
Sangamon Sun

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Village of Jerome Village Board of Trustees met April 6

Village of Jerome Village Board of Trustees met April 6.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

CALL TO ORDER: The President and the Board of Trustees held a regular meeting on Thursday, April 6, 2023, at the Jerome Civic Center, 2901 Leonard Street, Jerome, Illinois. The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by President Lopez, followed by Roll call and the Pledge of Allegiance.


The following were present:

Mike Lopez, Village President

Kathy DeHart, Trustee of Public Property & Co Trustee Public Health 

Christina Smith, Co-Trustee of Public Health

Leigh Irons, Trustee of Public Safety

Dale Lael, Trustee of Building & Zoning

Ralph Irons, Trustee of Water Department

Phil Raftis, Trustee of Public Works

Also Present:

Jason Brokaw, Attorney, Giffin, Winning, Cohen & Bodewes, P.C., 

Steve Roth, Village Treasurer

Zach Sweet, Village Treasurer in Training

Lisa Cave, Village Clerk


President Lopez asked whether the Board had reviewed the March 16, 2023, Minutes and if they found need for any changes, corrections, or amendments. President Lopez asked the March 16, 2023, minutes would stand approved as presented.

Motion to approve the March 16, 2023, Meeting Minutes as presented by: Trustee Leigh Irons and 2nd by Trustee DeHart

Upon roll call vote, all voted AYE;


President Lopez asked whether the Board had reviewed the March 2, 2023, Executive Minutes and if they found need for any changes, corrections, or amendments. President Lopez asked the March 2, 2023, executive minutes would stand approved as presented.

Motion to approve the March 2, 2023, Executive Minutes as presented by:

Trustee Leigh Irons and 2nd by Trustee Ralph Irons

Upon roll call vote, all voted AYE;


President Lopez expressed his condolences on the untimely death of former President Duffy, who funded and started the Park at the corner of Filmore & Jerome. President Lopez asked Trustee DeHart to order a plaque in her name. President Lopez asked for a moment of silence.


President Lopez opened the Visitors Acknowledgement portion of the meeting at 6:34 pm.

Clerk Cave reported receiving no emails.

This portion of the meeting closed at 6:35 pm.

President Lopez stated he received a call from Niemann Foods that they had taken core samples at the ole Shop n Save location and will call when they know something.

Stephanie with Watts Copy Systems addressed the Board on a new copy agreement with the Village. Currently the Village pays $127.00 per month for the copier in the front office. Stephanie proposed the Village upgrades the copier in the front office to a color copier to replace the three color copiers that are already located in the administration building and to add a copier to the Police Department which would be black and white for a total of $120.00 a month and a color charge of $.05 per copy and includes 60,000 black and white copies. Stephanie also proposed an additional machine in the water area and in the garage for Public Works at $24.00 per month per unit. Color copies are charged each sheet at $.099 each on these machines all billed monthly. This will be an agreement for 5 years that will keep the costs down.

Motion to approve the Watts Copy System Agreement for 5 years to replace the copiers at the Police Department and the Secretary area for $170.00 per month and a monthly charge for color copies, by Trustee DeHart and 2nd by Trustee Smith

Upon roll call vote, all voted AYE;


APPROVAL TO PAY BILLS: President Lopez asked whether the board had reviewed Warrant List 23-23 dated April 6, 2023, totaling $38,839.25. Treasurer Zack Sweet added that of this amount $18,157.31 will be paid from the General Revenue Fund, $16,227.66 will be paid from the Water Account, $1,054.28 will be paid from the 1% Fund and $3,400.00 will be paid from the ARPA funds. President Lopez asked for a motion to approve Warrant List 23-23 as presented.

Motion to Approve the Warrant List 23-23 totaling $38,839.25 as presented by Trustee Leigh Irons and 2nd by Trustee Ralph Irons

Upon roll call vote, all voted AYE;


TREASURER REPORTS: Treasurer Roth presented to the Board of Trustees a Draft Budget for the next fiscal year via email. Treasurer Roth asked that each Trustee review their departments and if there are any changes to get them to him within the next week so everything can be ready for approval at the next board meeting.

OLD BUSINESS DISCUSSION: Trustee DeHart asked to table the Leasing of the Jerome Civic Center, Purchase of Chairs and Tables for the Civic Center (ARPA), Purchase of Security Master Lock and Key System (ARPA), and the Contract for Paving and Concrete Work for Municipal Complex to meet ADA Requirements all be tabled until the next meeting.

