
Sangamon Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of La Grange Board of Trustees met May 22

Village of La Grange Board of Trustees met May 22.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:


The Board of Trustees of the Village of La Grange meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Village Clerk Paul Saladino. On roll call, as read by Clerk Saladino, the following were:

PRESENT: Trustees Augustine, Gale, McGee, O'Brien and Peterson, and Thompson with President Kuchler presiding.


OTHERS: Village Manager Jack Knight

Village Attorney Caitlyn Culbertson

Deputy Village Manager/Community Development Director Charity Jones

Public Works Director Richard Colby

Finance Director Lou Cipparrone

Police Chief Robert Wardlaw

lnterim Fire Chief John Buckley

President Kuchler welcomed the Village Board and thanked Trustees for attending the meeting. He shared that video of the meeting is available on YouTube, and will also be available on Facebook and posted to the Village website.

President thanked all the Firefighters in attendance for their service. He noted the recent upgrades to the Fire Department bunkhouse and kitchen.

President Kuchler invited Tyler Gaunky and his mother Pam to lead the audience in reciting the pledge of allegiance.


A. Employee Recognition - Firefighters Malak and Czerwonka

President Kuchler recognized Firefighters Eric Malak and Max Czerwonka. President Kuchler noted that both of these Firefighter/Para medics completed their one-year probationary period with the Village of La Grange Fire Department. During this year, they have demonstrated their abilities to function independently and as important members of our team. Throughout this process, Max has shown the qualities of being positive, inquisitive, and ready to learn. Eric has leveraged two years of experience to contribute to his shift and has shown that he is always ready to learn. Max and Eric have proven themselves to the members of the Department and the Village is very excited.to have them both as part of the La Grange Fire Department team. President Kuchler congratulated Max and Eric on completing their probationary period and thanked them for their past and future contributions to La Grange'

John Buckley, lnterim Fire Chief, noted a recognizable safety measure for a firefighter is the firefighter's helmet. A firefighter's helmet is distinctive from almost every other type of helmet with a large bill in the back that creates a berm that Prevents ashes from going down the back of the neck. Chief Buckley presented Eric Malak with a helmet shield, indicating that he is a full-fledged member of the La Grange Fire Department. He noted that while Firefighter Czerwonka was unable to attend, he will also be presented with his helmet shield.

President Kuchler thanked Krista Malek for the sacrifices required of a spouse of a first responder.

President Kuchler recognized lnterim Chief Buckley, explaining that he was attending his last Board meeting. He served in an interim caPacity since the retirement of Chief Vavra and has been instrumental in ensuring that the Fire Department remained on solid footing, and continued their pursuit of best serving La Grange residents. Chief Buckley joined the Village in December and the department did not miss a beat. He oversaw a major renovation project ofthe bunkroom, kitchen, and dining room, established several processes to ensure that day-to-day functions of the department were fulfilled, worked side by side with staff and the BOFPC in hiring the next Firefighter/pa ramedic and has contributed in a multitude of other ways to the betterment of this community. President Kuchler thanked Chief Buckley for all that he's done {or La Grange during this brief time, expressing sincere appreciation and wishing him all the best in his future endeavors.

President Kuchler announced that Police Chief Rob Wardlaw will be retiring a{ter 24 years with the La Grange Police Department. Chief Wardlaw's impressive track record of service includes Chief of Police, Deputy Chief, Sergeant, Supervisor of lnvestigations, and Patrol Officer. Chief Wardlaw always kept service to La Grange front of mind, and worked tirelessly in addressing the needs of the community and the Police Department. President Kuchler thanked Chief Wardlaw for dedicating his career to meeting the needs of the La Grange community and noted his remarkable dedication. President Kuchler expressed his sincere thanks for all he has done.

B. Oath of Office - Firefighter Paramedic Tyler Gaunky

President Kuchler invited Tyler Gaunky and his family to step forward for the Oath of Office.

Tyler Gaunky is certified as a Basic Operation Firefighter through the Office of the lllinois Siate Fire Marshal and completed the firefighter academy in 2021. He has maintained a license as a paramedic since 2018 and holds an Associate's degree in Applied Science from the College of Lake County.

Chief Buckley presented Mr. Gaunky with his probationary shield.

President Kuchler thanked the Gaunky Family for their sacrifice of having a loved one as a first responder.

C. Annual Appointment of Village Officials

President Kuchler stated that the appointment of Village officials to fulfill various roles is set forth by the Village's Code of Ordinances. These appointments are performed annually in accordance with those provisions and will be in effect {rom May 1st of this year until April 30, 2024. He recommended the following aPpointments starting with Elrod Friedman as Village Attorney, John M. Kenney Jr. as Village Prosecutor, and Joe Munizza as Village Treasurer & Village Collector.

