
Sangamon Sun

Monday, March 3, 2025

Village of La Grange Board of Trustees met May 8

Village of La Grange Board of Trustees met May 8

Here are the minutes provided by the board:


The Board of Trustees of the Village of La Grange meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Village Clerk Paul Saladino. On roll call, as read by Clerk Saladino, the following were:

PRESENT: Trustees Augustine, Gale, Kotynek, McGee, O'Brien and Peterson, with President Kuch ler presiding.


OTHERS: Village Manager Jack Knight

Village Attorney Caitlyn Culbertson

Deputy Village Manager/Community Development Director

Charity Jones

Public Works Director Richard Colby

Finance Director Lou Cipparrone

Police Chief Robert Wardlaw

lnterim Fire Chief John Buckley

President Kuchler welcomed the Village Board and thanked Trustees for attending the meeting. He shared that video of the meeting is available on YouTube, and will also be available on Facebook and posted to the Village website.

President Kuchler invited Bill Holder to lead the audience in reciting the pledge of allegiance.

President Kuchler welcomed some distinguished guests, Tom Livingston, former Village President; Dave McCarty, former Trustee; and Bill Holder, former Trustee in honor of Trustee Kotynek's last meeting.


President Kuchler noted that another Police Officer was killed in the line of duty. Police Officer Ariana Preston was murdered viciously shortly after arriving home from working the night shift. He noted that it is a reminder of the sacrifices of our first responders. They serve for our safety and their families worry while they are on duty. He noted that both the Board and the Village appreciate the services of La Grange first responders.  

A. Proclamation - Motorcycle Awareness Month

President Kuchler recognized May 2023 as Motorcycle Awareness Month. President Kuchler noted that La Grange is known for its vibrant downtown, walkability and proximity to rail access which leads to a convergence of traffic from vehicles, motorcycles, cyclists, and pedestrians. The Village is committed to educating and raising awareness of traveling safely throughout the community. To improve traffic related safety, the Village encourages everyone to remain aware of their surroundings while traveling through La Grange. Safety requires a collaborative effort and we appreciate all those that observe and raise awareness regarding the ways in which we can look out for the safety of one another.

President Kuchler read the Proclamation into the record. Trustee Kotynek made a motion to approve the Proclamation, seconded by Trustee McGee. Approved by a voice vote.

President Kuchler noted that it is Public Service Recognition week, which is an opportunity to recognize the more than 20 million individuals that serve in small towns and big cities across the country. On behalf of the Village Board and the La Grange community, President Kuchler thanked the employees in all Village Departments for their dedication, expertise and commitment to providing outstanding service to the community. lt is through their service that the residents are able to enjoy living in a vibra nt community.

President Kuchler noted that it is also Teacher Appreciation and Nurse Appreciation week, and thanked all those individuals in those fields as well.

President Kuchler stated that the 2023 Farmers Market kicks off this Thursday, May 11th, and continues through October 26th. lt will take place on Harris Avenue between La Grange Road and Sixth Avenue on Thursdays from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m.


Village Manager Knight announced that the Village kicked off a 14-month process of updating its comprehensive plan. Working with consultant Teska, a framework for this effort has been developed which includes the Plan Commission serving as the Steering Committee.

Public engagement will occur throughout the process and will include key in-person interviews, online surveys, tlvo open house meetings, and attendance at tvvo community events to collect public input. A website, www.lagranoeforward. orq, has been created and will serve as a hub for pro.iect materials, online public engagement, and forum to announce upcoming in-person public engagement opportunities. lndividuals are encouraged to visit the site and sign up for email alerts to stay informed as the process unfolds.




A Resolution Approving an Agreement for Participation in the Mutual Aid Box Alarm System

B A Resolution Approving a Professional Services Agreement for Plan Review and lnspection Services - Heuer & Associates, P.C.

A Resolution Approving a Professional Services Agreement for Plan Review and lnspection Services - Don Morris Architects

C. Minutes of the Village of La Grange Board of Trustees Regular Meeting, Monday, April24,2023

D. Consolidated Voucher 230508 

A motion was made by Trustee Kotynek to approve the Consent Agenda, seconded by Trustee Gale.

Trustee Augustine stated that, in consideration of her relationship to the Village Prosecutor, she recused herself from each item on the voucher related to the Village Prosecutor.

Trustee Augustine asked regarding the Professional Services Agreement for Plan Review and Inspection Services if the fees indicated include the multiple inspections.

