
Sangamon Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of La Grange Board of Trustees met Dec. 13

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Village of La Grange Board of Trustees met Dec. 13.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:


The Board of Trustees of the Village of La Grange meeting was called to order at 7:38 p.m. by Village President Mark Kuchler. On roll call, as read by Village Clerk Paul Saladino, the following were:

PRESENT: Trustees Augustine, Gale, Kotynek, McGee and O'Brien with President Kuchler presiding.

ABSENT: Trustee Peterson


Village Manager Andrianna Peterson Village Attorney Mark Burkland Public Works Director Richard Colby Community Development Director Charity Jones Finance Director Lou Cipparrone Interim Police Chief Jason Cates Deputy Chief Robert Wardlaw Fire Chief Terrence Vavra

President Kuchler welcomed the Village Board and thanked Trustees for attending the meeting which has been modified to adjust for social distancing. He reminded everyone to stay six feet apart and wear a mask while in the Village Hall regardless of vaccination status. The video of the meeting was broadcasted on cable television, YouTube, and will also be available on Facebook and posted to the Village website.

President Kuchler asked Deputy Police Chief Wardlaw to lead the audience in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.


President Kuchler thanked previous Police Chiefs Kurt Bluder, Andy Peters and Dave Rohlicek as well as former Fire Chief Don Gay for attending the meeting. He also noted the attendance of newly appointed LTACC Executive Director Jim Moldenhauer.

President Kuchler thanked residents and businesses for their continued diligence with following the CDC and IDPH guidelines to reduce the transmission of COVID-19. He noted health professionals continue to strongly encourage everyone to pursue vaccinations and booster shots. To find a vaccination center near you, please visit www.vaccines.gov. For more information regarding COVID-19, please visit the Village website at www.lagrangeil.gov/covid.

President Kuchler noted that since the significant storm event on June 26, he has been reporting on the Village's efforts to help reduce flooding and identify funding for flood mitigation projects through a number of legislative, legal and engineering initiatives. The Village has identified projects to help reduce flooding, each of which has its own set of challenges, costs and benefits. Additional projects are also in the process of being studied by Village engineers. Each of these projects require partnerships with various agencies such as the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District, Illinois Department of Transportation, Cook County and potentially other taxing bodies. He noted stormwater is a regional problem, and all entities must continue to work diligently along with the Village to find a solution.

To further these objectives, the Village recently participated in a court mediation session with the Hanson Quarry that was not productive. He noted that the Village is continuing to ask the Judge to provide a trial date as soon as possible. In addition, the Village has applied for a FEMA grant through the Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) program to help fund the 50th Street Relief Sewer Project. We anticipate that it will take several months to hear if the grant application is successful.

President Kuchler also noted that the Village Board asked the Environmental Quality Commission at their November meeting to evaluate potential flood rebate / cost share programs. The Village continues to be an active participant in the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning's Regional Transportation Resilience Plan. The purpose of the plan is to increase resiliency of the area's transportation network by identifying and prioritizing flood improvement areas where needs coincide with capital improvement projects. More information regarding these and other stormwater / flood control initiatives will be provided as they evolve.

President Kuchler congratulated and thanked the La Grange Business Association (LGBA) for a very special and successful Holiday Walk on Saturday, December 4. The event is a wonderful and festive way to showcase our downtown and businesses. Businesses opened their doors and provided generous giveaways and promotions, displaying their appreciation to the community. Santa, live music, and the trolley were just a few of the wonderful activities for everyone to enjoy. He also thanked the La Grange family that donated the tree and also to Brookfield Tree Service for donating their services to take down and place the tree in the downtown. An incredible amount of time and effort was put into the event by many individuals. In addition to the LGBA and businesses, he acknowledged the fantastic job of our dedicated employees - Public Works, Fire, and Police. He noted that the digital holiday wish book allows consumers to link to a retailer's website for unique and curated holiday gifts – please visit www.igdelivers.com for more information. On behalf of the Village Board and staff, he wished everyone a very happy and healthy holiday season and to continue to shop local in La Grange.

