
Sangamon Sun

Sunday, March 9, 2025

Sangamon County Road and Bridge Committee met June 29

Sangamon County Road and Bridge Committee met June 29.

Here is the agenda provided by the committee:

1. Call to Order 

2. Roll Call/Sign In of Committee Members 

3. Approval of the minutes of the May 25, 2022 Road & Bridge Committee Meeting. 

4. Acceptance of Expenditure Reports. 

5. Approval of Resolutions & Ordinances. 

a. Resolution approving award of Sangamon County FY 22 Motor Fuel Tax bituminous materials contracts. 

b. Resolution approving a Supplemental Engineering Contract with Hanson Professional Services for the update on the Woodside Road and Iron Bridge Road grade separation plans. 

c. Resolution approving a speed limit change on Turkey Run Road in Williams Township. 

d. Resolution approving the construction of a replacement salt storage facility. 

e. Resolution authorizing the execution of Construction and Maintenance Agreements with the Union Pacific Railroad for the Woodside Road and Iron Bridge Road grade separations.

6. Committee Approvals. 

a. Approval to hire/promote Mechanic II. 

b. Approval to hire/promote Fleet Maintenance Manager. 

c. Approval to dispose/auction #129 - 1996 Fiat Motor Grader. 

d. Approval of Master Purchase Order and contract with Clevenger Contractors, Inc. to repair/replace guardrail on Mechanicsburg Rd. - East of 1-72. 

e. Approval of Master Purchase Order with Central Aggregate of Atlanta, IL for the purchase of extended warranty on 4 Case IH Farmall 110U tractors. 

f. Approval of Master Purchase order with Henry's Service Center of Jacksonville, IL for the purchase of a Woods 15 foot batwing mowing deck. 

g. Approval of Master Purchase Order with Egizii Electric for the repair of flashing lights at intersection of CH 10 and IL 36. 

h. Approval of Master Purchase order with P.H. Broughton & Sons, Inc. for purchase of hot mix asphalt or cold mix asphalt in the amount of $10,000. 

i. Approval of Master Purchase order with Springfield Overhead Doors, Inc. for the installation/repair of Commercial Trolley Operator for wash bay door. 

7. Old Business 

8. New Business 

a. Salt Dome and East Lot Update 

b. Right-of-way mowing 

9. Public Comment 

10. Next County Board meeting date - July 12, 2022. 

11. Next Road & Bridge Committee meeting date - July 27, 2022. 

12. Adjournment. 