Charity Jones, Community Development Director confirmed that the fee schedule is established as such that the expenses are offset by the revenue that is collected under the new fee structure, which was approved at the previous Village Board meeting. So, what the homeowner pays in total for a building permit includes the permit fee, plan review fees, and any re-inspections that may occur throughout the process.

Trustee Peterson stated that in consideration of her recent car accident, she recused herself from each item on the voucher related to the Village Prosecutor.

Approved by a roll call vote:

Ayes: Trustees Augustine, Gale, Kotynek, McGee, O'Brien and Peterson 

Nays: None

Absent: None


A. An Ordinance Granting a Zoning Variation from the Maximum Number of Garages Allowed Per Zoning Lot at 121-125 8th Avenue  

President Kuchler asked Trustee Kotynek to introduce the item.

Trustee Kotynek stated that Roy and Pamela Van Cleave, owners of the property located at 121-125 8th Avenue have applied for a variation to allow two detached garages to remain on the Subject Property. Zoning Code Section 14-303E1(m) allows variations from the requirements related to off-street storage of vehicles in residential districts. On April 20,2023, the Zoning Board of Appeals ("ZBA") held a public hearing regarding the application. The Applicants expressed their desire to maintain and continue to use the two garages on the property for storage and vehicle parking, as they have been utilized on the property for over 35 years. The ZBA found that the variation would not impact the essential character of the surrounding residential area and that the physical conditions of this property (a nearly one acre through lot with significant slope from west to east) are unique when compared to other similarly zoned lots throughout La Grange.

Trustee Kotynek moved to approve the Ordinance Granting a Zoning Variation from the Maximum Number of Garages Allowed Per Zoning Lot at 121-125 8th Avenue, seconded by Trustee Augustine.

Accepted by a roll call vote:

Ayes: Trustees Augustine, Gale, Kotynek, McGee, O'Brien and Peterson 

Nays: None

Absent: None


Becky Lorenzen, Community Diversity Group provided an updated to the Mosaic Project, which has finalized the design that was approved by the Park District on May 8. She noted that in August, the public will be invited to lay the tiles of the mosaic.

President Kuchler thanked Ms. Lorenzen.

Todd Van Cleave, 12'l 8th Avenue, stated that he would like to make a request to amend the ordinance regarding chickens. He noted that surrounding towns, Brookfield, Countryside, and Western Springs allow the keeping of chickens. He noted some of the benefits of keeping chickens, as well as some alleged misinformation regarding the keeping of chickens. Mr. Van Cleave provided the Village Board with a draft ordinance on keeping chickens and requested the Village examine the matter further.

President Kuchler thanked Mr. Van Cleave.


A. A Resolution of Appreciation for Outgoing Village Trustee Michael Kotynek

President Kuchler recognized the service of Trustee Michael Kotynek. Trustee Kotynek has served on the board for the past 8 years and has been the most senior Trustee. President Kuchler noted that Trustee Kotynek always had solid advice and thoughtful comments. President Kuchler noted that Trustee Kotynek was a huge contributor to the La Grange 2020 Commission, which was established in 2013 and was instrumental to establishing guidelines for long term goals formulated by residents to be implemented moving forward. Trustee Kotynek understood his role as a Trustee, which is not to be involved in how the Village is run at the staff level, but making sure that the right Village Manager is running the Village. A professional Village Manager making decisions and managing the day to day is in the best interest of the Village.

President Kuchler read the Resolution of Appreciation into the record. Trustee Gale made a motion to approve the Resolution of Appreciation for Outgoing Village Trustee Michael Kotynek, seconded by Trustee Augustine. Approved by a voice vote.


Trustee Peterson stated that she did not know Trustee Kotynek prior to joining the Board, but noted that Trustee Kotynek was very gracious, helpful and knowledgeable.

Trustee Gale thanked Trustee Kotynek for being an excellent public servant and office holder. He noted that Trustee Kotynek acted with integrity and honesty and kept his focus on local lssues.

Trustee McGee noted that Trustee Kotynek has always been very calming. She expressed her admiration of Trustee Kotynek's wisdom and knowledge, and thanked him for his service and dedication.

Trustee O'Brien noted Trustee Kotynek's wealth of knowledge which he was always willing to share. Trustee O'Brien expressed appreciation for all that Trustee Kotynek has done for the Village and its residents.

Trustee Augustine noted that Trustee Kotynek has always been a valuable and informed public servant, who has made careful decisions and conveyed thoughtful  perspectives. She noted how kind and funny Trustee Kotynek is, but when at a meeting, he's all business and always prepared.

