
Sangamon Sun

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Village of La Grange Board of Trustees met April 24

Village of La Grange Board of Trustees met April 24

Here are the minutes provided by the board:


The Board of Trustees of the Village of La Grange meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Village Clerk Paul Saladino. On roll call, as read by Clerk Saladino, the following were:

PRESENT: Trustees Augustine, Gale, Kotynek, McGee, O'Brien and Peterson, with President Kuchler presiding.


OTHERS: Village Manager Jack Knight

Village Attorney Caitlyn Culbertson

Deputy Village Manager/Community Development Director

Charity Jones

Public Works Director Richard Colby

Finance Director Lou Cipparrone

Police Chief Robert Wardlaw

lnterim Fire Chief John Buckley

President Kuchler welcomed the Village Board and thanked Trustees for attending the meeting. He shared that video of the meeting is available on YouTube, and will also be available on Facebook and posted to the Village website.

President Kuchler invited Dezonna and Russell Davenport to lead the audience in reciting the pledge of allegiance.


A. Employee Recognition - Public Works Assistant Director Russell Davenport Public Works Assistant Director Russell - 35 Years of Service

President Kuchler recognized Russell Davenport, Assistant Director in the Department of Publics, for 35 years of service to the Village of La Grange.

President Kuchler noted that Russell began his career with Public Works as a Laborer on April 18, '1988. Russell was promoted to Crew Leader in 1993, Foreman in 2000, and Assistant Director of Public Works in 2021. At each level Russell has demonstrated a willingness to take on new responsibilities and has continued to learn and work outside of his comfort zone. Russell's commitment, adaptability, attitude, and work ethic transcend the years and have had a tangible impact on what makes this Village special.

Russell has been involved with maintaining the Village's complex infrastructure of streets, water, sewer, streetlights, and buildings; and has ensured that daily trash service, mowing grass, trimming trees, and plowing snow goes smoothly. Russell is also  instrumental in the flawless execution of many community events such as the Pet Parade and Christmas Walk enjoyed by residents and visitors to our Village.

President Kuchler stated that Russell his wife Dezonna and their beautiful children Anthony, Arielle, Ashley, Crista and Chanel have all been born and raised here in La Grange and have our sincerest gratitude for their sacrifices over the years. Undoubtedly, Russell could not have accomplished all that he has without their love and support.

Trustee Augustine congratulated Russell on this milestone, as it's a rarity to stay at one job for this long. She noted how Russell has learned many skills on the job and then has trained his co-workers. She stated that Russell's winning personality has been a great asset in serving the residents of La Grange.

Trustee Kotynek thanked Russell for his years of service and it is an honor to have Russell on our team. Trustee Kotynek noted that the amount of people in the audience is a testament to Russell's work ethic and how well he gets along with everyone.

Trustee Gale thanked for his years of service and best wishes for his future plans, and asked that he stay in La Grange as long as possible.

Trustee McGee congratulated Russell on his years of service. She noted that she grew up with Russell, his siblings, and Dezonna Davenport. She commended his dedication  and sacrifices that he and his family have made throughout the years.

Trustee O'Brien thanked Russell for all he has done for the Village. He noted that it is much appreciated by a ll.

President Kuchler joked that this is not a retirement party, but a milestone in a great career to be recognized.

Russell Davenport thanked everyone and noted that he appreciated everyone that came out to recognize him, especially his family, friends, co-workers and all board members.

He thanked his wife, Dezonna, {or putting up with the late-night calls and missed personal events. He thanked the Board for all their hard work behind the scenes. Russell also thanked the La Grange Business Association for all their hard work and partnership with the Public Works Department.

President Kuchler stated that the 2023 Farmers Market will begin Thursday, May 11th and continue through October 26th. The market will take place on Thursdays on Harris Avenue between La Grange Road and Sixth Avenue from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. He added that this open-air market features fresh food produced by family farmers hailing from Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Indiana. More information regarding the Farmers Market can be found at www.lgba.com.

President Kuchler noted that on Friday, April 28th, in observance of Arbor Day, an Autumn Brilliance Silverberry will be planted at St. John's Lutheran Elementary School at 10 a.m. with the 5th grade class. The planting of the tree is an annual tradition and serves to represent the Village's dedication to maintaining a healthy tree canopy. ln furtherance of the Village's efforts in maintaining its canopy, spring tree planting will take place April 24 & April 25, where approximately 77 trees will be planted.

President Kuchler noted that the Spring Clean Up began the week of April 24. Under this program, Flood Brothers will collect an unlimited amount o{ household refuse on your regular garbage day. Participation requires affixing one special clean-up day sticker or two regular refuse stickers.

President Kuchler noted that it is springtime and that children, pedestrians, and bike riders are out and about. He reminded drivers to be aware of the surroundings and follow the rules of the road.


Village Manager Knight announced that online business license and registration renewals have launched through the OpenGov platform. To aid in using the system, staff has developed a step-by-step tutorial and is hosting "help desk" hours over the next couple of weeks, during which times business owners can get hands-on assistance in completing their renewal. This exciting development will improve the experience of businesses and our staff. Mr. Knight thanked all the staff that contributed to getting the system into place.

Mr. Knight announced that the week o{ April 24, intersections within the Central Business District had cross walk stripping refreshed or re-stripped to ensure high visibility by motorists. A partial closure of Calendar Ave from La Grange Road to the Calendar Ave parking lot is tentatively scheduled for Monday, April 24, from 6:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. to replace the cross-walk paver system. All work is expected to be completed in the next 2-3 weeks. Mr. Knight noted that the Edgewood Avenue Project repaving project is nearing completion, with concrete and remaining restoration work expected early next week.

The work went well and the contractor did a good job. Final punch list, restoration, striping, and signage will continue into May.




A. A Resolution Amending the FY 2022-23 Operating and Capital Improvements Budget

B. Refuse Hauler Application - S.B.C. Waste Solutions, Inc.

C. An Ordinance Renewing Restaurant Outdoor Seating and Other Temporary Uses

D. Minutes of the Village of La Grange Board of Trustees Regular Meeting, Monday, April 10,2023

4. Faloon & Kenney Invoices 230327 & 230410

5. Consolidated Voucher 230424

A motion was made by Trustee Kotynek to approve the Consent Agenda, seconded by Trustee Gale.

Trustee Augustine stated that, in consideration of her relationship to the Village Prosecutor, she recused herself from each item on the voucher related to the Village Prosecutor.

Trustee Peterson stated that in consideration of her recent car accident, she recused herself from each item on the voucher related to the Village Prosecutor.

Approved by a roll call vote:

Ayes: Trustees Augustine, Gale, Kotynek, McGee, O'Brien and Peterson

Nays: None

Absent: None


A. A Resolution Approving the FY 2023-24 Operating and Capital Improvements Budget

President Kuchler asked Trustee Gale to introduce the item.

Trustee Gale stated that the Village's annual Operating and Capital Improvements

Budget for the fiscal year beginning May 1 , 2023 is a key policy document as it sets forth spending priorities and revenue sources over the next 5 years. Numerous budget discussions were held over the past six months to develop this final budget document and S-year financial plan. The budget process began in November 2022 with adoption of the final 2022 property tax levy in December 2022. A public hearing was held on April 10th to provide the public with an opportunity to comment on the budget document. The final FY 2023-24 Budget reinforces the Village's commitment to prudent financial stewardship and maintains the Village's stable financial position which is the result of years of financial discipline by the Village Board and staff. A summary of revenue and expenditure adjustments reconciles the preliminary FY 2023-24 budget to the final FY 2023-24 budget The proposed budget responsibly accounts for investments in community priorities and maintains the vitality of the Village. The five-year projections provide a comprehensive planning tool for forecasting revenues and expenditures for future years, in order to maintain the Village's strong financial position over the long term. The proposed resolution will serve to adopt the FY 2023-24 Budget which begins May 1 , 2023.

Trustee Gale moved to approve the Resolution Approving rhe FY 2023-24 Operating and Capital Improvements Budget, seconded by Trustee Peterson.

Accepted by a roll call vote:

Ayes: Trustees Augustine, Gale, Kotynek, McGee, O'Brien and Peterson

Nays: None

Absent: None

B. A Resolution Approving a Contract with Suburban General Construction, Inc. for the Brainard Avenue Water Main Improvements President Kuchler asked Trustee O'Brien to introduce the item.

Trustee O'Brien stated that the item is regards to the water main improvement on Brainard Avenue from 47th Street to just north of Ogden Avenue. The watermain is approximately 100 years old and has reached the end of its useful life. Suburban General Incorporated was the only bidder submitting a complete proposal and an award of this contract is recommended by the Village's consultant engineer Baxter and Woodman. He asked Rick Colby, Director of Public Works to provide additional information.

Rick Colby, Director of Public Works stated that the FY2O23-24 Budget includes funding for the replacement of the watermain on Brainard Avenue, from 47th Street to the municipal boundary immediately north of Ogden Avenue. He noted that this a precursor project to improve the below grade infrastructure prior to a plan and federally funded resurfacing project along Brainard Avenue expected in the Spring ol 2023. Baxter & Woodman Inc. prepared a design for this improvement project and the specification bid package. Baxter & Woodman and staff have analyzed the bid and recommend awarding the contract. The higher than anticipated bid cost is attributed to the project's complexity, which includes phasing requirements around schools and anticipated slower rates of installation that drive up costs. Suburban General has successfully performed similar work for the Village in the past, and adequate funding exists in the General Fund Reserve to cover the additional expense.

