
Sangamon Sun

Thursday, January 30, 2025

City of Lincoln City Council Met September 21

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City of Lincoln City Council met Sept. 21.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

The Regular Meeting of the City Council of Lincoln was called to order by Acting Mayor Welch at 7:00 p.m., with proper notice given. City Clerk Peggy Bateman called roll.


Alderman Tracy Welch, Ward 1

Alderman Steve Parrott, Ward 1

Vacant, Ward 2

Alderman Sam Downs, Ward 2

Alderman Kevin Bateman, Ward 3

Alderman Ron Keller, Ward 3

Alderman Kathy Horn, Ward 4

Alderman Jeff Hoinacki, Ward 4


Elizabeth Kavelman, City Administrator

Peggy Bateman, City Clerk

Chuck Conzo, Treasurer

Paul Adams, Police Chief

John Hoblit, City Attorney


Bob Dunovsky, Fire Chief

Wes Woodhall, Building and Safety Officer

Walt Landers, Streets Superintendent

Veolia Water, Andrew Bowns


Acting Mayor Tracy Welch


There was no one present to speak for public participation.


This item will be postponed and rescheduled for a later date. Mr. Goodman had a scheduling conflict.


Payment of Bills

Approval of minutes September 8, 2020 Regular City Council Meeting

Alderman Keller made the motion to approve, Alderwoman Horn seconded. Acting Mayor Welch called for further discussion, there being none, City Clerk Bateman called roll.

Yeas: (7) Alderman Steve Parrott, Alderman Tracy Welch, Alderman Sam Downs, Alderman Ron Keller, Alderman Kevin Bateman, Alderman Jeff Hoinacki, Alderman Kathy Horn

Nays: (0)

Abstain: (0)

Absent: (0)

Acting Mayor Welch moved to other items on the agenda.


City Treasurer

General Fund balance: up from a month ago but down $200,000 from a year ago due to tax revenue from COVID

Municipal Sales Tax: up $10,000

Non Home Rule Sales Tax: still down

Motor Fuel Tax: up around $9,000 from 2019

State Income Sales Tax: up from a year ago most likely due to filing extension due to COVID Replacement Tax: up since last year

Utility Tax Receipts: up $6,000

City Clerk

$283,568.17 was received for the month of August for sewer payments. A $26,669.66 payment was received from one prison for sewer.

Department Heads

Department head reports are either on file or will be shortly Acting Mayor Welch moved to other items on the agenda.

New Business/Communications:

Approval of Contractors Pay Application 1to Plocher Construction Company Inc. For Lincoln CSO Improvements in an amount not to exceed $833,079.93.

Alderman Bateman made the motion to approve, Alderman Hoinacki seconded. Acting Mayor Welch called for discussion, there being none, City Clerk Bateman called roll.

Yeas: (7) Alderman Tracy Welch, Alderman Sam Downs, Alderman Ron Keller, Alderman Kevin Bateman, Alderman Jeff Hoinacki, Alderman Kathy Horn, Alderman Steve Parrott

Nays: (0)

Abstain: (0)

Absent: (0)

Approval of Contractors Pay Application 3 to Stark Excavation Inc. for Union Street Pump Station Improvements in an amount not to exceed $679,782.52.

Alderman Welch made the motion to approve, Alderwoman seconded. Acting Mayor Welch called for discussion, there being none, City Clerk Bateman called roll.

Yeas: (7) Alderman Tracy Welch, Alderman Sam Downs, Alderman Ron Keller, Alderman Kevin Bateman, Alderman Jeff Hoinacki, Alderman Kathy Horn, Alderman Steve Parrott

Nays: (0)

Abstain: (0)

Absent: (0)

Approval of payment of Invoice 0210586 from Crawford, Murphy & Tilley for Professional Services for the Union Street Pump Station Construction from July 4, 2020 through July 31, 2020 in an amount not to exceed $1,781.25.

