
Sangamon Sun

Monday, March 3, 2025

Village of La Grange Board of Trustees met April 10

Village of La Grange Board of Trustees met April 10

Here are the minutes provided by the board:


The Board of Trustees of the Village of La Grange meeting was called to order at 7:36 p.m. by Village Clerk Paul Saladino. On roll call, as read by Clerk Saladino, the following were: 

PRESENT: Trustees Augustine, Gale, O'Brien and Peterson, with President Kuchler presiding. 

ABSENT: Trustees Kotynek and McGee 

OTHERS: Village Manager Jack Knight 

Village Attorney Caitlyn Culbertson 

Deputy Village Manager/Community Development Director Charity Jones 

Public Works Director Richard Colby 

Finance Director Lou Cipparrone 

Police Chief Robert Wardlaw 

lnterim Fire Chief John Buckley 

President Kuchler welcomed the Village Board and thanked Trustees for attending the meeting. The video of the meeting is available on YouTube, and will also be available on Facebook and posted to the Village website. 

President Kuchler asked Village Clerk Saladino to lead the audience in reciting the pledge of allegiance. 


A. Public Hearing - FY 2023-24 Operating and Capital Improvements Budget 

President Kuchler opened the public hearing and explained that the public hearing represents the conclusion of a nine-month long budget development process. The budget is scheduled for adoption at the next regular Village Board meeting scheduled for Monday, April 24,2023. 

A notice of the Public Hearing has been posted and published in accordance with legal requirements. ln addition, copies of the proposed budget have been made  available for public inspection at the Village Hall, La Grange Public Library and on the Village's website since March 3'd. President Kuchler noted that the Village budget is a living document and resident input is welcome throughout the year. 

After no comments were provided by the public, President Kuchler announced the Village budget public hearing was closed. He noted that final action on the Village budget would be taken on Monday, April 24,2023. 

President Kuchler resumed the regular meeting noting the same individuals were in attendance. 


President Kuchler noted that the Chicago Fire Department lost two members in the line of duty. He stated that on behalf of the Board, the Village of La Grange recognizes both gentlemen for their bravery and sacrifice. He noted that these incredibly sad event reminds all residents of the sacrifices that our public safety employees endure to ensure the public safety. 

President Kuchler noted that Police Officers Taylor Falls, Laura McDermott, Caitlin Hoover, and Investigator Candice Cassiberry attended a two-day 2023 Women in Criminal Justice conference. He thanked the Officers and the Police Department for their commitment to continuing education and furthering their skills. 

President Kuchler congratulated and recognized the Lyons Township Area Communications Center (LTACC) on National Public Safety Telecommunications Week. He expressed gratitude and appreciation to our telecommunicators and all of our public safety professionals. He noted that LTACC is hiring. For more information go to www.ltacc9l 1 .org. 

President Kuchler announced that any residents who wish to serve the community in a volunteer capacity and are interested in serving on a board or commission now or when a vacancy occurs, may submit a letter of interest and resume to President Kuchler or the Village Manager. President Kuchler is in the process of considering appointments and re-appointments for various boards and commissions at this time. He also thanked all of our board and commission members for their time and dedication serving the community. 

President Kuchler noted that the Field of Honor Group is planning to host an event and are looking for Veterans and Non-Veterans that would like to serve on the committee. For more information, please contact President Kuchler at mkuchler@lagranqeil.qov. 

President Kuchler announced this year's Spring Clean Up will be held the week of April 24 on resident's regular collection day. One Spring Clean Up Sticker (a $6.20 value) is required for unlimited participation. For more information, including allowable items, please visit the website at www.laqranqeil.gov.

President Kuchler announced that Earth Day is April 22. Individuals are encouraged to visit www.earthday.org for stePs they can take to improve the environment, such as planting trees, reducing plastic consumption, and cleaning up natural areas. He noted that the League of Women Voters of La Grange will sponsor a hike in honor of Earth Day. The hike will be held from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. at Bemis Woods, located on Wolf Road been 31't Steet and Ogden Avenue. For more information go to www.my.lwv.orglillinois/la-granoe-area. 

A. Proclamation - Arbor Day in La Grange, April 28,2023 

President Kuchler stated that April 28, 2028is Arbor Day. This marks the 40th consecutive year of the Village being named a Tree City USA and the 9th year of receiving the Growth Award. 

Village Clerk Saladino read the Proclamation into the record. Trustee Gale made a motion to approve the Proclamation, seconded by Trustee Peterson. Approved by a voice vote. 


