
Sangamon Sun

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Village of Jerome Board of Trustees met Aug. 18

Village of Jerome Board of Trustees met Aug. 18.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

CALL TO ORDER: The President and the Board of Trustees held a regular meeting at the Jerome Civic Center, 2901 Leonard Street, Jerome, Illinois. The meeting was called to order at 6:32 pm by President

Lopez, followed by Roll call and the Pledge of Allegiance.

ROLL CALL: The following were present:

Mike Lopez, Village President

Kathy DeHart, Trustee of Public Property & Co Trustee Public Health

Leigh Irons, Trustee of Public Safety

Ralph Irons, Trustee of Water Department

Dale Lael, Trustee of Building & Zoning

Phil Raftis, Trustee of Public Works

Also Present:

Jason Brokaw, Attorney, Giffin, Winning, Cohen & Bodewes, P.C.,

Steve Roth, Village Treasurer

Lisa Cave, Village Clerk


Christina Smith, Co-Trustee of Public Health

APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: President Lopez asked whether the Board had reviewed the August 4, 2022, Minutes and if they found need for any changes, corrections, or amendments. President Lopez asked the August 4, 2022, minutes would stand approved as presented.

Motion to approve the August 4, 2022, Meeting Minutes as presented by: Trustee Leigh Irons and 2nd by Trustee Ralph Irons

Upon roll call vote, all voted AYE;


APPROVAL TO PAY BILLS: President Lopez asked whether the board had reviewed Warrant List 23-08 dated August 18, 2022, totaling $44,492.61. Treasurer Roth added that of this amount $10,108.21 will be paid from the General Revenue Fund, $24,282.72 will be paid from the Water Fund, $6,042.48 will be paid from the 1% Fund and $4,059.20 will be paid from the Motor Fuel Account.

President Lopez asked for a motion to approve Warrant List 23-08 as presented. Motion to Approve the Bills to be Paid as presented by Trustee Leigh Irons and 2nd by Trustee DeHart.

Upon roll call vote, all voted AYE;


President Lopez stated he will be attending a training session for SAMS the Sangamon County Alert Message System and after he has completed it, he will sign up Chief Forsythe and Dave Wilken to attend the training. President Lopez stated Trustee Smith is out for a family emergency. President Lopez announced he will go out this weekend and create a list of debris and grass/weed issues that are in the Village and email Trustee DeHart and Trustee Smith so that letters can go out. President Lopez apologized to Trustee DeHart that the Fire Safety crew had come out 2 different times to the Village but after everyone had gone home for the day, they are to come out to the Village next week and provide the Village with an occupancy limit with tables and chairs and an occupancy limit of chairs only. Trustee DeHart asked if the library could also be included, and President Lopez stated yes, the library and the civic center will be assessed. Brad Miller will be delivering the dump tickets next week, not sure how many as of right now but the Village will receive them from Woodside Township. President Lopez reminded Trustees to send items for the Bulletin to Clerk Cave and President Lopez will be meeting with CWLP in hopes to correct the WIFI issues throughout the Village. President Lopez stated that Police are on duty and is backed up by Sangamon County, Alison Tolley has completed her classes and has graduated, and the residents will see a high presence of patrols especially on Iles. President Lopez stated that unfortunately someone has taken out a chunk of the speed hump. President Lopez reminded the Trustees that details on the Ice Cream Social for September are still in the works, and he would like to finalize the dates for a Halloween event in October.


President Lopez opened the Visitors Acknowledgement portion of the meeting at 6:43 pm.

Trustee Raftis stated he had received an email last week and briefly went over the issues at Welch and Iles. Clerk Cave stated she has received an email for public comment that the resident wanted to read into the minutes.