President Kuchler announced that the evening's agenda included a recommendation from the Liquor Commission to create an additional Class A-2 Liquor License and for the Liquor Commissioner to issue the license to the new prospective owners of Palmer Place Restaurant. He said that as most everyone in La Grange and the surrounding areas know, Palmer Place and the Palmer Family have been a fixture in La Grange since June 1976, when Mike and Ruth Palmer purchased The Spot to Eat Restaurant in downtown La Grange. In 1983, the family opened Palmer Place and was the first restaurant to receive a liquor license under the Village's new liquor ordinance. Palmers is iconic and known all over the Chicago area as a family friendly restaurant with a great menu, more than 300 beer options, and their famous St. Patrick's Day celebration. Steve, Phil and the rest of the Palmer family also give back a tremendous amount of their time and support to the community that they love. Whether it is donating meals to the homeless, supporting veterans, serving on the school or Metra boards, planning and executing events, supporting local businesses and the Restaurant Association, and so much more – the Palmer family has worked tirelessly to promote and support our community. He noted that the Village is very grateful that the Palmer Family chose to open The Spot so many years ago in La Grange and appreciated and congratulated the Palmer family as they begin a new chapter in their lives. He further noted that the Village was happy that Palmer's restaurant will continue to thrive under new ownership. He asked the new prospective owners of Palmer Place – David and Leslie Tarman – to say a few words.

Dave and Leslie Tarman thanked President Kuchler and expressed their excitement in joining the La Grange community. They explained that they fell in love with La Grange and noted that Palmer Place has a family history similar to their current restaurant in Lake Bluff which has been in their family for many years.

President Kuchler announced that for the twenty-seventh consecutive year, the Village has been awarded the Government Finance Officers Association's (GFOA) “Distinguished Budget Presentation Award” for the FY 2021-22 Budget. The GFOA guidelines assess how well the Village budget serves as a policy document, a financial plan, an operations guide and a communications device. This is a significant accomplishment as La Grange is one of only 1,700 entities from the United States and Canada who are being presented with this prestigious award this year. As a frame of reference there are over 6,000 units of government in Illinois alone. He recognized Lou Cipparrone and Joe Munizza on their award winning performance in preparing the Village Budget.

President Kuchler announced that the La Grange Police Department will again hold a toy drive to help children in need this holiday season. A drop box will be located in the lobby of the Police Department for donated toys. The toys will be donated to the All Children's Advocacy Center, which works closely with the Police Department to assist children in need. Please bring new, unwrapped toys to the Police Department lobby at any time between now and December 20.

President Kuchler announced that the next regularly scheduled Village Board Meeting on Monday, December 27 has been cancelled. He encouraged everyone to enjoy the holidays, and be safe and healthy. The next regular meeting of the Village Board will be held on Monday, January 10, 2022.

A. Trustee Assignments

President Kuchler read the Trustee Assignments into the record and noted that the assignments would be effective following the meeting.

B. Appointment - Community and Economic Development Commission

Trustee Kotynek made a motion to approve the appointment of Christopher Heery to the Community and Economic Development Commission seconded by Trustee Augustine. Motion carried on a voice vote.

C. Resolution of Appreciation - Interim Police Chief Jason Cates

President Kuchler read the Resolution of Appreciation for Interim Police Chief Jason Cates into the record.

Trustee Augustine thanked Interim Police Chief Cates for implementing many positive changes in a short amount of time.

Trustee Kotynek thanked Interim Police Chief Cates for his over 28 years of service and for his time in La Grange.

Trustee Gale thanked Interim Police Chief Cates for his service and responsiveness. He noted he looked forward to the Village continuing to work with him.

Trustee McGee thanked Interim Police Chief Cates for the positive impact he made and his impact on the community.

Trustee O'Brien thanked Interim Police Chief Cates and wished him luck on his next chapter.

President Kuchler expressed his appreciation to Interim Police Chief Cates for his service to the community and the sacrifices his family has made in supporting his career. He noted that he was looking forward to working with him moving forward.

Interim Police Chief Cates thanked the Village Board, Village Manager and staff. He explained that his list of accomplishments in La Grange is shared with Deputy Police Chief Robert Wardlaw and the men and women of the La Grange Police Department. He noted that the Officers take tremendous pride in the La Grange community and put forth their best efforts every day.

