Village of Divernon welcome sign | Village of Divernon
Village of Divernon welcome sign | Village of Divernon
Village of Divernon Board of Trustees met Jan. 8
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
The regular meeting of the Village of Divernon Board of Trustees was held at the Village Hall on Wednesday January 8, 2025. Mayor Jim Copelin called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Clerk Gail Hedges called roll: Craig Busch “Here,” Joe Bukantos “Here,” Chuck Apgar “Here,” Randy Olson “Here,” Dianne Brenning “Here,” and Larry Baer “Here.” Also present were Chief Mike Lavin, Superintendent Jeremy Rhodes, and Attorney Tony Schuering.
Apgar made a motion, seconded by Olson, to approve the amended December 18, 2024, minutes. The motion passed 5-1 with Busch voting present.
Baer made a motion, seconded by Brenning, to approve the bills for payment. The motion passed 6-0.
Jake Rettberg, President of the Otter Lake Water Commission, was present to remind the Board the water rate was going up by 3% January 1, 2025. The increase will be applied to all Village customer water accounts. Rettberg shared that the commission will begin a $3.92 million upgrade to the antiquated water system. The first phase will be to replace the water line along State Route 104 replacing the cast iron pipes with a 16” water main. The cost of the upgrade will result in an increase of $.43 per 1000 gallons of water used per customer beginning later this year. Rettberg requested the Board consider a second meter to measure water used for irrigation purposes allowing for a water charge only (no sewer charge). Rettberg also shared that he opposed selling MacMurry Park to Dollar General, but is interested in seeing a Dollar General in another location.
Public Works:
Superintendent Rhodes reported he had participated in an operations meeting involving public works managers from neighboring towns. Much of the discussion was on problems encountered as a result of fiberoptic contractors not given guideline/rules when laying lines. Several communities had no rules in place to address issues that came up during the installation resulting in problems. Rhodes has requested the Village develop polices that address the issues identified to protect Village property. Mayor Copelin shared that he had received calls from two out-of-towners praising the public works staff snow removal.
Comments were even made about having their own community public works staff trained by Divernon staff on snow removal. Great job guys!
Police Department:
Chief Mike Lavin reported the new police vehicle needs to have emergency lights and other equipment setup. A quote was received from DCM Security for $6100.00, which is the lowest bid. Baer made a motion, seconded by Olson, to approve the cost. The motion passed 6-0. Lavin also indicated the 2023 Durango needed to be lettered. Ace Sign submitted a bid for $1497.92. Apgar made a motion, seconded by Olson to approve the cost. The motion passed 6-0. Lavin also reported that the repair of the wiring in the 2023 Durango is more extensive than originally thought which will result in extra costs.
Economic Dev., Zoning, TIF, Building Permits:
Apgar asked if the Building Code Ordinance could be written such that it refers to the codes in PA 103-0510 which will always refer to the most current codes. Attorney Schuering said that could be problematic and would prepare a draft for the Board to review. Busch made a motion, seconded by Apgar, to approve the Chatham IL LLC Redevelopment Agreement. This is the organization building the new Travel Center off Brown St. The agreement includes language giving the Village the first right of refusal should the property be sold. The motion passed 6-0. Discussion was held on the need for additional property near I55 for development and growth of the Village. The Board has discussed Emminent Domain as the process used for acquiring additional property. A discussion followed on a price per acre that would be offered for the property, and the consensus was $15,000.00 per acre. Busch made a motion, seconded by Olson, to offer $15,000.00 per acre. The motion passed 5-1 with Brenning voting present. Attorney Schuering will contact the commercial property owner and make an offer. If an agreement is reached, it will allow the Village to not only increase commerce, but also extend a street to the frontage road giving better access to the school, the fire department quicker access to emergencies, and residents quicker access to I55.
Public Utilities Water, Gas and Sewer:
Ball Township requested their late fee be waived due to the timing of their board meeting. The waiver was granted. Baer made a motion, seconded by Brenning, to waive the late fee for Tyler Bergeron. The motion passed 4-2 with Apgar voting no and Olson voting present.
Finance, Personnel, GIS:
Baer made a motion, seconded by Brenning, to select Blue Cross Blue Shield as the new health insurer for calendar 2025. The motion passed 6-0. Baer made a motion, seconded by Brenning, to approve a new contract with Capital Accounting & Audit, LLC for accounting services. Jessica Hayes will continue to be the accountant for the Village. The motion passed 6-0.
Public Safety, Health & Safety:
April 15, 2025 is the due date to request funding for body worn cameras and related equipment for police officers. Chief Lavin Olson reported that all officers already have cameras, but he’ll look to see if there is other related equipment that might be needed.
Public Works, Streets, Alleys & Sidewalks:
Nothing to report
Village Communication/Building, Grounds & Lights, Parks, Recreation:
Apgar reported the Microsoft Word software had been uploaded to the two police computers and the office manager computer. Apgar requested that Board members provide information for the next newsletter so that it can be prepared for a February release.
Old Business:
The Intergovernmental Agreement with Sangamon County was discussed. Before it is decided to sign, Mayor Copelin requested we look at what needs to be fixed first. Attorney Schuering was requested to review the zoning ordinance and identify specific duties identified. Once identified, it can be determined what isn’t working. Once that is done, the Board can determine if there is a role for the county. There was additional discussion on how to fill the clerk position since no one is running for election. Attorney Schuering will look into what actions the Board might take to fill the position. On January 22, 2025 there will be a public hearing held at Bramley’s on selling MacMurray Park to Dollar General. Public comments must either be made in person at the meeting that night, through email to the Village ( by January 21st or by written comment submitted to Village Hall by January 21st.
New Business:
Apgar said there were many new laws that went into effect January 1, 2025. Apgar specifically mentioned that notice must be given 24 hours in advance of mosquito spraying. Apgar reported the Village wide yard sale will be April 26, 2025 and the electronics recycling will be May 10, 2025.
Baer made a motion, seconded by Bukantos, to adjourn at 8:43 p.m. The motion passed unanimously by voice vote.