A motion was made by Trustee Gale to approve the appointments as presented, seconded by Trustee O'Brien.

Trustee Augustine stated that, in consideration of her relationship to the Village Prosecutor, she recused herself from the appointment of Village Prosecutor.

Approved by a roll call vote:

Ayes: Trustees Augustine, Gale, McGee, O'Brien, Peterson, and Thompson

Nays: None

Absent: None

President Kuchler noted that the Village has luckily avoided recent flooding, but expressed that flood mitigation continues to be a priority for the Village. He stated that a ruling by the judge in the Quarry trial is expected by June 1't.

President Kuchler stated that the annual Pet Parade and Carnival weekend will begin on June 2- 4. The family friendly event features ride and attractions, as well as an adjacent social district where beer and wine sales will be available. On Saturday, June 3rd the Pet Parade will step off at 9:30 a.m. He thanked all those that help make the long-standing tradition possible. President Kuchler noted that in light of recent events, the Police Department will be stepping up measures to monitor social media to ensure that everyone has a safe and enjoyable experience.

President Kuchler thanked the La Grange Business Association (LGBA) for organizing the Carnival. He noted that LGBA Director Nanry Cummings, will be transitioning to new endeavor and he wished Ms. Cummings luck.

President Kuchler noted that the third annual Juneteenth day celebration, sponsored by Sisters of St. Joseph, East Side La Grange residents, Park District of La Grange and CommUNlTY Diversity Group, will take place at 4:30 p.m. on Monday, June 19 at the La Grange Community Center (200 Washington). The celebration will feature Dr. Bessie Boyd as MC, interweaving stories of growing up as an African American in La Grange and obstacles she was able to overcome. President Kuchler noted he will attend and share opening remarks, in addition to honoring Minister Lynn Lacey for her community service. All are invited to this wonderful opportunity to meet and interact with diverse members of our community!

President Kuchler noted that the Community Diversity Group also had its mosaic design approved for installation at the Community Center. They are seeking individuals to a-ssist dreenStar with the creation of 8 murals which will represent past/present/futu re of the community. There will be '!-hour workshops scheduled to allow community members to lay tiles and participate in the creation of the design beginning in August through early September. The mosaic murals will be attached to the building once completed and an unveiling celebration will take place in early October.

Becky Lorenzen of the CommUNlTY Diversity Group noted their goal is to gather as many diverse people to build the mosaic and leave it as a legacy for the East side of La Grange. Emails inviting community members will be sent and a link will be provided on communitydiversity.orq to sign up to participate.

President Kuchler welcomed the Village's new Human Resources Manager, Michelle Jin. Michelle has a substantial background in Human Resources, and previously worked in the communities of Elk Grove Village and the Village of Northbrook. Michelle will be integral in several initiatives that the Village is undertaking, and we are excited to have her as part of the Village team.

D. Re-Appointments - Advisory Boards and Commissions

President Kuchler read the recommended re-appointments for the advisory boards and commissions into the record.

Trustee Gale made a motion to approve the re-appointments and two new appointments seconded by Trustee Augustine. Motion carried on a voice vote.

Trustee Peterson stated that in consideration of her relationship with Jon Peterson, she recused herself from all items on the reappointment list related to Jon Peterson.

Approved by a roll call vote:

Ayes: Trustees Augustine, Gale, McGee, O'Brien, Peterson, and Thompson

Nays: None

Absent: None

President Kuchler thanked the individuals for their willingness to serve and noted he would look forward to hearing about future accomplishments.

E. Recognition of Cltizen Volunteers

President Kuchler stated that this is an opportunity to show our appreciation for the individuals that volunteer their time and talents to the boards and commissions that make up the structure of government we have in the Village o{ La Grange. These individuals devote countless hours to reviewing and understanding the issues before them. They contribute their free time to ensure that the work of government gets accomplished. ln recognition of those efforts, some of the accomplishments by the boards and commissions were presented by Village Board liaisons. Citizen volunteers were asked to briefly stand to be acknowledged.

Deputy Village Manger/Community Development Director Charity Jones presented the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners (BOFPC), explaining that in accordance with state statute, the BOFPC undertakes several efforts related to the appointment of full time firefighter/paramedics and police officers, considers promotional appointments, and administers disciplinary action.

Members include Elyse Hoffenberg, 9 years and current Chairperson; Brian Boersma, 5 years; and Tom Levato, 4 years of service.

Trustee Beth Augustine presented the Community & Economic Development Commission (CEDC) which considers and makes recommendations to the Village Board regarding economic development issues. The CEDC considers current economic trends and the potential for their application in La Grange. The CEDC continues to remain engaged in the implementation of the brand strategy through a variety of initiatives such as gateway and wayfinding signage. The CEDC also contributed to the development of the 2022 parking study.

Members include Russ Riberto - 9 years, and current Chairperson; Steve Nizzere - 1 year; Christopher Heery - l year; Katy McOuiston -2years; John Janowski - 2years; Justin Hanson - 3 years; Beverly Hayes - 4 years; Maurice McGee - 4 years; Michael Buttron -5years;Tom Cassidy-7 years; Camille Hall - 8 years; James Janevski -8 years; Lisa Sher - 8 years; Margaret Carlson - 15 years; and Steve Palmer - 23 years of service.

Trustee Peggy Peterson presented the Design Review Commission (DRC) which reviews and makes recommendations to the Village Board on Design Review Permit applications (generally encompasses the Central Business District along La Grange Road, Hillgrove and Burlington Avenues); administers the Village's Commercial Building Comprehensive Sign Plan; and reviews applications for the Central Business District Facade Renovation/Restoration loan program. Over the past year, the DRC reviewed and recommended approval of significant fagade renovations to accommodate Wooden Paddle at 23 W. Calendar Avenue and White Buffalo at 31.5 S. La Grange Road' The DRC also reviewed and recommended approval of two new comprehensive sign plans at 505 S. La G range Road and 301 -31 1 Hillgrove Avenue, and one sign pla n amendment to accommodate Pet Supplies Plus at La Grange Crossing.

Members include Christine Banks - 5 years and current Chairperson; Lindsay Hanson - Appointed 911212022; Kurt Volkman - Transferred 9/12/2022; Ray Baker - 3 years; Kevin Cahill - 4 years; and Kurt Wisthu{I -7 years of service.

Trustee Lou Gale presented the Environmental Ouality Commission (EOC) which works to raise public awareness of environmental issues and make related recommendations to the Village Board. This past year the EOC continued to consider a wide range of sustainability initiatives. As a result o{ the guidance of the Commission under the Greenest Region Compact framework, the Village received an upgraded SolSmart Program designation to "silver" from the US Department of Energy for its commitment to furthering solar development. The EOC evaluated and recommended a sewer backup prevention program to improve stormwater system resilience to protect property from more frequent high intensity rain events. ln keeping with educational and engagement goals, the EQC commissioners have helped promote a holiday light recycling event, a Native Garden Tour, worked with La Grange Park on a pumpkin recycling event and attend community events at the Farmer's Market and West End Art Fest to further spread the message on how sustainable actions can be incorporated into daily living. The EQC persists in working towards continued improvements to the quality of life enjoyed within the Village of La Grange.

Members are Rose Naseef - 9 years and current Chairperson; Dan Mullen - Appointed 11/14/2022; Ali Bowe - 1 year; Rob Byerly - 1 year; Bill Holder - 1 year; Madonna Walsh - 1 year; Aakruti Liva - 2 years; Molly Mahoney - 2 years; Jana Svec - 2 years; Laurie Braun - 4 years; Brandon Simak - 4 years; and Stan Zarnowiecki - 4 years of service.

Trustee Tim O'Brien presented the Plan Commission which reviews and recommends applications for special use permits, planned development approval, site plan approval, amendments to the Zoning Code and official map, vacation of public rights-of-way, and subdivision plaG. Over the past year, the Plan Commission conducted public hearings and considered text amendments related to allowable uses of detached garages, standards for trucking and vehicle repair uses, sheds, a streamlined Design Review Permit process for minor applications, modifications to allowable variations for bulk requirements, and restrictions on coverings over first floor commercial windows The Plan Commission also reviewed an application for a lot consolidation. The Plan Commission has recently kicked off the La Grange Forward Comprehensive Plan update and will serve as the steering committee over the next 14 months.

Members include Greg Paice - 14 years, and current Chairperson; Peter O'Connor - 3 years; Suzanne Mosher - 4 years; Glenn Wentink - 6 years; Jeffrey Hoffenberg - 7 years; Dave Schwartz - 8 years; and Julie Egan - 9 years of service.

Trustee Shawana McGee presented the Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) which reviews applications for relief from one or more requirements of the Village's Zoning Code, conducts public hearings and makes recommendations to the Board of Trustees regarding those applications. Typical requests for zoning variations relate to front, side, and rear yard setbacks for single-family homes; building coverage for single-family homes; building coverage and setbacks for the replacement of detached garages; and the like. Over the past year, the ZBA has heard and recommended approval of three applications for variations: one seeking relief from the required front yard in order to construct a porch; one seeking relief from the fence location requirements to construct a porch along the front lot line; and one seeking relief from the prohibition against two garages on one lot. The ZBA also heard and denied one application appealing an administrative decision regarding the prohibition against two garages on one lot and definition of a zoning lot.