Trustee Kotynek made a motion to approve the Resolution of Appreciation for Interim Police Chief Jason Cates, seconded by Trustee Gale. Motion carried on a voice vote

D. Oath of Office - Police Chief Robert Wardlaw

President Kuchler announced that Deputy Chief Robert Wardlaw is recommended to be promoted as the next Chief of Police. Robert is a 20-year veteran of the La Grange Police Department and began his career with the Village in January of 2001, after serving as a Patrol Officer in Louisiana. Prior to that, he served in the U.S. Navy. He has served as an Investigator, a Field Training Officer, a Squad Leader, a Patrol Sergeant, and Investigations Supervisor. He has served as a Watch Commander since December 2019 and more recently as the Deputy Chief since February 2021. He has been a member of the South Suburban Major Crimes Task Force, and the Major Case Assistance Team. Robert has received many awards throughout his career including numerous Unit Citations and several Letters of Commendation.

Robert recently graduated from Northwestern University's ten-week School of Police Staff and Command on December 10, 2021. Robert holds a number of State Certifications including Field Training Officer, Lead Homicide Investigator, Crime Scene Investigator and Truck Enforcement Officer.

Trustee Kotynek made a motion to approve the appointment of Police Chief Robert Wardlaw, seconded by Trustee McGee. Motion carried on a voice vote.

President Kuchler invited Clerk Saladino to administer the Oath of Office to Police Chief Robert Wardlaw.


Village Manager Peterson announced that the Village Hall will be closed for services on Friday, December 24, and Friday, December 31 for the holidays. Regular business hours will resume the following Mondays. A number of online service options remain available to residents at any time. As always, a full complement of public safety personnel will be available in the event of an emergency.

Manager Peterson announced that refuse service would not be impacted by the holidays. Holiday trees are scheduled to be picked up beginning January 3 until January 10, 2022. Please remove all ornaments, tinsel and lights. No stickers are required. A list of holiday items that can be recycled in the Village's curbside collection program are included on the Village website at www.lagrangeil.gov. Additionally, holiday lights can be recycled in the seven receptacles located in La Grange and La Grange Park including the Village Hall lower level lobby, La Grange Park Village Hall, La Grange Parking Garage, La Grange Public Library and the Park District of La Grange.

Manager Peterson noted that Public Works Director Richard Colby has advised that Leaf Pickup activities have largely been completed, and Public Works is beginning to finalize preparations for snow and salt management.


La Grange Park District Director Jenny Bechtold and Chris Finn were in attendance to address any questions regarding the requested ordinance amending the La Grange Zoning Code and Special Use Permit for the Park District as well as the extension of Ordinance 0-21-02 regarding the Zoning Map Amendment at 610 East Avenue for the La Grange Park District.

Representatives of the La Grange Library including Joyce Hagan McIntosh and Shannon Rischow were also in attendance to answer questions regarding the Library levy.


A. Ordinance – Creating an Additional Class A-2 Liquor License, DLT Operations, Inc. d/b/a Palmer Place Restaurant and Biergarten

B. Agreement – Police Department - Consulting Services

C. Contract – Police and Fire Department Lighting Upgrade

D. Minutes of the Village of La Grange Board of Trustees Regular Meeting, Monday, November 8, 2021

E. Consolidated Voucher 211122

F. Consolidated Voucher 211213

Trustee Augustine stated that in consideration of her relationship with the Village Prosecutor, she recused herself from each item on the voucher related to the Village Prosecutor.

A motion was made by Trustee Kotynek to approve the Consent Agenda, seconded by Trustee McGee.

Approved by a roll call vote:

Ayes: Trustees Augustine, Gale, Kotynek, McGee and O'Brien

Nays: None

Absent: Trustee Peterson


A. Ordinance – Abatement of 2021 Tax Levy / General Obligation Alternate Revenue

Water Bonds, Series 2012A

President Kuchler asked Trustee O'Brien to introduce the item. Trustee O'Brien explained that in 2012, the Village Board approved two significant infrastructure improvements to the Village's water system. In order to provide funding for these two capital projects, the Village Board adopted an ordinance on Septem authorizing the issuance of $2.08 million in general obligation, alternate revenue water bonds. For the Series 2012A water bond issue, the Village Board has identified revenues derived from water sales as the alternative revenues pledged to pay for principal and interest expenditures relating to this issue. Sufficient monies are budgeted and available within the Water Fund from water sales in FY 2022-23 to pay for this expense. Therefore, it is appropriate to abate the portion of the bonds maturing during FY 2022-23 from the 2021 tax levy.