Kym Garner wrote on August 18, 2022, at 2:17 pm the following email: I am forwarding this email that I sent to multiple trustees and the president a week ago regarding the inability to see at the corner of Welch and Iles. Since not one of them sent even a “We received your email….” reply back to me I question if anyone on the board even checks their email. So I am sending it via the public acknowledgment section of the meeting so that 1) I will know that the board has heard my concern and that we can hopefully receive some sort of an answer as to a timeframe of this problem being fixed and 2) so that it is now a matter of public record /a part of the minutes that this has been a problem brought to the board multiple times and that it has taken multiple months for the village to even start to discuss what to do with it. This way there will be a paper trail showing how the Village has been negligent in protecting its residents by delaying their actions. Why? Because on Monday the area schools start and the foot, bike, car traffic will increase. And Heaven Forbid, it is only a matter of time before someone ends up hitting a child standing at the bus stop on that particular corner, or a child heading home walking or on their bike, or even a car carrying kids to and from the areas school. Hopefully that will never happen but if the Village continues to drag their feet in doing something about the danger at that corner if/when a child is injured because the driver cannot see …. Well this way they will be able to use this paper trail in their defense. Following is the description of the issue (cut n pasted from the Jerome resident Facebook page) then cut and pasted the body from my email sent 8/12/22. There are also photos that you will need to scroll down to see. Thank you Kym n Mat Garner

I am usually the last one to make a stink about something. However, My spouse, 16yo son, and myself on MULTIPLE occasions have narrowly avoided being hit when turning onto Iles off of Welch. The reason is twofold- 1) because a bush has been allowed to grow around the base of the tree at the corner and 2) there is a “decorative” plant at their light pole that has been allowed to grow to where it too is an obstruction.

We have filed complaints with Jerome multiple time as long back as 2 MONTHS ago.… and as you can see reference to tree/bush trimming has been mentioned in meetings as far back as that…. HOWEVER, nothing has yet to be done to correct this. (((There were two derelict vehicles parked there that have since been towed but that was not a fix at all because other vehicles just keep parking there adding to the difficulty to see oncoming traffic))). When residents park in front of those houses- since it is higher ground then the stop sign at Welch n Iles- it causes a complete obstruction of sight to check for oncoming traffic…. But people should be allowed to park at their house- so that’s inconvenient but alone not what is dangerous. It is the combination of the vehicles AND these two trees/bushes which means you literally have approximately 20-30 yards (40-60feet) of blind space of one of Jerome’s most busiest streets. Everyday we have to creep forward vigilantly watching Iles in hopes that today will not be the one we are in an accident due to the neglect of this resident and of Jerome for allowing it to get so dangerous. This morning I was behind a school bus as it inched forward trying to see oncoming traffic before turning onto Iles. Not being able to have a clear view to turn onto Chatham Road because of the branches multiple times a year because it takes jerome forever to trim those is annoying and minutely reckless…. But this is just plain absurd, highly dangerous, and even approaches the line of putting the tenet and the village as being legally responsible for any resulting injuries or damages due to blatant negligence and neglect on their part. I know proper action must be followed and as stated in the ordinances there must be proper notification ect before action can be taken. I am hoping that the decision for action was finally made at the 4th meeting- but since there's no minutes posted yet and the fact that it was all still there when I left home going back to work from lunch an hour ago- Im guessing it wasn’t. (And if it was might I suggest that it get figured out how to maybe get it rushed? Especially before the 22nd when those streets will be full of kids starting school.) I am posting this here because of the importance of the situation ((I am also going to send directly to the Village- but they’ve had 2 months to solve this problem and haven’t even slapped a band aid on it)) I hoping that the more Jerome residents that speak up for a safe solution the faster this solution could be implemented. I have included pictures of the corner and the meeting minutes that mention the trimming issue and the ordinance that applies here. As i said - I don’t usually bitch n complain about things but this is dangerous for me, my family, and other families and has gone on way to long.

