilen , Alderman Donelan

and Alderman Hanauer

Next, Mayor Langfelder asked for a motion to take agenda item 2018-082 from items remaining in committee and place it on the debate agenda. Alderman Proctor made the motion to place the agenda item on the debate agenda. Alderman Donelan seconded the motion. The motion passed on a voice vote of 8-0.

Next, agenda item 2018-078 an ordinance amending chapter 37, by adding sections 37.90-37-99 of the 1988 City of Springfield Code of Ordinances, as amended, to establish a 4% gas tax. Alderman Hanauer made a motion to place the agenda item on final passage. Aldermen Proctor and Donelan seconded the motion.

Alderman Theilen made a motion to adopt proposed amendment number one which would excluded the city from paying of the natural gas tax. Alderman DiCenso seconded the motion. The motion passed on a voice vote of 8-0.

Alderman Redpath joined the meeting at 5:37 pm

Alderman Theilen said the he received many phone calls and emails saying that enough is enough for this year. Alderman Senor wanted to know what the final amount Ameren would be charging individuals and at what rate. Director McCarty said that they will be passing it on to their customers and there will be a small admission fee added on top of that as well. The average bill would go up about $2.60 a month. Alderman DiCenso said that she is hearing from senior citizens that this tax would put an added burden on them because they are home all day and continue to run their furnace. Alderman Donelan said that he is opposed to the tax because it has no effect on those people who come into the city.

Alderman McMenamin said that this tax makes no one exempt, so every business and government agency will have to pay the tax. There needs to be a long term approach to our pay in benefits and get that in line with review growth so that they’re balanced. Alderman McMenamin asked that Council Coordinator Griffin pass out a copy of the Blue Ribbon Study on pensions. The motion failed 0-9 voting no: Alderman Redpath , Alderman Senor , Alderman Fulgenzi , Alderman Proctor , Alderman DiCenso , Alderman McMenamin Alderman Theilen , Alderman Donelan and Alderman Hanauer

Next, agenda item 2018-080 an ordinance accepting RFP #CS18-15 authorizing a three-year contract with Baker Tilly Virchow Krause, LLP to perform the City’s annual audits for fiscal years 2018 through 2020 from February 28, 2018, through February 28, 2020, for an amount not to exceed $396,400.00 for the Office of Human Resources. Alderman Theilen made motion to place the agenda item on final passage. Alderman Hanauer seconded the motion.

Alderman Hanauer was concerned that there were local vendors that were lower in their bids; he would like an explanation as to why the city chose them over the lower bidders. Mayor Langfelder said that there is a scoring of the bids and they would not like to get into how an RFP is scored in public because it may give an advantage to other companies in the future.

City Comptroller Ramona Metzger said that she reviewed all the RFP’s and sent them to Karen Jennings at CWLP and talked to Chris Wise about one of the firms that has done work for CWLP in the past. The city was looking for a firm that has had some experience working with a utility. Director McCarty said that Baker Tilly actually has a utility team which is different from what they experienced in the past. Alderman Theilen noticed that the title needs to say Office of Budget and Management, not Department of Human Resources. He made a motion to change the title, Alderman Donelan seconded the motion. Joe Lightcap with Baker Tilly mentioned that they have audited 600 different utilities across the nation.

The motion to pass the agenda item on final passage passed on a vote of 9-0 voting yes: voting no: Alderman Redpath , Alderman Senor , Alderman Fulgenzi , Alderman Proctor , Alderman DiCenso , Alderman McMenamin Alderman Theilen , Alderman Donelan and Alderman Hanauer

Next, agenda item 2018-082 an ordinance authorizing execution of sub-recipient agreement number 16-SR-0008 with the Phoenix Community Center for rehabilitation of property located at 109 East Lawrence Avenue utilizing the City’s Community Development Block Grants in an amount not to exceed $92,000.00 for the Office of Planning and Economic Development. Alderman Proctor made a motion to place the agenda item on final passage. Alderman DiCenso seconded the motion. The motion passed on a vote of 9-0 voting yes: Alderman Redpath , Alderman Senor , Alderman Fulgenzi , Alderman Proctor , Alderman DiCenso , Alderman McMenamin Alderman Theilen , Alderman Donelan and Alderman Hanauer

Next, Mayor Langfelder entertained a motion to suspend the rules and place on first reading agenda item 2018-118 an ordinance authorizing execution of a professional service agreement with HIP Advertising for an advertising campaign from April 1, 2018, through February 28, 2019 for an amount not to exceed $500,000.00, and authorizing a supplemental appropriation in the amount of $150,000.00 from unappropriated fund balance for the Springfield Convention and Visitor Bureau. Alderman Theilen made a motion to suspend the rules and place the agenda item on first reading. Alderman DiCenso seconded the motion. The motion passed on a voice vote of 9-0.

Next, Mayor Langfelder mentioned that the Ferguson Building said they are hoping to close on the building by the end of the month. US Bank is looking at purchasing the building for the tax credit. CC Zerkle said that the process has been complicated with the tax credit process. The plan for the project is that they will close in the next 30 days. The first payment from the bank would be to take care of the outstanding bills that are due.

Next, Mayor Langfelder entertained a motion for adjournment. The motion was made by Alderman Donelan and seconded by Alderman Theilen. The motion passed on a voice vote of 9- 0. The March 6, 2018 Council Meeting adjourned at 6:15 pm



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