Trustee O'Brien moved to approve an ordinance regarding the abatement of the 2021 tax levy / general obligation alternate revenue water bonds, series 2012A, in the amount of $129,630.00, seconded by Trustee Gale.

Approved by a roll call vote:

Ayes: Trustees Augustine, Gale, Kotynek, McGee and O'Brien

Nays: None

Absent: Trustee Peterson

B. Ordinance – Abatement of 2021 Tax Levy / General Obligation Alternate Revenue

Sewer Bonds, Series 2015

President Kuchler asked Trustee O'Brien to introduce the item. Trustee O'Brien explained that in 2015, the Village Board approved a set of revenue enhancements which enabled the Village to address its critical sewer needs. Sufficient monies are budgeted and available within the General Fund and Sewer Fund from the various taxes and sewer sales in FY 2022-23 to pay for this expense. Therefore, it is appropriate to abate the portion of the bonds maturing during FY 2022-23 from the 2021 tax levy in the amount of $995,731.26.

Trustee O'Brien moved to approve an ordinance regarding the abatement of the 2021 tax levy / general obligation alternate revenue sewer bonds, series 2015, in the amount of $995,731.26, seconded by Trustee Gale.

Approved by a roll call vote:

Ayes: Trustees Augustine, Gale, Kotynek, McGee and O'Brien

Nays: None

Absent: Trustee Peterson

C. Resolution – Levying a Tax for Library Operating Purposes

President Kuchler asked Trustee O'Brien to introduce the item. Trustee O'Brien stated that the La Grange Library is a “municipal library” and as such must levy property taxes as part of the Village of La Grange tax levy. The La Grange Library Board of Trustees 2021 tax levy request for operating purposes is $2,649,593 which is a 2.62 percent increase over last year's tax levy.

Members of the La Grange Public Library were available to answer any questions. President Kuchler expressed his appreciation for their attendance.

It was moved by Trustee O'Brien to accept the La Grange Public Library Resolution approved by the Library Board, seconded by Trustee Augustine.

Approved by a roll call vote:

Ayes: Trustees Augustine, Gale, Kotynek, McGee and O'Brien

Nays: None

Absent: Trustee Peterson

D. Ordinance – 2021 Property Tax Levy for Village Operations

President Kuchler asked Trustee O'Brien to introduce the item. Trustee O'Brien stated the preliminary 2021 property tax levy was reviewed and discussed in detail at the November 8, 2021 Village Board meeting. The final tax levy, reflects an increase of 2.62 percent, exclusive of debt service, over the prior year's tax extension. The increase reflects the allowable increase under the Property Tax Limitation Act of 1.4 percent (CPI as of December, 2020). The remaining levy increase represents new growth of 5 million Equalized Assessed Valuation (EAV) from estimated residential and commercial construction during the next fiscal year, plus an additional projected increase of 5 million EAV from year two of construction of the Mason Pointe residential development project. If such new growth does not occur, the property tax levy will automatically be lowered by Cook County.

The proposed 2021 property tax levy request of $10,580,551 represents an increase of $270,020 or 2.62 percent from the 2020 tax levy of $10,310,532.

President Kuchler noted the effect the 2021 levy will have on an average home with an estimated market value of $500,000 is in an increase of $20.04 from the Village levy and an increase of $5.86 from the Library levy.

A motion was made by Trustee O'Brien to approve an ordinance adopting the 2021 property tax levy for Village operations, seconded by Trustee Gale.

Approved by a roll call vote:

Ayes: Trustees Augustine, Gale, Kotynek, McGee and O'Brien

Nays: None

Absent: Trustee Peterson

E. Ordinance – Amending Chapter 36 of the La Grange Code of Ordinances Regarding Cinema Taxes

President Kuchler asked Trustee O'Brien to introduce the item. Trustee O'Brien explained that at the October 11, 2021, Village Board meeting, the Board continued the discussion regarding the possibility that Classic Cinemas would purchase or lease space in the La Grange Theatre building at 80 South La Grange Road. The matter had been previously discussed with input from Classic Cinemas, the Theatre building owner, and the public.

