Village of Pawnee Board of Trustees met Jan. 24.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
Call to Order:
President Clarke called the meeting to order to 7:00pm.
Roll Call:
• Village Clerk, Devona Martin called roll
• Trustees in attendance: Brian Whitlow, Steve Gudgel, Patrick Murphy, David Skinner, Troy Squires
• Trustees Absent: Phillip Thompson
• Also in attendance: Attorney Don Cravens, Treasurer Kelly Haney, Candy Kramer with the Pawnee Post, Chief Barclay Harris, Blake Young, Jeff Jarrett, Jeff Schober, Mark Selhime with the Boy Scouts
Visitor's Recognition/Comments:
• Blake Young appeared before the Board. He wants the use of North Park to bring in a company to set up mountain bike jumps with air bags to have a day of riding mountain bikes in Pawnee. It will draw people from Peoria, Bloomington and St. Louis. It is called Wheels Up. This will get more kids on bikes. They are fully insured and work to create safe mountain bike events. All participants have to sign a waiver. It will take up a large amount of square footage. Steve Haney has no concerns. He would like to do sometime in April, weather permitting. He will provide drinks and pizza. He does not know about power as of yet. He expects them to have a generator. It will be on a Saturday. He will let us know once the date is set and will provide a certificate of insurance.
• Mark Selhime with the Boy Scouts appeared before the board. They are still trying to make a go of the Pawnee Chapter. He is requesting assistance from the Village with this year's utility bills. Consensus was that the Village will help with their utility bills.
Clerk's Report:
• Minutes of December 13, 2021 were presented for review and approval
Motion made by Trustee Murphy to approve the minutes of December 13, 2021 as presented Second made by Trustee Skinner Roll Call Vote Taken: Whitlow-yes, Gudgel-yes, Murphy-yes, Skinner-yes, Squires-yes Motion Carried: (5-0)
Personnel & Finance Committee Report: Committee Chair, Trustee Skinner
• Trustee Skinner advised the Board that the bills payable for the last half of December totaled $50,220.04. This was already approved to be paid.
• Trustee Skinner advised the Board that the bills payable for the first half of January totaled $187,966.43. This was already approved to be paid.
• Trustee Skinner advised the Board that the bills payable for the week ending January 24, 2022 totaled $116,597.35
Motion made by Trustee Skinner approve the bills payable for the week ending January 24, 2022 in the amount of $116,597.35
Second made by Trustee Squires
Roll Call Vote Taken: Whitlow-yes, Gudgel-yes, Murphy-yes, Skinner-yes, Squires-yes Motion Carried: (5-0)
• Trustee Skinner advised that we have the contract for the auditor. It is going up this year. She has a price of $11,800 not to exceed $15,000.00. This is with Fleming, Tawfall & Co.
• Trustee Skinner is going to ask if we can set a price of $14,000.
Motion made by Trustee Squires to approve our annual auditor of Fleming, Tawfall & Co. at an amount not to exceed $15,000
Second by Trustee Skinner
Roll Call Vote Taken: Whitlow-yes, Gudgel-yes, Murphy-yes, Skinner-yes, Squires-yes Motion Carried: (5-0)
Gas and Water Committee Report: Committee Chair, Trustee Squires
• Trustee Squires advised that on December 20, 66 red letters and there were 9 shut offs on December 27, 2021 .
• Trustee Squires advised that on January 20, there were 62 red letters that went out.
• Trustee Squires advised that we have only had 1 main water break this winter so far.
Streets, Alley and Sidewalk Committee Report: Committee Chair, Trustee Whitlow
• Trustee Whitlow advised that the guys have just been doing routine maintenance and they spread a little salt.
• President Clarke advised that he talked to Kuhl and he is still waiting to hear back from IDOT for Groom Street.
Police Committee Report: Committee Chair, Trustee Skinner
• Trustee Skinner advised there is training from 1-4 tomorrow for AED training. The cost is $30/person to get the certificate. It is also likely CPR training. American Heart Association charges the fee. Trustee Murphy does not believe everyone needs to go. We have already shut down the office for the training. Trustee Whitlow thinks maybe you only pay the $30 if you want the certificate. We will pay for the cops. Trustee Murphy stated the rest of our employees are covered under Good Samaritan.
• Trustee Skinner advised that he and Treasurer Haney interviewed 3 people and have asked 2 to move on. 1 passed the power test and the other had COVID and wanted to wait until February to take the test. He is going to re-test in February. We had a couple more people inquire into part-time. They are already certified and retired police officers.
• President Clarke advised we have reached out to the union to pick dates and time for union negotiations. May 1 is the deadline.
Sewers and Parks: Committee Chair, Trustee Thompson
• none
Zoning Committee Report: Committee Chair, Trustee Murphy
• none
Bargaining Committee: Committee Chair, President Clarke
• none
Energy: Committee Chair, President Clarke
• none
Infrastructure: Committee Chair, President Clarke
• none
Unfinished Business:
• President Clarke talked about side by sides. Consensus was to have Chief Harris go ahead and start putting an ordinance together for review. Talking about this going into affect May 1, 2022.
New Business:
• Discussed fireworks for the Village. Consensus was Sunday July 3 would be the date. Last year we spent $7,500.00. Trustee Skinner advised maybe not to exceed $8,000.00. We are keeping it at PAG.
• Discussed the Lindsay Dambacher property. They have agreed on $40,000 to purchase the property with a 40' easement. We did put in the build in the downtown grant. And that would be used in conjunction with this property.
Motion made by Trustee Murphy to approve Ordinance 22-01 - An Ordinance Approving an Agreement with Lyndy Dambacher & Sons, Inc for the Purchase of Real Estate in the Village of Pawnee in the amount of $40,000
Second made by Trustee Squires
Roll Call Vote Taken: Whitlow-yes, Gudgel-yes, Murphy-yes, Skinner-yes, Squires-yes Motion Carried: (5-0)
Motion by Trustee Skinner to approve the 40' easement on the property
Second by Trustee Squires
Roll Call Vote Taken: Whitlow-yes, Gudgel-yes, Murphy-yes, Skinner-yes, Squires-yes Motion Carried: (5-0)
Motion to Adjourn:
Motion made by Trustee Murphy to adjourn Second made b y Trustee Squires Roll Call Vote Taken: Whitlow-yes, Gudgel-yes, Murphy-yes, Skinner-yes, Squires-yes Motion Carried: (5-0)
Meeting adjourned at 7:32pm on Monday, January 24, 2022. The next scheduled meeting of the Pawnee Village Board of Trustees is Monday, February 14, 2022 at 7:00pm at the Village Hall.