City of Athens City Council met March 13.
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
The Athens City Council met for a regularly scheduled City Council Meeting Monday March 13th, 2023.
Mayor Reichert called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. All present participated in the pledge of allegiance. The roll call taken indicated that Alderman Chernowsky, Alderman Hoffman, Alderman Puma, and Alderman Tobias were present.
Audience members in attendance included Gary Richardson, Linda Wasilewski, Brian Halcomb, Tim Rathbone, and Tim Collins.
Alderman Lantz gave the Cemetery report.
New Business
Tim Rathbone gave a report on the updates to the building on Main Street.
A motion was made by Alderman Lantz and seconded by Alderman Puma to approve the Public Works, Police, Treasury and Office Managers’ reports. Motion was roll called all present in favor voted aye. Motion passed.
A motion was made by Alderman Chernowsky and seconded by Alderman Hoffman to approve the February 2023 meeting minutes. Motion was roll called all present in favor voted aye. Motion passed.
A motion was made by Alderman Lantz and seconded by Alderman Hoffman to approve payment of bills. Motion was roll called all present in favor voted aye. Motion passed.
Motion made by Alderman Hoffman and seconded by Alderman Puma to add one additional Class A Liquor License. Motion was roll called 3 with 3 Alderman in favor and 2 Alderman voting no. Motion passed.
Motion made by Alderman Lantz and seconded by Alderman Chernowsky for an ordinance establishing the Athens Business District, approving a business district plan: authorizing the imposition and collection of a sales tax of ½% within such business district: and approving certain actions in connection with the establishment of such business district. Motion was roll called all present in favor voted aye. Motion passed.
Motion made by Alderman Tobias to move into executive session.
Motion made by Alderman Tobias and seconded by Alderman Puma to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 7:40