
Sangamon Sun

Monday, March 3, 2025

Village of La Grange Board of Trustees met July 10

Village of La Grange Board of Trustees met July 10.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:


The Board of Trustees regular meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Clerk Saladino. On roll call, as read by Clerk Saladino, the following were:

PRESENT: Trustees Augustine, Gale, McGee, O'Brien, Peterson and Thompson, with President Kuchler presiding.


OTHERS: Village Manager Jack Knight

Village Attorney, Benjamin Schuster

Deputy Village Manager/CD Director, Charity Jones

Public Works Director, Richard Colby

Assistant Finance Director, Joe Munizza

lnterim Police Chief, Kurt Bluder

Fire Chief, Steve Norvilas

President Kuchler welcomed the Village Board and shared that video of the meeting is available on YouTube, and will also be available on Facebook and posted to the Village website.

President Kuchler invited Peggy Masterson to lead the audience in reciting the pledge of allegiance.


A. Oath of Office - Police Officer Alyssa Jurcak

President Kuchler invited Alyssa Jurcak and her family to step forward for the Oath of Office.

Alyssa has a Bachelor of Arts degree in criminal justice from Michigan State University and was previously employed for two years as a Police Officer for the Wheeling Police Department.

B. Oath of Office - Police Officer Greg Karge  

President Kuchler invited Greg Karge and his family to steP forward {or the Oath of Office.

Greg has a bachelor's degree in criminology and law studies from Marquette University and has been employed as a Police Officer for the Sandwich Police Department since 2014.

President Kuchler stated that through attorney representation, the Village has {iled for sanctions against Hanson Ouarry seeking the award o{ reasonable attorney's fees, confirmation of costs and expenses according to the Court's opinion, and other relief deemed fair and just by the Court. On Friday, July 7, the Village learned that attorneys for the Hanson Ouarry filed a notice of appeal and motion to stay enforcement of Judge Cohen's order that was issued on June 7. The Village remains committed to recovering the costs incurred by the Village in pursuing the use of its conveyance system that was unlaMully destroyed by the Quarry and will remain undeterred in pursuing the construction of a stormwater sewer system {or the area south o{ 47th Street.

President Kuchler noted that the Village experienced a significant storm event on July 5 that resulted in the accumulation of 1 .37 inches of rain{all in a short period of time. ln some areas, drainage was impeded by storm grates clogged with tree leaves that fell due to the drought conditions of prior weeks. Though the Village conducted daily street sweeping to remove the leaves, it was not possible to keep up with the amount of accumulated leaves. Standing surface water, overland flow, and minor basement {looding were reported to have occurred as a result of the storm. The Village remains committed to addressing these impacts in a responsible manner that provides the greatest amount o{ reliel for the residents most significantly impacted by these storms.

President Kuchler announced the 48th annual La Grange Craft Fair. The fair has been named amongst the top 200 craft shows in the country and will liven up downtown La Grange with dozens of vendors from throughout the l\4idwest. This popular summer event will offer a broad range of hand-made wares from original paintings to handmade clothing, jewelry, soaps and accessories. For more information visit the LGBA website at www.lgba.com.

President Kuchler announced Endless Summerfest is planned for Friday, August 4, through Sunday, August 6. This annual event, organized by the Park District and LGBA in collaboration with the Village, will be held in Gordon Park. lt promises to be weekend full of family fun. You can find more details at lagrangefest.com.

President Kuchler noted that the next Village Board meeting will be August 28ih. He wished everyone a good rest of July. 


Village Manager Knight noted that the watermain replacement project on Brainard Avenue, from Burlington to Maple, has been completed. The main will be undergoing pressure testing, chlorination, and testing to ensure drinking water quality standards are met. lntermittent closures to thru-traffic on Brainard during working hours will take place to accommodate work. Homeowners who have not yet signed an agreement for service line replacement or a waiver are now presumed to be foregoing participation in the program. The lllinois Department of Public Health waiver, required by law, will be provided to these homeowners for signature. The Village's contractor, Suburban General will provide these homes with a 6-month supply of Brita water filters as lead concentrations in drinking water can increase for some time after the service is disturbed.

Mr. Knight stated that the Village is seeking qualified individuals for the position o{ General Utility Worker. This important position with the Department of Public Works serves to support many of services that are provided to residents. including maintenance, repair and construction of streets, water and sewer systems, facilities and forestry. Qualified individuals were encouraged to visit the Village's website to learn more.


LGBA Direaor Cathy Domanico provided an overview of the status for the Endless Summer Fest event. noting that instead of fireworks show, the Park Distria is looking into a laser show as a replacement. She noted that 175 vendors will be selling their wares at the Craft Show.

President Kuchler thanked Cathy for providing the update and noted how popular the craft show is as it attracts visitors from all over.


A. A Resolution Waiving Bidding and Authorizing the Village Manager to Approve the Purchase o{ a 2023 Ford Police lnterceptor from Sutton Ford

B. A Resolution Approving Closed Session Minutes, Determining the Need to Keep Minutes of Certain Closed Meetings of the Village Board Confidential and Authorizing the Destruction of Verbatim Recordings of Certain Closed Meetings of the Village Board

C. Minutes of the Village of La Grange Board of Trustees Regular Meeting, Monday, June 26, 2023  

D. Consolidated Voucher 230710

A motion was made by Trustee Gale to approve the Consent Agenda, seconded by Trustee Peterson.

Trustee Augustine stated that, in consideration of her relationship to the Village Prosecutor, she recused hersel{ from each item on the voucher related to the Village Prosecutor.

Approved by a roll call vote:

Ayes: Trustees Augustine, Gale, McGee, O'Brien, Peterson and Thompson 

Nays: None

Absent: None


A. A Resolution Waiving Bidding and Approving an Amendment to an Agreement with Andy Frain Services, lnc. for the Extension of a Crossing Guard Services Agreement

President Kuchler asked Trustee O'Brien to introduce the item. Trustee O'Brien stated in August 2018, the Village entered into an agreement with Andy Frain Services, lnc., Aurora, lL, to provide school crossing guard services. An extension to the original agreement was executed in 2020. The agreement with Andy Frain Service. lnc. requires staffing to include a sufficient number of crossing guards and field supervisor(s), as designated by the Village.

A motion was made by Trustee O'Brien to approve the proposed resolution, which was seconded by Trustee McGee.

Approved by a roll call vote:

Ayes: Trustees Augustine, Gale, McGee, O'Brien, Peterson and Thompson 

Nays: None

Absent: None

B. Special Event - 2023 Endless Summerfest

President Kuchler asked Trustee Mccee to introduce the item. Trustee Mccee stated that The Park District o{ La Grange submitted a letter stating their intent to hold the 2023 La Grange Endless Summerfest together with the La Grange Business Association (LGBA) from August 4 to August 6,2023. The event is planned to include carnival rides, {ood, drinks, and live entertainment.

Trustee McGee moved to approve the proposed special event, which was seconded by Trustee Thompson.

Trustee Augustine thanked Cathy and LGBA for pursuing the option of a laser show, which is safer and more environmentally friendly, than a fireworks show.

Approved by a roll call vote:

Ayes: Trustees Augustine, Gale, McGee, O'Brien, Peterson and Thompson 

Nays: None

Absent: None


Sarah Gull, 100 block of Sunset, voiced her concerns regarding the increased street flooding in the area and inquired as to what solution the Village will implement.

President Kuchler thanked Ms. Gull.

Laura and Mike West, 140 Sunset Avenue, voiced their concerns regarding increased street flooding, combined sewer discharge and the potential turf field installation at Lyons Township High School, and stated that residents should no longer be on hold for solutions to implemented.

President Kuchler thanked Mr. and Mrs. West.

John Pluto, 700 block East Avenue, voiced his concerns regarding flooding and the Hanson Ouarry lawsuit verdict, the building integrity of the pumping station on East Avenue, the dust generated from the Quarry, and the proposed parking lot at the property located at 610 East Avenue. Mr. Pluto provided documentation and photos for Village staff to review.

President Kuchler thanked Mr. Pluto.

Becky Lorenzen, CommUNlTY Diversity Group, noted the community mosaic tiling will take place August 22 through August 30 and times to sign up are now available at www. com mu n itvd iversity. org.

President Kuchler thanked Ms. Lorenzen.

Katherine Padgett, President of the La Grange Historical Society, noted that the Historical Society will be hosting an ice cream social on July 16, from 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm at 444 S. La Grange Road. She noted that the Historical Society will also be hosting a concert at 444 S La Grange Road "Museum Park" on Friday, July 28 at 6:30 pm.

President Kuchler thanked Ms. Padgett.

President Kuchler noted that the building referenced by Mr. Pluto is the La Grange pumping station which Rick Colby, Public Works Director, confirmed. He {urther clarified that the reservoir does contain water, and that the reservoir has an upcoming inspection as part of routine maintenance.


Trustee Augustine stated that many residents, including members of the Village Board have dealt with flooding. She also expressed her dissatisfaction with Ouarry blasting operations and encouraged residents to contact the Ouarry when a blast is felt at (8661934-32878.

Trustee Augustine also reminded residents about the La Grange Forward Comprehensive Plan Phase ll "Community Vision," as it is an opportunity for residents to share their ideas. concerns, and visions with the Village.

Charity Jones, Deputy Village Manager/Community Development Director confirmed that the website https://lagrangeforward.org/ will remain open for the remainder o{ the project for residents to submit ideas. concerns, and visions with the Village.

Trustee Thompson summarized the flooding issue and the solutions currently available. He noted how the Village is working with two engineering firms, Village staff and the MWRD to come up with alternative flood mitigation solutions to enact now.

President Kuchler noted that within an hour of the heavy rain fall o{ July 5, he was contacted by State Representative Abdelnasser Rashid, State Senator Mike Porfirio, and Cook County Commissioner Frank Aguilar, offering their assistance to the Village.


President Kuchler stated that it was the Village Board's intention to enter into Closed Session under Section 2(cX1 1) of the lllinois Open Meetings Act to discuss pending, probable or imminent litigation. He also stated that the Village Board will not reconvene in open session at the end of the closed session, as no formal action will occur.  

At 8:55 p.m., a motion was made by Trustee Augustine to adjourn into Closed Session under Section 2(c)(11) of the lllinois Open Meetings Act to discuss pending, probable or imminent litigation, seconded by Trustee McGee.

Approved by a roll call vote:

Ayes: Trustees Augustine, Gale, McGee, O'Brien, Peterson and Thompson 

Nays: None

Absent: None


At 9:38 p.m. Trustee Gale made a motion to adjourn, ded by Trustee Peterson. Approved by a voice vote.



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