
Sangamon Sun

Sunday, March 30, 2025

Sangamon County Board Road and Bridge Committee met June 26

Webp 6

Greg Stumpf (R) - Sangamon County Board Member - District 16 | Sangamon County

Greg Stumpf (R) - Sangamon County Board Member - District 16 | Sangamon County

Sangamon County Board Road and Bridge Committee met June 26

Here is the agenda provided by the committee:

1. Call to Order 

2. Roll Call/Sign In of Committee Members 

3. Approval of the minutes of the May 29, 2024 Road & Bridge Committee Meeting. 

4. Acceptance of Expenditure Report. 

5. Approval of Resolutions & Ordinances. 

a. Resolution approving a purchase order for Ozark Materials, LLC for the purchase of traffic paint in the  amount of $100,000. 

6. Committee Approvals. 

a. Approval of a purchase order for Potters Industries, LLC for the purchase of glass beads for traffic paint in the amount of $24,200. 

b. Approval to dispose of surplus equipment via public auction #15-2019 Ford F-150 truck with 131,000 miles 

c. Approval of a County Bridge Petition #448 from Buffalo Hart Township for a drainage project on Cornland Road north of Sherman Road in the amount of $12,000 from the County Bridge Fund. 

d. Approval of a County Bridge Petition #449 from Talkington Township for a drainage improvement at the intersection of Caruthers Road and Green Road in the amount of $15,000 from the County Bridge Fund. 

e. Approval to hire/promote the following positions:

i. Fleet Maintenance Manager

ii. Foreman - Sign Shop

7. Old Business 

8. New Business 

a. ROW Mowing 

9. Public Comment 

10. Next County Board meeting date - Tuesday, July 9, 2024. 

11. Next Road & Bridge Committee meeting date - Wednesday, July 31, 2024. 

12. Adjournment.
