
Sangamon Sun

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Village of La Grange Board of Fire and Police Commissioners met May 17

Village of La Grange Board of Fire and Police Commissioners met May 17.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:


A meeting of the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners (BOFPC) of the Village of La Grange was held on May 17, 2023. The meeting was called to order at 6:34 p.m.

PRESENT (and constituting a quorum): Chairperson Hoffenberg and Commissioner Boersma

ABSENT: Commissioner Levato

ALSO PRESENT: John Buckley, Interim Fire Chief; Rob Wardlaw, Police Chief; Michelle Jin, Human Resources Manager

2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – March 15, 2023

The minutes of the March 15, 2023 meeting were presented for approval. After consideration, it was moved by Commissioner Bosersma and seconded by Chairperson Hoffenberg that the minutes from the March 15, 2023 meeting be approved. Motion carried.


A. Offer of Employment - Firefighter / Paramedic

Fire Chief Buckley reported that Firefighter / Paramedic candidate Tyler Gaunky had successfully completed background checks and all required pre-employment exams and that Tyler Gaunky was recommended to receive an Offer of Employment. Fire Chief Buckley anticipated that Tyler Gaunky would be sworn in during the May 22nd Village Board meeting if an Offer of Employment was approved. Fire Chief Buckley also reported that the Fire Department would be fully staffed when Tyler Gaunky is hired.

After discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Boersma and seconded by Chairperson Hoffenberg to make an Offer of Employment to Tyler Gaunky as a probationary Firefighter / Paramedic. Motion carried.

B. Conditional Offers of Employment – Police Officer

Police Chief Wardlaw explained that Police Officer candidate Justin Bonner had successfully completed the background process to date. Chief Wardlaw provided the Commissioners with information on the background process prior to the meeting. The Chief reviewed the information provided and the Commission discussed the Candidate. Chief Wardlaw then recommended the Commission provide a conditional offer of employment to Candidate Justin Bonner.

Police Chief Wardlaw explained that Police Officer candidate Alyssa Jurcak had successfully completed the background process and polygraph to date. Chief Wardlaw provided the Commissioners with information on the background process prior to the meeting. The Chief reviewed the information provided and the Commission discussed the Candidate. Chief Wardlaw then recommended the Commission provide a conditional offer of employment to Candidate Alyssa Jurcak.

Police Chief Wardlaw explained that Police Officer candidate Gregory Karge had successfully completed the background process and polygraph to date. Chief Wardlaw provided the Commissioners with information on the background process prior to the meeting. The Chief reviewed the information provided and the Commission discussed the Candidate. Chief Wardlaw then recommended the Commission provide a conditional offer of employment to Candidate Gregory Karge.

After discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Boersma and seconded by Chairperson Hoffenberg to approve the conditional offer of employment to Candidates Justin Bonner, Alyssa Jurcak and Gregory Karge. Motion carried unanimously.

C. Amendments – Alternative Eligibility Register - Police

Police Chief Wardlaw presented that Candidate #1 Eulalio Rodriguez be removed from the eligibility register at Chief Wardlaw’s request.

After discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Boersma and seconded by Chairperson Hoffenberg to remove Candidate #1 from the eligibility register. Motion carried.

4. Old Business

A. Fire Department – Staffing Update

Fire Chief Buckley reported that Firefighter/Paramedics Eric Malak and Max Czerwonka have successfully completed their one-year probationary period. Fire Chief Buckley also anticipated two more Firefighter/Paramedics would successfully complete their probation in July 2023.








Having no further business before the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners, Commissioner Boersma made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Chairperson Hoffenberg seconded. Motion carried; meeting adjourned at 6:50 p.m.
