Logan County Board met May 19.
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
Call To Order By Vice Chairman: Scott Schaffenacker
Pledge To The American Flag:
Roll Call:
Introduction Of Guests:
Approve Meeting Minutes: April 14, 2022
Public Comments:
Committee Chairmen Reports:
1) Airport/Farm: Mr. Wessbecher
2) Animal Control: Mr. Schaffenacker
3) Building & Grounds: Mr. Blankenship
4) CAPCIL: Dr. Hepler
5) Executive & Personnel: Mr. Schaffenacker
6) Finance: Mr. Jenness
7) Health: Dr. Hepler
8) Insurance, Legislative, & Liquor: Mrs. Welch
9) Planning & Zoning/ Economic Development: Dr. Hepler
10) Road & Bridge: Mr. Farmer
11) Safety (Law/EMA/COR/AMB): Mr. Sanders
12) Tourism Board: Mrs. Davenport/ Mr. Wessbecher
13) Transportation: Mrs. Estill
County Board Chairman’s Report:
1. Changing time of Road & Bridge Committee Meeting from 6:30pm to 6:15pm.
Adjourn Meeting: