David Mendenhall, Sangamon County Board Member - District 3 | Sangamon County
David Mendenhall, Sangamon County Board Member - District 3 | Sangamon County
Sangamon County Board met Feb. 11
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
I. Call to Order
II. Invocation
III. Pledge of Allegiance
IV. Roll Call
V. Appointment of County Board Member for District 21
VI. Proclamations
VII. Minutes of January 13, 2025
VIII. Correspondence
IX. Resolutions
1. Resolution approving the FY25 purchase order for bulk rock salt from the State of Illinois Joint Purchasing Program.
2. Resolution removing the seasonal weight limits on Sangamon County highways.
3. Resolution appropriating Motor Fuel Tax Funds for the County Engineer’s salary and expenses.
4. Resolution approving an Agreement between Sangamon County and the Illinois Department of Transportation to transfer Surface Transportation Program Funds for State Funds.
5. Resolution approving the procurement of goods and/or services for the Coroner’s Office from NMS Labs for the purpose of toxicology testing in the amount of $70,000.
6. Resolution approving the procurement of goods and/or services for the Coroner’s Office from Memorial Medical Center for the purpose of lab fees in the amount of $40,000.
7. Resolution approving the procurement of goods and/or services for County Administration from the Springfield-Sangamon Growth Alliance for the purpose of membership dues in the amount of $500,000.
8. Resolution approving the procurement of goods and/or services for Building & Grounds from Tyco Fire & Security (Johnson Controls) for the purpose of extending the fire alarm contract to the Courthouse and Public Health buildings in the amount of $62,165.
9. Resolution approving the procurement of goods and/or services for Building & Grounds from Building Maintenance Services for the purpose of extending the janitorial contract in the amount of $342,000.
10. Resolution approving the procurement of goods and/or services for Building & Grounds from Area Distributors and other various vendors for the purpose of acquiring janitorial supplies in the amount of $70,000.
11. Resolution approving the procurement of goods and/or services for Building & Grounds from Sexton’s Landscape Concepts for the purpose of snow removal for the 2024-2025 winter season in the amount of $75,000.
12. Resolution approving an Intergovernmental Agreement for the sale of secured bed space in the Peoria County Juvenile Detention Center.
13. Resolution approving a grant application for Court Services from the State of Illinois Department of Human Services for the Juvenile Redeploy Illinois Program in the amount of $370,000.
14. Resolution approving a grant application for Court Services from the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority for the Family Violence Coordinating Council Program in the amount of $48,377.
15. Resolution approving a grant application for Community Resources from the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity for the Community Service Block Grant Program in the amount of $539,821.
16. Resolution for agreement with Digitesse for the Massey Commission involving event management, communications, engagements, research and other tasks at an amount not to exceed $76,800.
17. Resolution approving the Estate of Sonya Massey mediated settlement agreement.
18. Resolution in support of Senate Bill 1954 authorizing county-level recall of countywide officials.
19. Veteran’s Assistance office space options
X. Old Business
A. Resolution 51 – Tabled 12/10/24
Resolution approving a grant application for Public Health from the Illinois Department of Human Services for the Reimagine Public Safety Act Violence Prevention Grant in the amount of $639,500.
XI. New Business
A. Resolutions
B. Appointments
-Regional Planning Commission
-Community Services Block Grant Advisory Board
-Director of the Office of Emergency Management
C. Emergency/Procurement Notifications
-Election Office – 2025 Ballot Printing – Election Systems & Software - $51,000
XII. Public Comment
XIII. Reports of County Officials
Reports of Special Committees
Reports of Standing Committees
XIV. Committee Report on Claims
XV. Recess