Village Manager Knight announced that Public Works began its annual hydrant flushing program and is expected to complete the work by the end of May. Crews plan to flush hydrants both during the day and night, Monday through Friday, depending on the location of the hydrant, traffic patterns and other factors. The purpose of the hydrant flushing is to purge sediment which has accumulated on the bottom of the water mains and to exercise valves to ensure their proper operation. Signs will be posted on streets notifying residents where crews will be working in advance of the flushing activities. Immediately following the flushing of the nearest hydrant, residents may notice temporarily discolored water which is due to the flushed iron and mineral sediments. While the water is safe, residents should run cold-water faucets several minutes to draw in clear water prior to doing laundry. The Village's water quality meets all the standards established by regulatory agencies. For more information regarding hydrant flushing and water quality, please visit the Village's website at www.villageoflagrange.com. 

Village Manager Knight announced that the Rehabilitation of Edgewood Avenue Project, from 47th Street to the southern border of the Village resumed and will continue through the week o{ April24. With the street resurfacing the Village has coordinated with the residents, the hospital, and school transportation companies to provide updates through the duration of the project. 


Before opening the floor for public comments regarding items on the agenda, President Kuchler noted that certain changes to the consent agenda were needed due to the number of trustees in attendance. He noted that item 8. .4 Resolution Waiving Bidding and Authorizing the Village Manager to Award a Contract for the Purchase of a Ford F-59 Truck from Currie Motors Frankfort Incorporate would be removed from the consent agenda and will be discussed under current business. He noted the items H. Consolidated Voucher 230327and t. Consolidated Voucher 23041O will remove the legal bills pertaining to Faloon & Kenney, which will be addressed at the next Village Board Meeting. 

Brian Fry stated that he delivered a letter from MAK's House owner Kevin Mulryan to Trustee Augustine to be read at the meeting regarding the carnival. 

Dan Spain, owner of the Elm, 23 W. Harris, stated that he has been in communication with the La Grange Business Association (LGBA) regarding the carnival and has two concerns. The first is size & safety and the second is the location of the carnival. Regarding the location, he stated that businesses lose money on the first week of the summer and is requesting for the carnival to be relocated. 

Stephanie Posey, LGBA President, stated that a permit request has been submitted. Regarding the concerns of the location and the size of the event, she noted that LGBA was made aware of Mr. Spain's concerns in 2021 and that the LGBA Board at that time attempted to make some accommodations. Further, after a petition regarding the carnival was circulated among downtown businesses in 2022, the LGBA held a forum, open to all the businesses, to hear all viewpoints and concerns. The conclusion of the LGBA Board was that the current location is the most feasible location. The carnival rides have been rearranged to ease some of the congestion and regarding the parking situation, LGBA will work with Chase and AT&T to use their private lots, creating an additional 75 parking spots. 


A. Agreement - Stormwater Management Plan Update - Engineering Task Order 

B. A Resolution Waiving Bidding and Authorizing the Village Manager to Award a Contract for the Purchase of a Ford F-59 Truck from Currie Motors Frankfort Incorporate 

C. An Ordinance Amending the La Grange Zoning Code Regarding Auto Repair Uses, Allowable Uses of Detached Garages, Storefront Window Coverings, Bulk Standards for Accessory Structures, Authorized Variations, the Design Review Permit Process, and Definitions 

An Ordinance Amending Sections 150.09, 150.16, 150.22, 150.23, 150.28 and 150.30 of the Code of Ordinances of the Village of La Grange Regarding Building Permits, Grading and Drainage Regulations, Local Amendments to International Building Code, International Residential Code, International Fire Code, and National Electrical Code 

D. A Resolution Requesting Closure of La Grange Road - From 47th Street to Burlington Avenue for the Annual Pet Parade

E. An Ordinance Authorizing Disposal of Property Owned by the Village of La Grange 

F. Minutes of the Village of La Grange Board of Trustees Special Meeting, Saturday, March 1 1,2023 

G. Minutes of the Village of La Grange Board of Trustees Regular Meeting, Monday, March 13, 2023 

H. Consolidated Voucher 230327

I. Consolidated Voucher 23041 0 

A motion was made by Trustee Gale to approve the Consent Agenda, excluding Item B and items on the Consolidated Vouchers regarding Faloon & Kenney, seconded by Trustee Augustine. 

Trustee Peterson asked regarding the storm water management plan update what is the difference between bulletin 70 and 75. 

Rick Colby, Public Works Director noted that bulletin 75 was published in 2020 and is how engineers' reference that storms are becoming more severe. The task order is confirming that the Village wants to use the data from bulletin 75 when work is being completed for the storm water management plan. 

