Sangamon County Board met May 25
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
I. Call to Order
II. Invocation
III. Pledge of Allegiance
IV. Roll Call
V. Proclamations
VI. Correspondence
VII. Resolutions
1. Resolution approving the lease agreement between Sangamon County and Helping Hands of Springfield.
2. Resolution approving the contract for sale of real estate between Helping Hands of Springfield and Sangamon County.
3. Resolution approving the Relocation Agreement between Helping Hands of Springfield, Sangamon County, and Sangamon Mass Transit District.
4. Resolution authorizing the County Administrator to enter into an agreement with O’Shea Builders for construction manager’s services, advisory capacity, related to the intended renovation of Sangamon County’s building located at 2201 South Dirksen Parkway, Springfield, for Helping Hands use in an amount not to exceed $750,000.
5. Resolution requiring that no permits or other grants of authority to construct any carbon dioxide pipeline will be issued by Sangamon County under its existing ordinance or other law prior to December 31, 2023.
6. Resolution granting a 6-month extension of the audit of the Circuit Clerk’s Office.
VIII. Old Business
A. Resolution 1 – Tabled 4/27/23 Resolution approving construction bids for the Sangamon South building.
IX. New Business
X. Public Comment
XI. Reports
XII. Recess