City of Athens City Council Met Aug. 9.
Here is the agenda provided by the council:
Welcome to Visitors/Roll Call
Pledge of Allegiance
Present Cemetery report
Vote on accepting following reports:
-Public Works, Police, Treasury, Cemetery, Vehicles and Office
Manager's Reports
Vote on approval of the following topics:
-May, June, and July 2021 meeting minutes
-Payment of Bills
-Lexi Aper’s Girl Scout project at the city park
-Approval of library board members Tricia Miller and Jennifer Davis
-Kuhn contract for engineering of wells
-Approval to publish RFP’s for garbage service
-Stop signs and parking limit ordinances
-Office manager pay raise
-Paid holidays for permanent part-time (excluding the police department) from twelve months after hire date
Executive Session:
Comments- Limited to 3 minutes per speaker