Trustee Augustine thanked staff for preparing the Zoning Code amendments and asked for an explanation of item C as it related to garages and how this update will benefit the residents.  

Deputy Village Manager/Community Development Director Charity Jones stated that the ordinance amendment allows detached garages of single-family homes to include occupiable space within them, including a half bath. The amendment still does not allow for garages to be used as dwelling units and includes provisions to discourage such conversions. 

Trustee Gale thanked Ms. Jones for the reviews, updates and amendments to the Zoning Code. Trustee Gale asked regarding the stormwater management if Christopher Burke Engineering could provide updates identifying the interim recommendations and solutions. 

Approved by a roll call vote: 

Ayes: Trustees Augustine, Gale, O'Brien and Peterson 

Nays: None 

Absent: Trustees Kotynek and McGee 


A. Agreement - GovHR USA - Finance Director Recruitment & Selection President Kuchler stated that long tenured Finance Director Lou Cipparrone announced his pending retirement in June of this year. Director Cipparrone has a had a long and distinguished career, having completed over 29 years of service to the Village. He noted that the use of a professional recruitment firm to assist with the placement of the next Finance Director is recommended. Given GovHR's unique position within the professional local government recruitment industry and familiarity with the Village of La Grange, it is recommended to waive the Request for Proposals (RFP) process and approve the professional services agreement with GovHR. 

Trustee Augustine moved to accept the Agreement - GovHR USA - Finance Direclor Recruitment & Selection, seconded by Trustee Gale. 

Trustee Gale noted that the Village recently used GovHR USA to hire the current Village Manager. He noted that the GovHR were very professional and the process went very well. 

Accepted by a roll call vote: 

Ayes: Trustees Augustine, Gale, O'Brien, Peterson and President Kuchler 

Nays: None 

Absent: Trustee Kotynek and McGee

B. Special Event - La Grange Business Association Carnival President Kuchler asked Trustee Augustine to introduce the item. 

Trustee Augustine stated that the carnival, as conducted in the past, is to be held the weekend of the Pet Parade, June 2 - June 4. Consistent with past years, the carnival will be held on Harris Avenue between La Grange Road and Ashland Avenue and include use of Village Parking Lots 3, 4, and 8, located along Harris Avenue. She noted that the La Grange Business Association is requesting that eligible restaurants, located immediately adjacent to the carnival area, be permitted to sell beer and wine inside their licensed premises, with event attendees being allowed to carry out and consume the drinks in the immediately adjacent event area. 

Trustee Augustine moved to approve the Special Event - La Grange Business Association Carnival, seconded by Trustee Gale. 

Trustee Augustine read the letter provided to her from the owner of MAK's House, Kevin Mulryan. 

Trustee Augustine noted that as a resident she wants and enjoys the carnival, as a trustee, she must evaluate the pros and cons for the residents and the businesses. She noted that she has reviewed all the comments made during the forum and asked many businesses their stance on continuing the carnival. She noted that there should be future discussion to consider other possible locations for the carnival or perhaps scale back the carnival / activities for that weekend. 

Trustee Peterson asked what additional security arrangements are made by the police department for carnival event. 

Robert Wardlaw, Police Chief noted that vacation time is frozen for the duration of the pet parade/carnival due to the manpower needed. He noted that in addition to the regularly scheduled police officers, additional police and auxiliary officers will be scheduled at the carnival for the duration of the weekend. 

Trustee Augustine reiterated that this item has her vote to go forward for this year. She also offered to be a part of discussions for future years as she believes it has not been put to bed. She noted the LGBA is an amazing group and she is proud of what they do for La Grange as the Village couldn't do a lot of things it wants without LGBA. Without getting into more details, she feels that there could be more communication and hates to see the division with such a strong group. She noted that is very helpful for the Village to have LGBA and to have them do what they do. She noted that she has been a part of this and nothing seemed like anyone wasn't trying really hard to get to a place of agreement but just didn't get there, hopefully they can at some point. 

Accepted by a roll call vote: 

Ayes: Trustees Augustine, Gale, O'Brien and Peterson

Nays: None 

Absent: Trustee Kotynek and McGee 

C. A Resolution Waiving Bidding and Authorizing the Village Manager to Award a Contract for the Purchase of a Ford F-59 Truck from Currie Motors Frankfort Incorporate 

President Kuchler introduced this agenda item. He stated that the water truck is a critical piece of equipment that allows the Village to repair water mains, water services, and sewers. The expected useful life of the vehicle is 15 years. Based on the mechanic's assessment of needed repairs and the number of associated tools to be replaced, as well as the vehicle's age (16 years), Truck 74 was recommended and approved for replacement in December 2022. He noted that given the unavailability of purchasing contracts through cooperatives, price volatility, and limited available inventory, the proposed resolution will wave competitive bidding requirements and authorize the Village Manager to award the contract for the purchase of a Ford F-59 Truck with Body and Upfitting from Currie Motors Frankfort, Inc. It is recommended to approve the resolution, to waive the formal bidding process, authorizing the Village Manager to execute the purchase of a 2023 F -59 Commercial Chassis, Body and Upfitting from Currie Motors Frankfort, Inc. 