Members include Michael Finder - 13 years and current Chairperson; Matthew Thomas Dattilo - Appoin ted 1/9 /2023; Liam Bresnahan - 2 years; Bridget Sheeha n - 2 yea rs; Anjali Peterson - 3 years; and Paul Kerpan - 4 years of service.

lnterim Fire Chief Buckley presented the Fire Pension Board explaining it was established in accordance with lllinois State Statute and monitors pension fund performance, reviews pension applications, evaluates disability claims, and other related items.

Advisory members lnclude Jon Peterson - 8 years and William O'Brien - 3 years of service.

Police Chief Wardlaw presented the Police Pension Board explaining it was established in accordance with lllinois State Statute and monitors pension fund performance, reviews pension applications, evaluates disabitity claims, and other related items.

Advisory members include John Mattern - 3 years and Jon Peterson - Appointed June 2022.


Village Manager Knight noted the Fire Department will be concluding their smoke detector recycling program on Thursday, May 25th at the Farmer's Market. Members of the department will staff a table at the market to collect unwanted smoke detectors for rerycling. Residents are encouraged to bring their detectors for recycling, visit with our Firefighters, and learn important safety information that will be available.

Village Manager Knight announced that the Village's Residential Sewer Back Up Prevention Grant program is available again as of the beginning of the fiscal year. The program is administered annually on a first come, first served basis, and provides 50% of the reimbursement of eligible costs associated with the installation of a backflow device or overhead sewer. Maximum reimbursement amounts under the program are $3,000 for backflow device or $5,000 for an overhead sewer. Four applications have been received to date. Further information is available on the Village's website.

Village Manager Knight stated that Village offices would be closed on Monday, May 29, 2023 in observance of Memorial Day.

President Kuchler noted that the Residential Sewer Back Up Prevention Grant program is a resource made available by the Village for short term flooding improvements.




A. A Resolution Approving a Pipeline License Agreement with BNSF Railway Company for the Brainard Avenue Water Main Improvement Project

B. A Resolution Approving a Stray Animal Partnership Based Services Agreement

C. A Resolution Approving a Letter Agreement with Kurt Bluder for lnterim Administrative Chief of Police Services

D. Minutes of the Village of La Grange Board of Trustees Regular Meeting, Monday, May 8, 2023

E. Consolidated Voucher 230522

A motion was made by Trustee Gale to approve the Consent Agenda, seconded by Trustee Peterson.

Trustee Augustine stated that, in consideration of her relationship to the Village Prosecutor, she recused herself from each item on the voucher related to the Village Prosecutor.

President Kuchler noted that Chief Kurt Bluder will be returning to act as lnterim Police Chief for the summer months as the Village searches for a new Police Chief.

Approved by a roll call vote:

Ayes: Trustees Augustine, Gale, McGee, O'Brien, Peterson, and Thompson Nays: None

Absent: None




Derek Johnson, Bluff Avenue, requested a revision/update to the 2 a.m. - 6 a.m. street parking ban. Mr. Johnson noted that residents are only assigned one parking spot in his multifamily building parking lot, leaving residents with more than one car to park on the street and risk getting a citation.

President Kuchler thanked Mr. Johnson and noted that a staff member will contact Mr. Johnson with any potential solutions.


Trustee Augustine noted that the Quarry has resumed afternoon blasting after a three week pause. She noted that dust and trucks speeding down side streets are issues again. She explained the Facebook group has taken pictures and posted them which has been very helpful. lnterested residents can join the Facebook group at "Lyons Township Ouarry lnformation/Undergrou nd Blasting at McCook Quarry". She encouraged residents to contact Hanson Ouarry when a blast is felt by calling (866) 934-327 8.

Trustee Augustine thanked her parents, previous trustees and commission members, for setting a good example for her and for serving the Village.

President Kuchler noted that warmer weather brings more people into the downtown including diners eating outdoors. He explained those riding bikes need to walk their bikes in the downtown area for the safety of everyone who wants to enjoy La Grange'

President Kuchter noted that anyone climbing commercial business roofs will be dissuaded by the Police Department. He encouraged parents to advise their children not to climb roofs, as it is illegal and considered tresPassing.


At 8:35 p.m. Trustee Gale made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Trustee McGee. Approved by a voice vote.