President Kuchler reported that he had discussed the matter with representatives of Classic Cinemas and the Theatre owner, including the numerous elements of the proposition, including the costs to Classic Cinemas for renovating the space in the Theatre building. The Village proposed that it would enact an amusement tax on cinemas within the Village. The tax would be in the amount of $0.50 on each ticket to see a movie. The cinema owner, (in this case Classic Cinemas because there are no other cinemas in the Village at this time), would collect each $0.50 tax and deliver it to the Village. In turn, the Village would return $0.25 of each $0.50 tax to Classic Cinemas. Classic Cinemas agreed with the Village's proposal.

After discussion of the proposed action, the Village Board voted unanimously to move forward on the drafting of an amusement tax and an agreement among Classic Cinemas, the Theatre owner, and the Village.

The Illinois Municipal Code authorizes the Village to enact taxes on shows, theatricals, and amusements. The viewing of motion pictures in a theater is considered an amusement.

The Village Attorney proposed an ordinance regarding the imposition of a cinema tax. If approved, the cinema tax will be found in Chapter 36 – Taxation, Sections 36.70 through 36.77 of the La Grange Code of Ordinances.

The provisions of the cinema tax include; (1) The definitions of an Admission to Movie and Cinema Owner or Operator among others; (2) The $0.50 tax on persons who go to a movie; (3) Instructions for managing the tax; (4) The management of books and records; (5) Inspections by Village personnel; (6) The methods for managing statements and other required documents; and (7) Penalties and fines. Classic Cinemas has reviewed the provisions of the proposed cinema tax and has not indicated any concerns.

If the cinema tax is approved, the next steps would entail Village Attorney Mark Burkland finalizing a draft of an agreement among Classic Cinemas, the Theatre owner, and the Village. The new agreement will include the background of the previous agreement between the Village and the Theatre owner and the current provisions related to the allocation of the tax proceeds. A draft of that agreement will be reviewed and revised to the satisfaction of all three parties. When the agreement is finalized and approved by the three parties, and Classic Cinemas commences operations as a cinema, then the cinema tax will go into effect.

Trustee O'Brien moved to approve an ordinance amending Chapter 36 of the La Grange Code of Ordinances regarding cinema taxes, seconded by Trustee Gale.

Approved by a roll call vote:

Ayes: Trustees Augustine, Gale, Kotynek, McGee and O'Brien

Nays: None

Absent: Trustee Peterson

F. Ordinance – Amendment to the La Grange Zoning Code and Special Use Permit – Park District of La Grange

Extension - Ordinance 0-21-02, Zoning Map Amendment at 610 East Avenue – Park District of La Grange

President Kuchler asked Trustee Gale to introduce the item. Trustee Gale explained that the Park District of La Grange is the owner of the property at 536 East Avenue and 610 East Ave. The Park District has requested a text amendment to the Zoning Code to allow for the above ground storage and dispensing of fuel as a special use in the Institutional Buildings District, when accessory to a municipal taxing body. The Park District intends to replace its existing two 8,500-gallon underground fuel storage tanks with two 560 gallon above ground fuel tanks.

The Plan Commission held a public hearing on the matter in two parts. At the October 12, 2021 meeting the Commission asked the Park District to consider on- and off-site locations for fuel service as an alternative to the Park District's plan. Additionally, the Commission requested that the Park District revise its application to include a request for a special use permit. (Initially the text amendment was proposed as a permitted use

The Park District consented to the Commission's requests and presented its revised application and additional analysis at the November 9, 2021 meeting. The Park District gave a summary of the fueling requirements to serve its fleet of 12 vehicles and various equipment. The Park District provided an analysis of four potential on-site locations for the proposed above ground tanks and a summary of its analysis for off-site options, including sharing facilities with the Village and fueling at a privately owned gas station. The Park District concluded that an on-site location on the north end of the 536 East Avenue property was the safest, most efficient and cost-effective solution.

