Village of Illiopolis Village Board met July 11.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
Mayor Rogers called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance.
A roll call was taken, all members were present except M Pevler.
The agenda was adopted as presented.
D Koonce made a motion to approve the 6-20-2022 minutes seconded by J DeVore motion carried 4-0-1. with B Honea Abstaining.
Tony Caccomo was present and discussed his latest proposal for the industrial site.
Open Forum
Treasurer’s Report
C Mitchell went over the appropriation ordinance with the Board.
Economic Development Report
Solar proposals remain under review w/legal counsel and economic development advisor for the Illiopolis Industrial site with recommendations to
the Board following completion.
The Waddell Estate (former Chevrolet dealership) continues to work with Diane in anticipation of the property being donated to the Village. There have been several individuals and businesses inquiring about the property and Diane has been keeping everyone apprised regarding approximate timeline with the Estate.
Engineering Report
Old Business
New Business
D Koonce made a motion to adopt the appropriation ordinance 2022-02 in the amount of $1,383,803 with B Honea seconding. Roll call vote was taken, motion carried 5-0-0.
Mayor Rogers let the Board know that they received the money for the wells in the amount of $439,000. He recommended using part of that money to pay off the money owed for the water meters. He told the Board that after talking with the treasurer the Village would save approximately $25,000 by paying off the debt. The total coast is approximately $138,000. R Reed made a motion to pay off the meters with D Koonce seconding. Roll call vote was taken motion carried 5-0-0.
Mayor Rogers mentioned that he would like to put the additional money from the wells into a CD. In order to do this the bank requires Board approval to open up a new account. After discussing what different rates might be available, it was tabled for further information. Discussion of grants will be tabled until the next meeting when the engineers will be there.
Dilapidated Property
Mayor Rogers mentioned that Attorney Segatto sent letters to the owners at the Church and the old video store.
J Devore mentioned that he noticed that his garbage bill had gone up and Mayor Rogers said that it was due to the fuel surcharge which is built into the contract. He also mentioned about the garbage at 1st and Mary Street from the 4th of July party. The Mayor said that he would contact the homeowner. He also mentioned about the weeds on the north side of the tracks and he was told they are going to be sprayed soon.
J Swick mentioned about a dumpster in an alley and she was told it could be there because it was for the apartments. She asked about mandatory garbage and was told we do not have an ordinance to that effect. The Mayor asked about when the equipment is going to be installed and was told when they get the walk path plotted out.
The Mayor mentioned that the Peden building had been paid off and that we did get approximately 70% of our money back from the total project. He also mentioned that we are going to have the water tower inspected.
B Honea made a motion to adjourn at 7:29pm with R Reed seconding.