Village of Mechanicsburg Village Board met April 6.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
Pledge of Allegiance
Calling of the Roll
Mayor VanPelt Present Trustee Metcalf Present
Trustee Boles Present Trustee Mosley Late Arrival
Trustee Mattox Present Clerk Billbe Present
Trustee Conn Present Treasurer Lewis Present
Trustee Hohimer Present
Recognition of Visitors: None
Engineering Report: Phil Weber- No report
Zoning Report: Dorothy Cole- 1 building permit issued.
Police Report: Report reviewed and discussed.
Approval of Minutes: The board approved the March 2nd Regular Board Meeting Minutes.
1st Motion: Trustee Boles 2nd Motion: Trustee Mattox
Ayes (4) Nays Abstain Absent
Trustee Boles
Trustee Conn
Trustee Hohimer
Trustee Mattox
Trustee Metcalf
Trustee Mosley
Motion Passed
Treasurer’s Report: The board approved to pay the monthly bills.
1st Motion: Trustee Conn 2nd Motion: Trustee Mattox
Ayes (5) Nays Abstain Absent
Trustee Boles
Trustee Conn
Trustee Hohimer
Trustee Mattox
Trustee Metcalf
Trustee Mosley
Motion Passed
1. Board approval for the draft of the Proposed Fiscal Year Budget.
1st Motion: Trustee Hohimer 2nd Motion: Trustee Metcalf
Ayes (5) Nays Abstain Absent
Trustee Boles
Trustee Conn
Trustee Hohimer
Trustee Mattox
Trustee Metcalf
Trustee Mosley
Motion Passed
2. Board approval for the payment of codification service for supplemental codification of village revised code ordinances.
1st Motion: Trustee Hohimer 2nd Motion: Trustee Metcalf
Ayes (6) Nays Abstain Absent
Trustee Boles
Trustee Conn
Trustee Hohimer
Trustee Mattox
Trustee Metcalf
Trustee Mosley
Motion Passed
3. Board approval for repairing the drainage in Griffith’s Creek Subdivision (15” tile and 15” riser $11,960.)
1st Motion: Trustee Hohimer 2nd Motion: Trustee Conn
Ayes (6) Nays Abstain Absent
Trustee Boles
Trustee Conn
Trustee Hohimer
Trustee Mattox
Trustee Metcalf
Trustee Mosley
Motion Passed
4. Board approval to table the Flood Plain Ordinance and Resolution until the “Stay Home Order” is lifted.
1st Motion: Trustee Mattox 2nd Motion: Trustee Hohimer
Ayes (6) Nays Abstain Absent
Trustee Boles
Trustee Conn
Trustee Hohimer
Trustee Mattox
Trustee Metcalf
Trustee Mosley
Motion Passed
Easer Egg Hunt in Community Park has been cancelled
The date for the all town garage sale remains May 16th.
Village Clean up day is still scheduled for May 30th.
Ayes (6) Nays Abstain Absent
Trustee Boles
Trustee Conn
Trustee Hohimer
Trustee Mattox
Trustee Metcalf
Trustee Mosley
Motion Passed