
Sangamon Sun

Sunday, March 9, 2025

Village of Sherman Zoning Board of Appeals met May 4

Village of Sherman Zoning Board of Appeals met May 4.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:


Keith Bull, Chair; Jane VanHoos, Vice-Chair; Abby Bybee, Member; Kurtis Ratliff, Member; Dave Rush, Member

Absent: Randy Burge, Member; Krista Sherrock, Member


Michael Stratton, Village Administrator/Zoning Administrator; Sean Bull, Village Clerk; Don Craven, Corporate Counsel; Kevin Kuhn, Village Engineer


Stephen Brent; Kathy Schwab; Bruce Coombs; Tom Vanleer; Michelle Buscher; Angela O’Neal; Michael Moos; Josh Allen


1. Roll Call. Clerk Sean Bull conducted roll call of the Zoning Board of Appeals. Chair Keith Bull indicated that there was a quorum present to conduct Zoning Board business.

2. Pledge of Allegiance. Mike Moos led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance.

3. Presentation of Minutes of April 19, 2021 Zoning Board Meeting. Minutes of the April 19, 2021 Zoning Board of Appeals was presented. Chair Keith Bull asked if there were any corrections or additions. There being none, Chair Keith Bull entertained a Motion to Approve the minutes as presented by the Clerk by Vice Chair VanHoos, seconded by Member Ratliff. Roll Call Vote with Ayes having it (4/0). Motion Passed.


Chair Keith Bull entertained a Motion to open the public hearing. Motion by Member Rush, seconded by Member Bybee. Roll call vote will ayes having it 4/0. Board in Public Hearing.

(Approved June 6, 2022 Zoning Meeting) 1

Chair Keith Bull read into the record, the purpose of the public hearing is to consider the petition by Mr. Stephen Brent for zoning change to property located at 1309 Arlington Chase, Sherman, IL 62684; Parcel 06- 36.0-400-040 from AG to R-1.

Chair Bull called the petitioner forward and asked the legal counsel to swear them in. Legal Counsel Craven swore in all members that wished to address the Board that included Mr. Stephen Brent, Petitioner; Mr. Tom VanLeer, 209 Pimlico Chase; Josh Allen, President of Steeplechase Subdivision; Angela O’Neal, 213 Pimlico Chase; Cathy Schwab, 516 Worthington Chase; Michelle Buscher, 217 Pimlico Chase.

Chair Keith Bull asked Mr. Brent to present their request to the Board. Mr. Brent addressed the Board with his request for zoning change from AG to R-1. Chair Bull asked if there were any questions of the Members.

Chair Keith Bull asked if there were anyone else that would like to address the Board on the petitioner’s request. The following presented testimony opposing the zoning change. Mr. Tom VanLeer, 209 Pimlico Chase; Mr. Josh Allen, President of Steeplechase Subdivision; Ms. Angela O’Neal, 213 Pimlico Chase; Ms. Michelle Buscher, 217 Pimlico Chase. A written record of the reasons as presented are made part of these minutes.

The following presented testimony in favor of the zoning change request by Petitioner. Cathy Schwab, 516 Worthington Chase.


Chair Bull requested a Motion to adjourn the public hearing and return to regular session of the Zoning Board of Appeals. On motion by Vice Chair VanHoos, seconded by Member Rush and all in favor, the Public Hearing was adjourned, and Zoning Board returned to regular session.


Chair Bull asked if the Board had any further questions on the petition. There being none, Chair Bull requested a vote not be taken at this time on the matter and requested legal counsel and the Village Engineer make written recommendation to the Board for the Board to act at a meeting set for June 6, 2022 of the Zoning Board of Appeals.


Chair Bull noted there was no further matters to come before the Zoning Board and entertained a motion to adjourn the regular meeting. Motion by Vice Chair VanHoos, seconded by Member Rush. Voice Vote with Ayes having it (4/0). Motion Passed. Meeting was adjourned at 6:50pm.