Trustee Gale moved to accept A Resolution Waiving Bidding and Authorizing the Village Manager to Award a Contract for the Purchase of a Ford F-59 Truck from Currie Motors Frankfort Incorporate, seconded by Trustee Augustine. 

Accepted by a roll call vote: 

Ayes: Trustees Augustine, Gale, O'Brien, Peterson and President Kuchler 

Nays: None 

Absent: Trustee Kotynek and McGee 


Peggy Mauser, League of Woman Voters, noted the group's interest in working with the Village in relation to the new comprehensive plan funded in part by an RTA grant. She noted that the group will look to meet with Trustees and staff to work together. She stated that the information for the Earth Day Hike is available on the website at www.mv.lwv.orglillinois/la-qrange-area.

Alan Foreman, 56 7th Avenue, noted his concerns with pedestrians just avoiding being struck while in a crosswalk and vehicle making turns. He suggested adding convex mirrors in the parking deck exits. He also noted that the streetscape sign on La Grange Road and Harris Avenue could possibly be an obstruction. Finally, he noted that the crossing on La Grange Road and Cossitt Avenue might benefit with a 'no turn on red' sign. 

President Kuchler thanked Mr. Foreman, noting that pedestrian, bicycle, and car safety is a concern with the Village. He noted that La Grange Road is an Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) road, but that the Village can contact IDOT for possible updates. President Kuchler noted that the department heads will review and research Mr. Foreman's comments. 

Bessie Boyd, 234 Sayer, noted her concerns regarding the railroad crossing on Cossitt Avenue and its condition. She requested i{ the Village can have the railroad company repair the railroad crossing properly. She also inquired about the status of the lot at 408 Cossitt Avenue. 

President Kuchler thanked Ms. Boyd and noted that the owner of the crossing is Indiana Harbor Belt Railroad (IHBR). He stated that the Public Works Department is in negations with IHBR as residents have also inquired about having sidewalks installed. 

Mr. Colby noted that the Village is in contact with IHBR as this is major intersection for the Public Works Department and confirmed that this area is due for a full reconstruction which will begin in September of this year. 

Ms. Jones noted that prior building at 408 E. Cossitt Ave. was demolished and a set of approved plans of an industrial development were submitted, but the property is currently on the market.

Bridget Murphy, 500 block of Brainard, stated that between 47th Avenue and 55th Street, with the flashing pedestrian crossing sign, cars are not obeying the signal. She suggested a stop sign or speed bumps be installed in the area, or at least increased enforcement to encourage safe driving behavior. 

President Kuchler thanked Ms. Murphy and noted that this road will be evaluated to determine what are the best options for the area. He asked Ms. Murphy to submit a follow up to President Kuchler or Mr. Knight for an update on the issue.


Trustee Augustine stated that she has cards with the Facebook page "Lyons Township Quarry Information/Underground Blasting at McCook Quarry". She noted that the basis for the allowable blast level tolerances at both Vulcan and Hanson Quarry comes from a study based on data from the 1960s and newer studies from the 1970s published in 1980, which is called Report of Investigation (Rl) 8507 commissioned by the U.S. Bureau of Mines, which no longer exists. She noted that the blasting is now subterranean, but there is no data to show the effects. She encouraged residents to contact Hanson Quarry when a blast is felt by calling (866) 934-3278. 

Trustee Gale noted that dovetailing on Trustee Augustine's comments, at some point, after we gather more information, it may be appropriate to have some kind of letter from the Village calling for this kind of study or further investigation just so we can add a little of our imprint of the Village Board on further action to study the issue. Trustee Gale asked if the Village was receiving any responses from IHBR regarding the improvements that are requested, in addition to sidewalks. He noted that if the railroad is not being responsive, the Board members are a good resource, as a previous Board President is an employee of a railroad company. Trustee Gale stated that the Police Department should issue citations (or more citations) with regards to pedestrian safety issues. 




At 8:55 p.m. Trustee Gale made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Trustee Augustine. Approved by a voice vote. 