Hello, I am writing this email to you to bring to your attention yet again of the danger that exists at the corner of Welch and Iles. Just today my husband once again came precariously close to being Tboned because of the bushes growing on that property. We live near to the end of Homewood and use Chatham road multiple times a day to come and go to work ect and so taking Welch is not a shortcut for us- its the most efficient and convenient route. So not to waste more of my time towards this act of negligence I have just cut and pasted my post from the Jerome FB group. It is absolutely absurd that it has taken over 2 months to even come to a decision about such a liability. You employ workers for roadwork, trimming ect. Heck one rode around the other day on a lawn mower spraying the streets…. Because that's soooo important compared to this. So You can’t tell me one of them isn’t able to take a pair of shears ( but because of your delay i guess a chainsaw might now be necessary) to these obstructions? I would understand a delay if its on a much less busy intersection- but playing roulette each time you have to turn onto THE BUSIEST street in Jerome for the last 2 months is unsafe, irresponsible, and infuriating.

A solution to this MUST be found and SOON. Kym and Mat Garner

After reading the email into the minutes, discussion took place on the sight triangle that was done when Mike Whitling was employed through the Village. Trustee Leigh Irons stated she agrees the sight line is bad and even with the removal of two vehicles there you still cannot see. Dave Wilken stated he has no problem seeing on the lawn mower when he goes to cut Chatham Road. Trustee Raftis stated that he will have public works investigate what we can do within the sight triangle. Trustee Leigh Irons reminded the public in attendance that the Village cannot go onto private property and cut down anything. Unfortunately, we must send notification of the issue and that the Village has gotten into trouble for doing things without proper notification and authorization before.

This portion of the meeting closed at 7:05 pm.


Trustee Smith was unable to attend the meeting, Clerk Cave reported Sangamon County Public Health will hold a Flu Clinic at the Jerome Civic Center on October 24, 2022, from 2:00 pm to 3:00pm.

Trustee Raftis reported that Ford Corporation has significant orders that dealerships were placing to obtain an inventory and they have canceled those orders. The Village truck should be done early part of 2023 unfortunately we still have no vin number for the truck that has been ordered, this creates an issue as the Village didn’t anticipate using the trade in truck for plowing this upcoming season, Public Works will be down to 2 trucks for plowing. Public Works has been working on getting the streets prepared for micro surfacing and killing weeds, may bring to the agenda the possibility of renting a sweeper. Trustee Raftis reported Matt Turner is in his 2nd week of class and has passed all his written tests so far.

Trustee DeHart state Matrix System will be onsite Monday morning at 10:30 am regarding the wiring at the Police Department and Administration building, Trustee Leigh Irons stated that software for the Police is needed, and Trustee DeHart will meet with Matrix and Chief Forsythe on Monday to discuss. Trustee DeHart stated she has completed some fire pit permits, still working things out with Starfleet on the key/lock projects and unfortunately, she contacted covid and has not finalized anything with the library.

Trustee Lael stated the Wing Stop is not opened; the suite is bare with just the studs. The open sign he saw before the last meeting was the nail shop next door. Trustee Lael stated there are 3 houses that are not in the Village and should be annexed one being 3100 Lincoln Street where the garage roof fell in and there is a dead tree in yard. The three properties are in Sangamon County. Attorney Brokaw recommended contacting Sangamon County Public Health and reporting the address.

Trustee Leigh Irons stated Alison graduated she was one of 16 females in a class of 91 cadets. Alison has been riding with Kyle and the new part time officer will be starting next week with another cadet starting school soon. Trustee Leigh Irons stated we are still waiting for the speed buddy to be delivered.

Trustee Ralph Irons stated that the water department is running smoothly. There are several classes that Dave will need to attend regarding the new EPA regulations, one in Virden next week, a two-day class in September in Springfield, a half day in Rochester in October and a 2-day class in Rockford. Attorney Brokaw recommended adding this to the next agenda for approval.

Clerk Cave stated she is working on the Executive Minutes review and reminded Trustees to get any items for the Bulletin into Clerk Cave.

Attorney Brokaw had nothing to report.