President Kuchler asked when the project is expected to begin and the time frame for completion.

Mr. Colby stated that the expected target date would be June 5, 2023 with preconstruction bids to follow. The work will be completed in phases, with the area closest to the school and railroad being the first phase of three from north to south. The overall project is expected to be completed by November 2023.

President Kuchler asked if the roads and railroad track would be open during construction.

Mr. Colby stated that Brainard Avenue will be open during construction and the railroad tracks open to pedestrian traffic, but there will be some closures to vehicle traffic throughout the construction period. The same goes for some of the street that would need to be detoured as the project moves along Brainard Avenue.

Trustee O'Brien moved to approve the Resolution Approving a Contract with Suburban General Construction, Inc. for the Brainard Avenue Water Main Improvements, seconded by Trustee McGee.

Accepted by a roll call vote:

Ayes: Trustees Augustine, Gale, Kotynek, McGee, O'Brien and Peterson

Nays: None

Absent: None

C. Engineering Services Agreement - Task Order Construction Management - Brainard Watermain Improvement Project 

President Kuchler asked Trustee O'Brien to introduce the item.

Trustee O'Brien stated that the item is regards to an engineering agreement for construction oversight by Baxter and Woodman for the Water Main Improvement Project on Brainard Avenue. He asked Rick Colby, Director of Public Works to provide additional information.

Mr. Colby stated that there are two items, the first is the construction contract, the second being the engineering service agreement with Baxter & Woodman. The replacement of the water main along Brainard Avenue between 47th Street and Ogden Avenue requires construction services to coordinate replacement of the watermain and meet requirements of the Lead Service Line Replacement and Notification Act. Facilitating the water service line replacement and cost share component of this project is a notable portion of this work as it involves coordination with the private service line improvement. The scope of services includes work associated with initiating the project, construction administration, design project manager assistance, field observation, and project closeout efforts.

Trustee O'Brien moved to accept An Engineering Services Agreement - Task Order Construction Management - Brainard Watermain Improvement Project, seconded by Trustee McGee.

Accepted by a roll call vote:

Ayes: Trustees Augustine, Gale, Kotynek, McGee, O'Brien and Peterson

Nays: None

Absent: None

D. An Ordinance Amending Chapter 32 of the La Grange Code of Ordinances Regarding Purchases and Contracts Under a Certain Amount 

President Kuchler asked Trustee Gale to introduce the item.

Trustee Gale stated that the Village regularly procures goods and services in the conduct of its work. Expenditures are accounted for in approved fiscal year budgets, with the exception of the occasional, and infrequent, unanticipated expenditure. The Purchasing Manual stipulates that all purchases over $2,000 require issuance of a purchase order. Sec 32.44, Purchases and Contracts of Certain Amounts, of the Village's Code of Ordinances was last amended in 2007. Staff, in consultation with the Village Attorney, have identified the updating of purchasing authorities as an opportunity to better align resources dedicated to purchase processing while at the same time preserving appropriate oversight and enhancing the Village's ability to secure competitive pricing.

Trustee Gale moved to approve An Ordinance Amending Chapter 32 of the La Grange Code of Ordinances Regarding Purchases and Contracts Under a Certain Amount, seconded by Trustee Kotynek.

Trustee Peterson stated that she is in full agreement with this ordinance. Having worked with the department managers, she is confident the mangers will be able to conduct their business and purchasing in the most optimal manner for the Village.

Accepted by a roll call vote:

Ayes: Trustees Augustine, Gale, Kotynek, McGee, O'Brien and Peterson

Nays: None

Absent: None

E. An Ordinance Amending Various Sections of the Code of Ordinances of the Village of La Grange Regarding the Village Fee and Fine Schedules and Adopting the Village Fee and Fine Schedules

President Kuchler asked Trustee Gale to introduce the item.

Trustee Gale stated that the Village FY 2023-24 Operating and Capital Improvements budget includes updates to various fines, fees, and rates intended to support continued delivery of high-quality Village services. The attached ordinance proposes to amend the Code of Ordinances to incorporate all of the proposed fines, fees, and rates in either a fee or fine schedule. Adopting it in this manner will build upon more recent practices of using schedules and allow for improved referencing of this information.

Trustee Gale moved to approve An Ordinance Amending Various Sections of the Code of Ordinances of the Village of La Grange Regarding the Village Fee and Fine Schedules and Adopting the Village Fee and Fine Schedules, seconded by Trustee McGee.