Trustee Leigh Irons asked to table the Hiring of Police Officers and Hiring of the Police Chief until the next meeting.

NEW BUSINESS DISCUSSION: President Lopez opened discussion and approval of the Retainer Agreement and Fee Increase for KEB. Treasurer Roth stated that there is a fee increase from $1,500.00 to $1,750.00 per month. Clerk Cave asked the agreement states that it is still stating bi monthly and not bi weekly and will that be any additional charge? Treasurer Roth stated he has not talked with KEB and suggested that Clerk Cave reach out to KEB to clarify before the agreement is passed. Clerk Cave will reach out before the next meeting to clarify. President Lopez suggested the Board table the Retainer Agreement and Fee Increase for KEB until the next meeting.

President Lopez opened discussion and approval of the Service of the Backhoe for 500 hours. Trustee Raftis stated the backhoe is in need of service and Luby Equipment will change the oil, fuel filter, air and cab filters, hydraulic filter and tank filter change, top off all the fluids, grease the machine, and the transmission filter for a total of $1,655.00.

Motion to approve Service of the backhoe for the 500 hours from Luby Equipment Services in the amount of $1,655.00 by Trustee Raftis and 2nd by Trustee Smith

Upon roll call vote, all voted AYE;


President Lopez opened discussion and approval of the Purchase of an Arrow Board Controller Unit and Associated Parts. Trustee Raftis stated that these items will be used for the Arrow that was purchased a year ago for $800.00 and the Village asked Warning Lites to inspect the Arrow to ensure everything was working correctly. There were a few items that was in need to have the Arrow operational totaling $580.00.

Motion to approve the Purchase of an Arrow Board Controller Unit and Associated Parts not to exceed $600.00 by Trustee Raftis and 2nd by Trustee Ralph Irons

Upon roll call vote, all voted AYE;


President Lopez opened discussion and approval of the Required EPA Lab Testing for the remainder of 2023. Dave, Supervisor of Public Works stated that the EPA is moving to a calendar year and not a fiscal year and they have provided an agreement for 18 months.

Motion to approve the Required EPA Lab Testing for the remainder of 2023 by Trustee Ralph Irons and 2nd by Trustee Raftis

Upon roll call vote, all voted AYE;


President Lopez opened discussion and approval of the Changes to the Employee Manual on Comp Time. Attorney Brokaw stated that currently the employees are allowed to earn comp time in lieu of overtime. Following a discussion

Motion to keep the Comp Time as is by Trustee Smith and 2nd by Trustee Ralph Irons

Upon roll call vote, all voted AYE;


President Lopez stated that the Change to Bi-Weely Pay Periods is tabled until the next meeting.


President Lopez asked Trustees to reach out to Treasurer Roth before the next meeting on the budget and plan ahead because the next meeting will be a long one.

Trustee Smith had nothing to report.

Trustee Raftis asked for residents to be patient with the Limb Pickup, Public Works will be conducting the limb pickup until April 15, 2023.

Trustee DeHart reported the Polic Department Roof will be starting on April 10th, the Civic Center doors are complete, Matrix will be in the office before the next board meeting to pass out the laptops for the Trustees. Trustee DeHart stated the Easter event was a great success and thanked Trustee Ralph Irons for the cookies and drinks. Trustee DeHart stated the Library is finished and they are cleaning out the first floor and will be scheduling a reopening event in the near future. Thankfully there were 3 new volunteers that have reached out to help with the Library thanks to the bulletin.

Trustee Lael reported that Wing Stop is not opened. Trustee Lael asked that he meet with Attorney Brokaw on the property on Chatham Road and the houses that had fires to them. Trustee Lael states that we need to get something done with them.

Trustee Leigh Irons stated the Police Department is still conducting interviews for the Police Department. Alison is doing well and the new police officer has passed his physical test and is enrolled in the Academy for May of 2023.

Trustee Ralph Irons stated we have lost the Water Clerk and Diane is back. Dave is doing a great job and Brandon is half done with the Water Operator Class.

Clerk Cave reminded the Trustees to fill out their Economic Interest Statements that has been emailed to you from Sangamon County before the deadline or they will fine you daily.

Attorney Brokaw stated he had nothing to report.

ADJOURNMENT: With no further business, President Lopez asked for a motion to close the meeting at 7:40pm. Motion was made by Trustee Raftis and 2nd by Trustee Ralph Irons.
