City of Atlanta City Council met May 1.
Here is the minutes as provided by the council:
OPEN: The regular meeting of the Atlanta City Council was held on Tuesday May 1, 2018 at the Atlanta City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Fred Finchum at 7:30pm.
ROLL CALL: Billie Cheek, Adam McVey, Tommy Young, Keith Eimer, Amber Finchum and Andrea Halley were present.
Motion by Cheek second by Eimer to approve the minutes as presented.
Halley-yes Finchum-yes
Eimer-yes Cheek-yes
Young-no McVey-yes
Motion Carries.
Motion by Finchum second by Halley to pay all bills as approved by their chairman or as far as money allows.
Halley-yes Finchum-yes
Eimer-yes Cheek-yes
Young-yes McVey-yes
Motion Carries.
David Blankenship was present with representatives from Inventergy wind Farm to talk to the council about a potential wind energy farm. This would be from Mclean to Beason.
Construction would be completed in 2020. Revenue created would be in the millions for the area.
Mary Hill told the council that she didn’t agree with the policy regarding the public comment section. Also commented on “nepotism” and job postings. She stated the Golf Course “loses a substantial amount of money every year based on this information.” She stated she would like the council “to focus on projects that benefit all tax payers such as streets”.
Melanie Blankenship spoke against the City’s policy for addressing the council. She had attended other governments where things were done differently and more open. This was “found to be refreshing”.
Keith Gardner reported that the well was near completion.
Randy Brooks reported that play had picked up at the Golf Course.
Police Chief Eimer reported on recent activities and a recent fire at the Trailer Court. He was looking into a truck route and its impact on the city. He went over reminding residents with golf cart permits to renew them.
The City Attorney addressed the issue of budgeting.
The Council took up the purchase of 4 new pagers at the price of $2044 from E-communications for the Rescue Squad.
Motion by McVey second by Cheek to approve the purchase of 4 pagers in the amount of $2044 for the Rescue Squad as recommended by Josh.
Halley-yes Finchum-yes
Eimer-yes Cheek-yes
Young-yes McVey-yes
Motion Carries.
The Council took up the 2018 Appropriation Ordinance.
Alderman Young asked several questions on areas of change in the appropriation.
Alderman McVey also had a question on attorney costs and whether it was enough. He also asked if our Rent-A-Supt situation will continue.
Motion by McVey second by Halley to approve the Appropriation Ordinance as presented.
Halley-yes Finchum-yes
Eimer-yes Cheek-yes
Young-no McVey-yes
Motion Carries.
The Council took up pay request number 4 for Laverdiere Construction in the amount of $74,468.73
Motion by Cheek second by Eimer to approve the pay request for $74,468.73 to Laverdiere Construction.
Halley-yes Finchum-yes
Eimer-yes Cheek-yes
Young-yes McVey-yes
Motion Carries.
The Council took up an estimate of $3800 from Water Tower Clean and Coat to clean the exterior of the water tower. The work could be done quickly.
This was tabled for now.
The Logan County Board offered a new agreement for Animal Control for the City. The cost will be $1325.52 per year.
Motion by Eimer second by Finchum to accept the agreement for Animal Control from Logan County Board.
Halley-yes Finchum-yes
Eimer-yes Cheek-yes
Young-yes McVey-yes
Motion Carries.
Motion by Halley second by McVey to enter Executive Session to discuss personnel.
Halley-yes Finchum-yes
Eimer-yes Cheek-yes
Young-yes McVey-yes
Motion Carries.
The council re-entered regular session.
Motion by Halley second by McVey to increase salaries by 2% and a 1% cash bonus.
Halley-yes Finchum-yes
Eimer-yes Cheek-yes
Young-no McVey-yes
Motion Carries.
Alderman McVey states that everyone involved in the trailer fire did a great job.
Motion by Mcvey second by Cheek to adjourn the meeting.
Halley-yes Finchum-yes
Eimer-yes Cheek-yes
Young-yes McVey-yes
Motion Carries.
The meeting adjourned at 8:55 pm