
Sangamon Sun

Sunday, March 30, 2025

City of Petersburg City Council met June 4


Samuel Parham City Council Mayor | City of Petersburg

Samuel Parham City Council Mayor | City of Petersburg

City of Petersburg City Council met June 4

Here are the minutes provided by the council:


Mayor Rick Snyder called the City Council to order at 7:00 p.m. 


A. Members present were Mayor Rick Snyder, Aldermen Neil Conklin, Tia Baugher, Andrew Gain, Bruce Gorman, Rick Sonnemaker, and Mike Allison. Also present were City Clerk Ken Ortman, Treasurer David Frick, and City Attorney Jason Brokaw. 

B. Mayor Snyder led the Council in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America. 

C. A motion was made by Alderman Gain and seconded by Alderman Gorman to approve the agenda as amended. VOTES: Sonnemaker, yes; Gorman, yes; Conklin, yes; Baugher, yes; Gain, yes; Allison, yes. Mayor Snyder declared the MOTION CARRIED. 


A. The City Clerk presented the Warrant List and Accounts Payable. A motion was made by Alderman Gorman and seconded by Alderman Gain to approve payment of the bills as listed on the Warrant List and Accounts Payable. VOTES: Gorman, yes; Conklin, yes; Baugher, yes; Gain, yes; Allison, yes; Sonnemaker, yes. Mayor Snyder declared the MOTION CARRIED. 

B. A motion was made by Alderman Gorman and seconded by Alderman Conklin to approve the minutes listed by Omnibus vote. VOTES: Conklin, yes; Baugher, yes; Gain, Abstain; Allison, yes; Sonnemaker, yes; Gorman, yes. Mayor Snyder declared the MOTION CARRIED. 


A. Ladies of the Faith Church requesting the use of Hurie Park for a Family Fun Day on August 3, 2024. A motion made by Alderman Gorman seconded by Alderman Gain to approve the use of Hurie Park for the Family Fun Day by the Faith Church. VOTES: 

Baugher, yes; Gain, yes; Allison, yes; Sonnemaker, yes; Gorman, yes, Conklin, yes. Mayor Snyder declared the MOTION CARRIED. 


A. Police 

1. Police Dept. Monthly Report Chief Nichols gave the 

Police Report for the Month of May 2024. The Dept had 150 calls, Officer Wilkerson is on his own, Shamus Kelly starts on the 10th and Kaitschak is still working with FTO Dosier. 

B. Fire 

1. Fire Dept. Monthly Report Chief Eric Hubner gave the Fire Report for the Month of May 2024. The Department ran 32 calls. The new Engine was delivered on May 24, 2024. Sherman Auto will work in getting the painted name of Uniondale FD off and we will replace that with Petersburg FD stickers. Old Engine 2 has been taken out of service. Emma Thomas has submitted an application to join the Petersburg Fire Department. The Command Staff is recommending to the City Council to approve Emma Thomas as a Probationary Fire Fighter. A motion made by Alderman Allison seconded by Alderman Gorman to approve Emma Thomas as a Probationary Fire Fighter. VOTES: Gain, yes; Allison, yes; Sonnemaker, yes; Gorman, yes; Conklin, yes; Baugher, yes. Mayor Snyder declared the MOTION CARRIED. 

2. Promotion to Captain Chief Hubner would like to promote Lieutenant Matt Price to Captain. A motion made by Alderman Gorman seconded by Alderman Gain to promote Lieutenant Price to Captain Price. VOTES: Allison, yes; Sonnemaker, yes; Gorman, yes; Conklin, yes; Baugher, yes; Gain, yes. Mayor Snyder declared the MOTION CARRIED. 

C. Zoning 



A. Mayor's Report 

1.2024 MFT Road Program 

The Mayor presented the list of roads the Street Superintendent and City Engineers identified for this year's Oil and Chip Program. Discussion held. 

2. Catholic Church Sidewalk - The church has requested the sidewalk in front of the Parish Center be replaced. They have a guy to do the work if the City will pay for the concrete. By consensus, approved by the Council. 

3. Elementary School Sidewalk -The school has a grant to extend the sidewalk on Madison Street. They will work with the City for proper requirements. 

B. Treasurer 

1. New Fire Truck - needed to adjust the Fire Dept General Fund line items for painting and stocking the new Fire Engine. 

 2. New Truck Title Work - Eric will be doing title work tomorrow and wanted to know if he needed to take a check to pay and SS Fees. 

3. Set Budget Meeting - A budget Meeting will be held on June 18, 2024 at 7:05 or after the Regular Meeting 




A. Building and Grounds 

B. Fire 

C. Parks and Playgrounds 

D. Personnel 

E. Streets 

F. Water/Sewer 

G. Police 

H. Finance 



X. Old Business 

1. The Jaycee Park Grand Opening went well. 


1. The Mayor would like to start a Committee of Council Members and Citizens for the Old Junior High School Building. 


A motion was made by Alderman Gorman and seconded by Alderman Allison to adjourn the meeting. VOTES: Conklin, yes; Baugher, yes; Gain, Sonnemaker, yes; Gorman, yes. Mayor Snyder Allison, yes; yes; declared the MOTION CARRIED. Meeting Adjourned at 8:02 p.m.