After hearing testimony, the Plan Commission asked the Park District about further details regarding the proposed security and measures for the tanks, which include a perimeter fence with a lock, security camera monitoring, and key control access for the fuel pumps, in addition to all requirements of the Office of the State Fire Marshal for construction of fuel tanks. The Commission also discussed the lighting levels in the parking lot and projected fueling times. After deliberating, the Commission voted 2-2 to recommend approval of the proposed text amendment and special use with a condition that modified fencing or decorative landscaping be added to the north side of the tanks to improve the aesthetics for the neighboring properties to the north of 536 East Avenue. Those voting aye on the motion for approval noted that the Park District provided a thorough analysis and selected the least impactful option for the proposed tank location. Those voting nay on the motion for approval questioned the need for on-site fueling and expressed safety concerns in light of the high traffic nature of the Park District's facility at 536 East Avenue. Because the motion failed on a 2-2 vote, the Plan Commission's recommendation, as required by the Zoning Code, is to deny the Application.

The Park District has submitted revised plans in response to the Plan Commission's concerns, including the provision of a six-foot vinyl privacy fence surrounding the proposed tanks and densely planted hedges on the north side of the proposed tanks.

Trustee Gale also noted that on February 22, 2021, the Village Board approved Ordinance 0-21-22, amending the La Grange Zoning Map to reclassify property known as 610 East Avenue from the I-1 Light Industrial District to the IB Institutional Buildings District. The Park District owns the property and intends to construct a parking lot on the site but has not yet done so. Section 3A of the ordinance requires the Park District to apply for and secure a building permit, and commence construction of the parking lot within 12 months of the effective date of the ordinance, or February 22, 2022. If the Park District fails to meet the required timeframe, Section 3A of the ordinance provides that the property will revert back to the prior I-1 zoning classification. The Park District has requested a 12-month extension. The Park District has applied for a grant through the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District to construct a portion of the proposed parking lot at 610 East Avenue and a portion of the existing parking lot at 536 East Avenue with permeable pavers. The grant awards have not yet been announced. The timing of the grant opportunity, coupled with other supply chain and contractor availability concerns, are contributing factors to the Park District's request for a 12-month extension to February 22, 2023.

Trustee Kotynek asked the Fire Chief to provide his input on the matter.

Fire Chief Vavra did not express any concerns with the proposed plans from the Park District, noting that they provide sufficient protection for safe operations and have passed the State Fire Marshalls stringent requirements.

Trustee Augustine noted that the item raised good questions that the Park District was responsive to, and adjusted their submissions accordingly. She expressed support for the removal of the current tanks for environmental reasons and to improve traffic flow. When feasible, she recommended consideration of electric vehicle options.

Trustee Gale requested confirmation that the amendment would only apply to municipal bodies such as the Village, Park District and Library. Village Attorney Burkland confirmed that was correct.

President Kuchler thanked all those involved for their hard work.

Trustee Gale moved to approve an ordinance amending the La Grange Zoning Code and Special Use Permit for the Park District of La Grange, seconded by Trustee McGee.

Approved by a roll call vote:

Ayes: Trustees Augustine, Gale, Kotynek, McGee and O'Brien

Nays: None

Absent: Trustee Peterson

Trustee Gale moved to extend ordinance 0-21-02 regarding the Zoning Map Amendment at 610 East Avenue for the Park District of La Grange, seconded by Trustee O'Brien.

Approved by a roll call vote:

Ayes: Trustees Augustine, Gale, Kotynek, McGee and O'Brien

Nays: None

Absent: Trustee Peterson


Resident Cindy Braun of Dry Up La Grange inquired as to a 2014 Baxter and Woodman Engineering memorandum regarding the elevation of Brainard Avenue and suggested that Christopher Burke Engineering study the matter.

President Kuchler thanked her and expressed his appreciation for the efforts being taken to find solutions to stormwater management. He noted that the Village continues to want to work to avoid adverse impacts to residents, and with the Country Club to find a solution.


Trustee Augustine thanked Pillars Community Health for a good experience when she visited their facility recently to receive her COVID-19 booster.

Trustee Augustine also noted that she recently went to York Theater, owned and operated by Classic Cinemas, and explained that she had a wonderful experience. She stated she is looking forward to Classic Cinemas in La Grange.

Trustee Augustine expressed appreciation to the Palmer family for their engagement in La Grange as owners and operators of Palmer Place. She noted that the Palmers were innovators that helped put La Grange on the map.

President Kuchler announced that the Stadium Club at the Max in McCook recently opened and would be hosting a Legacy Guild Event on Saturday, December 18.



10. ADJOURNMENT At 8:53 p.m. Trustee Gale made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Trustee McGee. Approved by a voice vote.