Thomas Livingston, former Village President, stated that Trustee Kotynek coaxed the best out of the Village with his demeanor, temperament, and wisdom. While Trustee Kotynek was not one to seek out the position of leadership, he ascended gracefully into the role. Mr. Livingston congratulated Trustee Kotynek for his service.

Bill Holder, former Trustee, stated that Trustee Kotynek brings intelligence, experience and curiosity to his duties. Trustee Kotynek realizes that people do not need to be managed, but led.

Dave McCarty, former Trustee, stated that Trustee Kotynek is a model citizen of democracy. When called, Trustee Kotynek stepped up and served with dignity and became a role model for other Trustees.

Heidi Kotynek, wife of Trustee Kotynek, stated that many who spoke during the meeting mentioned Trustee Kotynek's sacrifice of his time with his family. However, she always viewed his dedication to service as role model behavior for both his children and herself. 

Mrs. Kotynek stated that is has encouraged her to serve in the community. Mrs. Kotynek stated how proud she, along with their children - Chloe, Lily and Michael, are of Trustee Kotynek.

Trustee Kotynek noted how special and important it was that President Livingston, Trustee Holder and Trustee McCarty, took the time to come back to recognize him. He thanked everyone for the very kind words and truly appreciated it. Trustee Kotynek noted that the Village of La Grange is special and expressed joy that he and Heidi have been able to raise their family here. He noted his appreciation for joining the La Grange 2020 Task Force which gave him insight into a life of public service. He noted that government needs to be based on what is fair and in the best interest for all those involved. While Trustee Kotynek appreciates the recognition bestowed upon him, he recognized and thanked others for their hard work and dedication. Trustee Kotynek thanked his wife Heidi, and children Chloe, Lily, and Michael for supporting him over the last 8 years as he served as a Village Trustee.


President Kuchler stated there would be a momentary recess prior to the swearing in and seating of the newly elected Village officials. Trustee Kotynek make a motion to adjourn the meeting sine die, seconded by Trustee Gale. Approved by a voice vote.


President Kuchler reconvened the meeting and stated that those elected would receive the Oath of Office.

A. Oath of Office - Newly Elected and Re-Elected Village Trustees Glenn R. Thompson, Beth Augustine (re-elected), Shawana D. McGee (re-elected), and Tim O'Brien (re-elected)

Village Clerk Saladino administered the Oath of Office to newly elected Village Trustee Glenn R. Thompson; re-elected Village Trustee Augustine; re-elected Village Trustee Shawana McGee; and re-elected Village Trustee Tim O'Brien.

President Kuchler called the new Board of Trustees of the Village of La Grange meeting. On roll call, as read by Clerk Saladino, the following were:

PRESENT: Trustees Augustine, Gale, McGee, O'Brien, Peterson and Thompson, with President Kuchler preslding.



President Kuchler noted that the.judge in the Ouarry Litigation had sent notification that the Village would have a decision by May 5th. When Village attorneys contacted the judge to confirm when a decision would be made, the.judge said that a decision would be received by the Village by June '1. President Kuchler noted that the timeline is disappointing, but that our Public Works Department is working hard to be ready when the decision.


President Kuchler stated that it was the Village Board's intention to enter into Closed Session under Section 2(c)('l) of the lllinois Open Meetings Act to discuss matters related to the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees; Section 2(c)(1 1) of the lllinois Open Meetings Act to discuss pending, probable or imminent litigation; and under Section 2(c)(2 1) oi the lllinois Open Meetings Act to discuss minutes of meetings lawfully closed. He also stated that the Village Board will not reconvene to open session as no formal action will occur.

Regarding Section 2(c)(1 1) of the lllinois Open Meetings Act to discuss pending, probable or imminent litigation, President Kuchler noted that as the decision from the judge has been delayed, Section 2(c)('l 1)will not be part of closed session.

At 8:57 p.m., a motion was made by Trustee Gale to adjourn into Closed Session under Sections 2(c)(1), 2(cl(11), and 2(c\(21) of the lllinois Open Meetings Act to discuss matters related to the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees; to pending, probable or imminent litigation, and to discuss minutes of meetings lawfully closed, seconded by Trustee Augustine.

Approved by a roll callvote:

Ayes: Trustees Augustine, Gale, McGee, O'Brien, Peterson and Thompson Nays: None

Absent: None


At 9:42 p.m. Trustee Gale made a motion to adjourn, secon edbyT stee Thompson Approved by a voice vote.
