
Sangamon Sun

Friday, January 31, 2025

Village of La Grange Board of Trustees met March 13

Village of La Grange Board of Trustees met March 13

Here are the minutes provided by the board: 


The Board of Trustees of the Village of La Grange meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Village Clerk Paul Saladino. On roll call, as read by Clerk Saladino, the following were:

PRESENT: Trustees Augustine, Gale, Kotynek, McGee (arrived at 7:50p.m.), O'Brien and Peterson, with President Kuchler presiding.


OTHERS: Village Manager Jack Knight

Village Attorney Benjamin Schuster

Deputy Village Manager / Community Development Director

Charity Jones

Public Works Director Richard Colby

Finance Director Lou Cipparrone

Police Chief Robert Wardlaw

Interim Fire Chief John Buckley

President Kuchler welcomed the Village Board and thanked Trustees for attending the meeting. The video of the meeting is available on YouTube, and will also be available on Facebook and posted to the Village website.

President Kuchler asked Scout Troop 14 to lead the audience in reciting the pledge of allegiance.

President Kuchler noted that Scouts of Troop 14 were in attendance to earn a merit badge and are led by leaders Bill Robison and Tim Sturdeman. The troop included Nora Dulaney, senior patrol leader, Eliza Robison, Maggie Betlinski, Ava Hoag, Ronan Thomas, Jonas Collins, Matthew Strudeman, Henry James, Cooper Robison, Zac Soles, Grayson Shepard, Tyson Sweigard, Jacob Gale, Rylee Delaney, Cora Megan, Addy Whipple, and Molly Sanchez. President Kuchler noted that the troop goes on record as having the most Scouts in attendance. He also noted that Jacob Gale is Trustee Gale's son.


President Kuchler stated that the Budget Workshop regarding the Village's Operating and Capital Improvement Budgets for FY 2023-24 through FY 2027 - 28 was held on Saturday, March 1 1, 2023. The proposed budget invests in Village infrastructure and in the organization as a means to provide the best services to La Grange residents in a manner that maximizes the value of Village revenues. The proposed budget is available for review at Village Hall, the La Grange Public Library, and on the Village website. A Public Hearing regarding the proposed FY 2Q22-24 Budget is scheduled for Monday, April 10, with consideration of its approval scheduled for April 24. He noted that residents are welcome to comment on the budget.

President Kuchler stated that the budget has allocated funds for stormwater management through maintaining and improving our sewer system, including the 50th Street storm sewer project. He explained that the Village recently learned that the hearing date in the trial with Hanson has been continued until May 3, 2023. President Kuchler noted that while disappointed in the delay, the Village will continue to work with our partners in the planning for stormwater relief projects.

President Kuchler noted that the feedback regarding La Grange Restaurant Week, was reported to be very successful, with most businesses reporting activity to be very good or excellent. He thanked La Grange Business Association (LGBA) for coordinating this event, the great restaurants and businesses and the patrons who came to La Grange.

President Kuchler announced that the Fire Department, in conjunction with "Go Green La Grange" will host a smoke detector recycling program. Under the program, residents may drop unwanted detectors in a recycling bin that is in the Fire Department lobby until May 25. Residents are urged to take advantage of this program to keep smoke detectors out of landfills.

President Kuchler welcomed new Village employee, Kelsey Fawell, who has stepped into the role of Village Planner as of March 9 and was in attendance at the meeting. Kelsey comes from the Village of Highland Park. She will be working closely with the Plan Commission, Zoning Board of Appeals. and Design Review Commission.

President Kuchler noted that due to the light schedule, the Village Board meeting scheduled for Monday. March 27th, has been cancelled. The next regular meeting is scheduled for Monday, April 10th.

President Kuchler noted that Spring Break will take place for schools over the course of the next few weeks. On behalf of the Board, President Kuchler wished parents and their school children an enjoyable and restful break.

President Kuchler noted that the Citizen's Council will have an open forum for the candidates running for Village Board, Library, and Park District, on Wednesday, March 15 at 6:30 p.m. in the Village Hall Auditorium.

A. Mayor's Monarch Pledge

President Kuchler introduced the Mayors' Monarch Pledge program, launched in 2015 by the National Wildlife Federation, which aims to engage cities and communities in Monarch and pollinator conservation. Under the program, Mayors and other heads of local and tribal government take action to help save the monarch butterfly, an iconic species whose populations have reportedly declined by 90%-99% in recent years.

A motion was made by Trustee Gale to approve the Mayor's Monarch Pledge, seconded by Trustee Augustine. Motion carried on a voice vote.


Village Manager Knight announced upcoming meetings. The Plan Commission will meet on March 146 at 7:30 p.m. in the Village Hall Auditorium. The Board of Fire and Police Commissioners will meet on March '15th at 5:30 p.m. in the Village Hall Lower-Level Conference Room. The Zoning Board of Appeals will meet on Thursday, March 15th at 7:30 p.m. in the Village Hall Auditorium.

Mr. Knight noted that the Brush pick up program will resume in April. Under this program, residents can place tree branches and shrub trimmings curbside for pickup on the first Monday of the month. Items are suggested to be placed on Sunday evening, but must be placed no later than 7:OO a.m. on Monday. There are specific requirements for participating in the program. Those interested in participating are encouraged to visit the Village's website to familiarize themselves with requirements and for further information.


Bill Robison, Scout Master - Troop 14, commented on the Monarch Pledge and noted that two Scouts in Troop 14 will be executing Eagle projects over the next three months that Involve constructing and promoting pollinator pockets within the Village. One of the pollinators will be constructed at the First Presbyterian Church, the other to be constructed at the United Methodist Church on 5oth St. and Kensington Ave.