Alderwoman Horn made the motion to approve, Alderman Parrott seconded. Acting Mayor Welch called for discussion, there being none, City Clerk Bateman called roll.

Yeas: (7) Alderman Tracy Welch, Alderman Sam Downs, Alderman Ron Keller, Alderman Kevin Bateman, Alderman Jeff Hoinacki, Alderman Kathy Horn, Alderman Steve Parrott

Nays: (0)

Abstain: (0)

Absent: (0)

Approval of payment of Invoice 0210584 from Crawford, Murphy & Tilley for Professional Services for CSO Improvement Construction Phase Services from July 4, 2020 through July 31, 2020 in an amount not to exceed $42,859.52.

Alderman Bateman made the motion to approve, Alderman Downs seconded. Acting Mayor Welch called for discussion, there being none, City Clerk Bateman called roll.

Yeas: (7) Alderman Tracy Welch, Alderman Sam Downs, Alderman Ron Keller, Alderman Kevin Bateman, Alderman Jeff Hoinacki, Alderman Kathy Horn, Alderman Steve Parrott

Nays: (O)

Abstain: (0)

Absent: (0)

Approval of payment of Invoice 0210589 from Crawford, Murphy & Tilley for Professional Services for Land Acquisition Services for the City of Lincoln Fifth Street Road Project from July 1,2020 through July 31,2020 in an amount not to exceed $2,813.32.

Alderman Downs made the motion to approve, Alderwoman Horn seconded. Acting Mayor Welch called for discussion, there being none, City Clerk Bateman called roll.

Yeas: (6) Alderman Tracy Welch, Alderman Sam Downs, Alderman Ron Keller, Alderman Jeff Hoinacki, Alderman Kathy Horn, Alderman Steve Parrott

Nays: (1) Alderman Kevin Bateman

Abstain: (0)

Absent: (0)

Approval of invoice from Union Pacific Railroad for Track Inspection Survey for the Fifth Street Road Project in an amount not to exceed $189.49.

Alderwoman Horn made the motion to approve, Alderman Downs seconded. Acting Mayor Welch called for discussion.

Alderman Parrott asked City Administrator Kavelman if this would be the last bill for the 5th St Road project before construction begins. City Administrator Kavelman said yes she received confirmation that this would be the last bill for this phase of the project.

Acting Mayor Welch called for further discussion, there being none, City Clerk Bateman called roll.

Yeas: (6) Alderman Tracy Welch, Alderman Sam Downs, Alderman Ron Keller, Alderman Jeff Hoinacki, Alderman Kathy Horn, Alderman Steve Parrott

Nays: (1) Alderman Kevin Bateman

Abstain: (0)

Absent: (0)

Approval of proposal from R. Garrett to act as broker for the Health Insurance for the City of Lincoln.

Alderman Parrott made the motion to approve, Alderman Horn seconded. Acting Mayor Welch called for discussion.

Alderman Keller has some concern that the Council may not be taking the Insurance Advisory Committee's recommendation into consideration. He also wanted some more clarification on the Committee's voting results.

Alderwoman Horn, being one of the council's representatives on the Committee, responded that there was a tie so she changed her vote to move along the process. The Committee voted for American Central.

Treasurer Conzo shared that it was discussed at the previous COW that the Council preferred to go with R.W. Garrett due to their track record of staying within the City's budget and appropriations for insurance costs.

Alderman Welch feels that a lot of the negative feedback towards R.W. Garrett from the unions and the committee is due to last year being a tough year for insurance. He also felt that the letters received from the FOP and the Laborer's Union regarding their recommendation for broker, weren't comparing the two brokers fairly. He reminded everyone that the City Clerk's office has to work side by side with the Insurance Broker and that the Clerk's office already has a great working relationship with R.W. Garrett.

Alderman Keller wanted to clarify that he wasn't advocating for one insurance broker over another, he just wants to avoid the same mistakes made last year and keep the lines of communication open.

