Sandy Leitheiser, County Clerk/Recorder | Montgomery County Illinois Website
Sandy Leitheiser, County Clerk/Recorder | Montgomery County Illinois Website
Montgomery County Board Buildings & Grounds Committee met Jan. 7
Here is the agenda provided by the committee:
Roll Call - Members Present: Mark Hughes, Connie Beck, Russell Beason, Keith Hancock, Evan Young, Doug Donaldson/Dr. Patty Whitworth
Members Absent:
Others Present:
The committee met today to discuss the following:
1. Public Comments:
2. COUl·thouse Chiller Bid Opening Update/Approval:
3. Maintenance and Cleaning Issues and RepOl·t Update/Approval:
4. New Courthouse Cleaning Contract Update/Approval:
5. Courthouse Annex Table Request Update/Approval: Julie Wollerman
6. County Board Room AV Worl{ Feb. 3-7 Update/Approval:
7. Green Diamond Bike Trail Update/Approval:
8. Property Insurance on New Construction Update/Approval: Nikki Lolmlan
9. Other Business:
Motion to pay the bills by and second by. All in favor, motion carried.
Motion to Adjourn by and second by. All in favor, motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at am. The summaries of minutes were respectfully submitted by acting secretary Mike Plunkett, as Deputized by Montgomery County Clerk/Recorder Sandy Leitheiser.