TREASURER REPORTS: Treasurer Roth presented to the Board of Trustees the Financial Status as of August 18, 2022, via email: Revenues: We saw revenues for this month the Gaming Revenue and the Use Tax to see a slight increase, which hopefully continues for the rest of the year. I will continue to monitor it. The other funds have stayed relatively stable for this month and since the beginning of the year. Funds: There are approximately $965,077.14 in the Illinois Funds GRF account after I transferred the funds into the 1%, Cannabis, and General funds. There is $146.540.96 in the MFT funds. There is approximately $42,241.33 in the INB GRF account and $167,974.44 in the INB Water account. The other bank account balances are as follows: Law Enforcement - DUI – $595.00; Law Enforcement – Vehicle - $712.43; 1% NHR - $532,198.29 (with August revenue included); Road & Bridge - $18,991.94; Police Equipment Fund - $2,893.88, Cannabis Fund - $4,740.05 (with the August revenue included); MFT-Rebuild Illinois fund – $90,947.45; American Rescue Funds - $65,505.79. Treasurer Roth stated that the Village is doing well with a 1/3 of the year in the Revenue is good and gaming and the state use tax is up slightly.

OLD BUSINESS DISCUSSION: Trustee DeHart asked to table the Leasing of the Jerome Civic Center until the next meeting.

President Lopez opened discussion and approval of bids for tree removal and tree trimming in the Village. Trustee Raftis stated that two bids have been received, Leka Tree Service was over $17,000 and Throop and Sons was $16,810 for the list of trimmings.

Motion to accept the bid from Throop and Sons for $16,810 by Trustee Raftis and 2nd by Trustee DeHart

Upon roll call vote, all voted AYE;


Trustee Raftis asked to table the Large Item Pick Up.

President Lopez asked to table the approval of appointments to Zoning Board of Appeals and Plan Commissions.

NEW BUSINESS DISCUSSION: President Lopez opened discussion and approval of rental of a roller. Trustee Raftis stated ours is not working properly. Trustee Raftis stated that the quote from United Rentals is $1,297.00 for one month, a rental of 4 weeks is $921.00 and $188 each way for delivery.

Motion to approve the rental of the roller from United Rental in the amount of $1,297.00 by Trustee Raftis and 2nd by Trustee Ralph Irons

Upon roll call vote, all voted AYE;


President Lopez opened discussion and approval for Corrections to the Water bills on # 5 and # 6 Alberta. Trustee Ralph Irons stated that there were issues when the new meters were installed. Total of the corrections to #5 and #6 Alberta are $731.68.

Motion to approve corrections to the water bills at #5 and # 6 Alberta in the amount of $731.68 by Trustee Ralph Irons and 2nd by Trustee Raftis

Upon roll call vote, all voted AYE;


President Lopez opened discussion and approval of Payment for Earned and Unused Compensatory Time to Village Employee. Trustee Raftis stated that the “comp time” is overtime hours that the employee had worked for the Village and has not been paid or used as of today’s date. Following discussion, it was determined that all comp time should be paid out at the end of each fiscal year to all employees.

Motion to approve payment for earned and unused compensatory time to Village Employee by Trustee Raftis and 2nd by Trustee Leigh Irons

Upon roll call vote, all voted AYE;


President Lopez opened discussion and approval on Resolution 05-23 Approving and Authorizing the Execution and Delivery of an Agreement for Legal Services. Attorney Brokaw stated during the last meeting the Board approved hiring a Conflict Counsel, Don Craven, for potential conflicts at a rate of $225 per hour. Resolution 05-23 Authorizes the Execution and Delivery of an Agreement for Legal Services between the Village of Jerome and Craven & Craven P.C. , to act as conflict counsel.

Motion to approve Resolution 05-23 Approving and Authorizing the

Execution and Delivery of an Agreement for Legal Services by Trustee

Lael and 2nd by Trustee Ralph Irons

Upon roll call vote, all voted AYE; except Trustee Leigh Irons voted NO


ADJOURNMENT: With no further business, President Lopez asked for a motion to close the meeting at 7:38 pm. Motion was made by Trustee Leigh Irons and 2nd by Trustee Raftis.




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