President Kuchler thanked Mr. Robison. He requested that the Scouts come back and report to the Village Board, which can then be included in the reports to the National Monarch Association.


A. Agreement - By and Between the State of Illinois, Indiana Harbor Belt Railroad Company, the Village of La Grange, and State of Illinois Department of Transportation Regarding the Cossitt Avenue Crossing

B. Material Purchase - Public Works Department - Fire Hydrants 

C. Minutes of the Village of La Grange Board of Trustees Regular Meeting, Monday, February 27 , 2023

D. Consolidated Voucher 230313

A motion was made by Trustee Kotynek to approve the Consent Agenda, seconded by Trustee Gale.

Trustee Augustine stated that in consideration of her relationship to the Village Prosecutor, she recused herself from each item on the voucher related to the Village Prosecutor.

Trustee Augustine asked when the work at the Cossitt Avenue Crossing was scheduled to begin.

Rick Colby, Publics Works Director, stated that the work at the Cossitt Avenue Crossing is scheduled for September 2023.

Trustee Gale asked what type of work would occur at the crossing, would it be a repair, replacement, or improvement.

Mr. Colby stated that the work would entail a {ull rebuild at the intersection resulting in improvements to the current conditions. The work is estimated to be complete in about three weeks from commencement in September. There will be detours posted, and he noted there is a crossing at Lincoln Avenue, one block to the north.

Approved by a roll call vote:

Ayes: Trustees Augustine, Gale, Kotynek, MvGee, O'Brien and Peterson 

Nays: None

Absent: None


A. Resolution - Indicating Municipal Support for a Cook County Real Estate Class 6(b) Property Tax Incentive to 9600 Ogden Avenue

President Kuchler asked Trustee Augustine to introduce the item.

Trustee Augustine stated that Whole Cubes LLC (applicant) is the contract purchaser of the property at 9600 Ogden Avenue. The Applicant is seeking Village support of its request for a Class 6b classification from the Cook Count! Assessor. A Class 6b classification results in a temporary reduction of the assessed value of a property, resulting in lower property taxes for a set period of time. The Applicant's proposed development would relocate an existing business from DuPage County to La Grange, bringing up to 11 full-time employee positions within three years. The proposed business will additionally generate approximately $'10,000 in annual sales tax. Granting the 6b incentive would result in more property tax revenue than was received in 20,]9 when the building was last occupied, and more than is being collected now based on the building's vacant status.

Trustee Augustine moved to accept the Municipal Support for a Cook County Real Estate Class 6(b) Property Tax Incentive to 9600 Ogden Avenue, seconded by Trustee Kotynek.

Trustee Gale asked if the railroad tracks bifurcate the property, and if so, inquired as to why only the property south of the tracks was being discussed.

Charity Jones, Deputy Village Manager/Community Development Director. noted that the railroad tracks do not bifurcate the site. The Village does have an arrangement that has been in place since the 1960's, whereby the Village Public Works Department crosses the property and in return the Village has allowed the property owner to use a portion of the Village's property for parking on the south end of the lot. The Village would look to formalize that agreement to ensure that the mutually beneficial arrangement continues in the future.

Trustee Gale asked how the property tax levy is applied and if the Village's Levy stays the same.

Lou Cipparrone stated that the Village levies property taxes on a dollar amount not on a tax rate. So, when there is an individual decrease in a property it is allocated across the rest of the Village. Any decrease is leveled out evenly across the rest of Village when there's any kind of change in an individual property assessment.

Joel Stein, owner of Whole Cubes, stated that Whole Cubes is an office furniture dealership that has been in business for 13 years and was previously renting space in Addison, Illinois while looking for a proper home. He noted that he is a third generation office furniture dealer.

President Kuchler thanked Mr. Stein and his investment in La Grange. Accepted by a roll call vote:

Ayes: Trustees Augustine, Gale, Kotynek, McGee, O'Brien and Peterson 

Nays: None

Absent: None


Kathleen Deane, 100 S. Ashland Avenue, stated that she has been a resident of La Grange lor 34 years and wanted to talk about Russell Davenport, Assistant Director of Public Work. She stated Mr. Davenport is to be commended and acknowledged for his responsiveness in a job well done for tree trimming services. Mr. Davenport was very responsible, polite and courteous, and the Village is fortunate to have him on the team. She also thanked Mr. Davenport's team, including Giovanni, Milo, Rodrigo, and Sam for a job well done.

President Kuchler thanked Mrs. Deane for her comments. He also thanked Mr. and Mrs. Deane for their investment in the Village's urban forest and their efforts to save the remaining Elm Trees. President Kuchler agreed that the Village is fortunate to have Russell Davenport as an employee.


Trustee Augustine noted that the Citizen Council of La Grange open forum event is held every other year to allow residents to meet the candidates who are running for offices in La Grange.

Trustee Augustine noted that quarry blasting continues like clockwork, which is expected, but the level of engagement and awareness in the community has changed. Since raising the issue in October, the Facebook page "Lyons Township Quarry Information/Underground Blasting at McCook Quarry" added 61 new members, and since the last Village Board meeting, an additional 43 members have joined. As this topic is discussed by the Board and covered by local papers, more community members now understand what is happening and will try to get some change. Hopefully, this will include more calls received by the Quarry. She emphasized the importance of joining the Facebook group and joining a group that can discuss plans to minimize the impact on area homes. She noted that while surface mining blasting has been ongoing for generations, the blasting is now subterranean and the effects are stronger and more deeply felt. She encouraged residents to contact Hanson Quarry when a blast is felt by calling (866) 934-3278.




At 8:13 p.m. Trustee Kotynek made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Trustee Peterson. Approved by a roll call
