Sangamon County Employee Services Committee met Feb. 7.
Here is the minutes provided by the committee:
Members Present: Tony DelGiorno, Pam Deppe, Tim Krell, Jason Ratts, Vera Small, Jeff Thomas Members Absent:
Others Present: Kimberly Banister, Charlie Stratton, Dan Wright, Denise E. McCrady (Secretary) Chair Krell called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.
Krell requested a motion to approve the minutes of the December 3, 2018 meeting. A motion was made by Deppe and seconded by Small. Motion carried (6-0).
Dan Wright, State’s Attorney, addressed the Committee requesting approval to hire a replacement Assistant State’s Attorney at an annual salary of up to $47,000 effective on or after January 14, 2019, to hire Derek Dion as 1st Assistant State’s Attorney at an annual salary of $107,000 effective on or after January 22, 2019, and a Merit/Salary Adjustment for Meghan McCarthy, Assistant State’s Attorney with an increase in annual salary from $40,800 to $45,000 effective January 14, 2018 A motion to approve all requests was made by Deppe and seconded by Thomas. Motion carried (6-0).
A motion to remove from the table the travel request agenda item for Veterans was made by Small and seconded by DelGiorno. Motion carried (6-0).
Kimberly Banister, Veterans, addressed the Committee requesting approval of a travel request for her to attend the IACVAC Board of Directors meeting and the IACVAC General Membership meeting held in Peoria on January 17 and 18. A motion to approve the request was made by Ratts and seconded by Small. Motion carried (6-0).
There was no old business or public comment.
Krell requested a motion to approve the requisitions. A motion was made by Small and seconded by DelGiorno. Motion carried (6-0).
A motion to adjourn was made Ratts and seconded by Deppe. Motion carried (6-0). Meeting adjourned.