Accepted by a roll call vote:

Ayes: Trustees Augustine, Gale, Kotynek, McGee, O'Brien and Peterson

Nays: None

Absent: None

F. An Ordinance Amending Section 37.31 of the La Grange Code of Ordinances Regarding Emergency Ambulance Service Fees and Establishing Emergency Ambulance Mileage Fees

President Kuchler asked Trustee Gale to introduce the item.

Trustee Gale stated that the Village began billing for Emergency Ambulance Services beginning in 2004 to offset the costs of providing these services. The current fees, established in 2017, are $1,000 per ambulance call plus mileage. ln October of 2019, the Village entered into an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Illinois Department of Health and Human Services as part of the Ground Emergency Medical Transport (GEMT) program. Through this program, Medicaid reimburses municipalities a portion of the annual cost of the transport of Medicaid patients. To provide parity between patients covered by private insurance and Medicaid, and use a nationally recognized formula for ambulance billing, staff recommends use of the GEMT rate for all ambulance billing.

Trustee Gale moved to approve An Ordinance Amending Section 37.31 of the La Grange Code of Ordinances Regarding Emergency Ambulance Service Fees and Establishing Emergency Ambulance Mileage Fees, seconded by Trustee McGee.

Accepted by a roll call vote:

Ayes: Trustees Augustine, Gale, Kotynek, McGee, O'Brien and Peterson

Nays: None

Absent: None


Becky Lorenzen, Community Diversity Group provided an updated to the Mosaic Project, inspired by Nancy Bramston, which has reached its fundraising goal. She noted that they will still accept contributions, that will enhance the Mosaic Project or fund other art projects to be done at the community building. For more information, please visit www.communitydiveristy.orqlmosaicproject.

President Kuchler thanked Ms. Lorenzen and Ms. Bramston.

Veronica Brock, resident, stated that she has concerns regarding the new mini electric bikes. She noted that they are available at local and online retailers. She referenced the Illinois Rules of the Road, and noted that the operator must be at least 16 years of age. She stated that the operators of these mini bikes around her neighborhood are in the age range below 10 years of age with no adult supervision and no helmet.

President Kuchler thanked Ms. Brock and encouraged all riders of all ages to wear helmets and follow the Rules of the Road.

Brian Opyd, 109 8th Avenue, thanked the police department for the enforcement of speeders around the area. He noted that the ordinances are not available online, and wondered if the Village would consider adding the full version to the website. Finally, he noted that the noted his concerns regarding the railroad crossing on Cossitt Avenue and its condition.

President Kuchler referred to Ms. Jones. She noted that the Village has contracted to have the Village Code of Ordinances codified. She noted that there are some sections of the code that are currently available on the Village website, such as Chapter 150 -

Building Code and well as the Zoning Code, noise ordinance, liquor and business licensing code sections. President Kuchler noted that the process is in the works and in the budget.

President Kuchler referred to Mr. Colby who noted that the Village has been in contact with Indiana Harbor Belt Railroad (IHBR) and are open to the possible expansion.

Laura West, 140 Sunset Avenue, requested an update on the engineering project north of 47fr Street as well as the plan to raise funds for the recommendations that are presented. She noted that there was lots of work, goals, infrastructure and plans. but no information about the area north of 47th Street. She noted that there should be a Commission on flooding within the Village.

President Kuchler thanked Ms. West.

President Kuchler noted that he had recent contact with Congressman Chuy Garcia and Congressman Sean Casten stating that the congressmen were working very hard to get grants for the Village. The grant funds would be used for existing sewer televising as well as repairs.

President Kuchler noted that the Village is still waiting for the judge's ruling regarding the quarry litigation, which was continued to May 9.

President Kuchler referred the engineering, study of north of 47th Street, to Mr. Colby who noted that a task order has been submitted to Christopher Burke Engineering. The order is to study the areas outside of the south basin, which is subject to the 50th Street project and is in the preliminary stages.

President Kuchler noted that after the last super flood, the Board and Village staff discussed the best way to have residents get involved and decided to expand the current Environmental Quality Commission.


Trustee Augustine thanked Mr. Opyd for coming to discuss the crossing for IHBR. She noted that stated that all four of the IHBR crossing are subpar, with no existing sidewalk, crosswalk on only one side, or crumbling crosswalks. The Village's priority should be to make sure that all four of the crossings in La Grange be updated and completed. Trustee Augustine provided an update on the Quarry, stating that she has been working with neighbors and will soon be reaching out to the Quarry with their valid concerns. 5he encouraged residents to contact Hanson Quarry when a blast is felt by calling (856) 934-3278 and join the Facebook page "Lyons Township Quarry Information/Underground Blasting at McCook Quarry".




At 9:00 p.m. Trustee Augustine made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Trustee Gale.

Approved by a voice vote.