Acting Mayor Welch called for discussion, there being none, City Clerk Bateman called roll.

Yeas: (5) Alderman Tracy Welch, Alderman Sam Downs, Alderman Jeff Hoinacki, Alderman Kathy Horn, Alderman Steve Parrott

Nays: (1) Alderman Ron Keller

Abstain: (1) Alderman Kevin Bateman

Absent: (0)

Advise and consent to the Mayoral appointment of Ron Fleshman to the office for Alderman Ward (Swearing in after vote)

Alderman Bateman made the motion to approve, Alderman Parrott seconded. Acting Mayor Welch called for discussion, there being none, City Clerk Bateman called roll.

Yeas: (7) Alderman Tracy Welch, Alderman Sam Downs, Alderman Ron Keller, Alderman Kevin Bateman, Alderman Jeff Hoinacki, Alderman Kathy Horn, Alderman Steve Parrott

Nays: (0)

Abstain: (0)

Absent: (0)

Advise and consent to the Mayoral appointment of Acting Mayor Tracy Welch, Alderman Jeff Hoinacki, City Administrator Elizabeth Kavelman, City Treasurer Chuck Conzo, Building & Safety Officer Wes Woodhall and City Attorney John Hoblit as members of the Economic Grant Program

Alderman Keller made the motion to approve, Alderman Downs seconded. Acting Mayor Welch called for discussion, there being none, City Clerk Bateman called roll.

Yeas: (6) Alderman Tracy Welch, Alderman Sam Downs, Alderman Ron Keller, Alderman Kevin Bateman, Alderman Kathy Horn, Alderman Steve Parrott

Nays: (0)

Abstain: (1) Alderman Jeff Hoinacki

Absent: (0)

Approval of the Economic Development Grant Program

Alderman Welch made the motion to approve, Alderman Keller seconded. Acting Mayor Welch called for discussion.

After reviewing the documents in the packet, Alderman Fleshman asked for clarification from City Administrator Kavelman that these grants were for structural repairs only, not electrical or plumbing. She said that at this time, it is structural only.

Acting Mayor Welch called for further discussion, there being none, City Clerk Bateman called roll.

Yeas: (7) Alderman Tracy Welch, Alderman Sam Downs, Alderman Ron Keller, Alderman Kevin Bateman, Alderman Jeff Hoinacki, Alderman Kathy Horn, Alderman Steve Parrott

Nays: (0)

Abstain: (0)

Absent: (0)

Acting Mayor Welch moved to other items on the agenda.


Alderman Downs wanted to remind the community that there is an ordinance in place that if an animal is hit by a car, you are required to report it to Animal Control or the Police Department

Alderman Bateman also wanted to remind the community of the ordinance stating that you may not blow grass into the

Alderman Bateman asked for an update on the Welcome to Lincoln Street Superintendent Landers has yet to get an update from the company.

Comcast update: Effective Oct 27th Starz Encore, Starz Encore Westerns, Starz Encore Black, and Starz Encore Action will only be available with a Starz

Movie Plex is no longer available.

Effective October 31st CBS in Espanol will no longer be available in the U.S.

Xfinity has added Zona Football

Round 2 of the Business Interruption Grant has There is $220 million available to any business experiencing interruptions due to COVID-19. Please contact City Administrator Kavelman with any questions

Railroad repairs began today on 1st and Walnut and 1st and UPRR will work on one crossing at a time.

An update on the Decatur and 4th St repairs: H. Broughton is hoping to begin work next week

City Wide Cleanup will take place Sept 25th from 8-4 at the Lincoln Municipal Flyers were sent out with Sewer bills. Anyone with questions on items that are acceptable/unacceptable can call the LMSB at 732-4655.


There being no further discussion to come before the City Council of Lincoln, Alderman Parrott motioned to adjourn, seconded by Alderman Keller. Acting Mayor Welch adjourned the meeting at 7:46 p.m.
