Ryan Murphy - Board Member | Ball-Chatham School District
Ryan Murphy - Board Member | Ball-Chatham School District
Ball-Chatham Community Unified School District 5 Board of Education met Jan. 22
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
Members present
Steven Bryant, Laura Calderon, Patrick Phipps, Andrea Rediger, Ann Strahle, Tiffani Saunders
Meeting called to order at 6:35 PM
Procedural: 2.01 Call Meeting to Order
Procedural: 2.02 Pledge of Allegiance
Procedural: 2.03 Roll Call
Ryan Murphy absent, Jen Farnsworth and Dr. Lamon present
Action: 3.01 Approval of Agenda
To approve the agenda for the meeting of January 22, 2025.
Motion by Steven Bryant, second by Andrea Rediger.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yes: Steven Bryant, Laura Calderon, Patrick Phipps, Andrea Rediger, Ann Strahle, Tiffani Saunders
Action: 3.02 Action Items from Closed Session
To approved items from closed session as presented.
Motion by Andrea Rediger, second by Laura Calderon.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yes: Steven Bryant, Laura Calderon, Patrick Phipps, Andrea Rediger, Ann Strahle, Tiffani Saunders
Recognition: 4.01 Recognition of CACC Students of the Months of Nov and Dec 2024
Andrea called upon the students for CACC student of the month.
There were seven students present.
Information: 4.02 Citizens- Opportunity for Visitors to Address the School Board Concerning any Agenda Topic- No audience members addressed the Board.
Action: 5.01 Adoption of Consent Agenda Items
That the Ball-Chatham School Board adopt the consent agenda items (as presented) as recommended by the Superintendent.
Motion by Ann Strahle, second by Laura Calderon.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yes: Steven Bryant, Laura Calderon, Patrick Phipps, Andrea Rediger, Ann Strahle, Tiffani Saunders
Action (Consent), Minutes: 5.02 Minutes of Regular Board Meeting, December 18, 2024
Action (Consent), Minutes: 5.03 Minutes of Facilities and Grounds Committee Meeting, January 8, 2025
Action (Consent), Minutes: 5.04 Minutes of Finance Committee Meeting, December 17, 2024
Action (Consent), Minutes: 5.05 Minutes of Policy Committee Meeting, January 8, 2025
Action (Consent), Minutes: 5.06 Minutes of PTAC Committee Minutes of January 13, 2025
Action (Consent): 5.07 Treasurer/Financial Report
Action (Consent): 5.08 School District Accounts Payable
Action (Consent): 5.09 School Activity Account Reports
Action (Consent): 5.10 FOIA Requests
Action: 6.01 Adoption of Consent Personnel Agenda Items
That the Ball-Chatham School Board adopt the personnel consent agenda (as presented) as recommended by the Superintendent.
Motion by Laura Calderon, second by Patrick Phipps.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yes: Steven Bryant, Laura Calderon, Patrick Phipps, Andrea Rediger, Ann Strahle, Tiffani Saunders
Action (Consent): 6.02 Resignations
Action (Consent): 6.03 New Hires
Action (Consent): 6.04 Retirements
Action (Consent): 6.05 Transfers
Action (Consent): 6.06 Leaves of Absences
Kendall Gibson, newly appointed Principal for GIS was recognized in the audience.
Action: 7.01 Approval of Practical Assessment Exploration System
Approval of Practical Assessment Exploration System in the amount of $39,875 paid by IDEA grant funds
Motion by Andrea Rediger, second by Patrick Phipps.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yes: Steven Bryant, Laura Calderon, Patrick Phipps, Andrea Rediger, Ann Strahle, Tiffani Saunders
Action: 7.02 7-8 English Language Arts Resource Adoption
It is the recommendation of the Administration to approve the GMS English Language Arts Curriculum Resources
Jen Farnsworth shared that this is a six year subscription to HMH for 7-8 Intro to Lit and writable ELA curriculum.
Motion by Laura Calderon, second by Ann Strahle.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yes: Steven Bryant, Laura Calderon, Patrick Phipps, Andrea Rediger, Ann Strahle, Tiffani Saunders
Action: 7.03 Disposal of Equipment at GHS
It is the recommendation of the Administration to approve the disposal of 50 Metal File Cabinets, 6 stoves, and 2 Dryers at GHS.
Motion by Steven Bryant, second by Laura Calderon.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yes: Steven Bryant, Laura Calderon, Patrick Phipps, Andrea Rediger, Ann Strahle, Tiffani Saunders
Action: 7.04 Amendments to Health Life Safety Project
To approve two amendments to a Health Life Safety projects for additional cameras at Ball Elementary and Glenwood Middle School.
Motion by Steven Bryant, second by Andrea Rediger.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yes: Steven Bryant, Laura Calderon, Patrick Phipps, Andrea Rediger, Ann Strahle, Tiffani Saunders
Information: 7.05 First Reading of PRESS Policies
Action: 7.06 Superintendent Contract Renewal
To renew Dr. Lamon's contract from July 1, 2025 to June 30, 2028.
Motion by Patrick Phipps, second by Andrea Rediger.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yes: Steven Bryant, Laura Calderon, Patrick Phipps, Andrea Rediger, Ann Strahle, Tiffani Saunders
Action: 7.07 Assistant Superintendent Contract Renewal
To renew Assistant Superintendent Jen Farnsworth's contract from July 1, 2025 to June 30, 2029.
Motion by Patrick Phipps, second by Andrea Rediger.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yes: Steven Bryant, Laura Calderon, Patrick Phipps, Andrea Rediger, Ann Strahle, Tiffani Saunders
Action: 7.08 Vision 2030 Board Resolution
It is recommended by Administration that the Board approve a resolution of support for Vision 2030.
President Saunders shared the support the Board and District will provide to the IASB for the Vision 2030
project that will advance policy, legislative, and fiscal solutions, leverage public resources, and preserve local flexibility and leadership so that the important decisions about curriculum and finances are made closest to home.
Motion by Andrea Rediger, second by Laura Calderon.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yes: Steven Bryant, Laura Calderon, Patrick Phipps, Andrea Rediger, Ann Strahle, Tiffani Saunders
Presentation, Information: 8.01 Food Service Update
Food Service Director, Chad Martel, shared the Food Service Overview with the Board. Staffing, food programs, and Free and Reduced Eligibility statistics were included in the presentation.
Household applications are down from the previous year. This can have a negative return of funding and can keep students not receiving food that is needed. District funding sources continue from State and Federal reimbursements, supply chain funds, PAL, USDA, lFS, and student and adult sales. The LaSalle Purchasing Cooperative has also offered BCSD#5 support with bid pricing, wide selection, and freedom to add items to the order. Two programs that help students and keep waste minimized includes the shared bin concept and onsite packaging for fresh fruits and vegetables. Some upcoming initiatives include grant applications, district wellness policy review, and a nutritional analysis (which can provide help with food allergy concerns) and menu software being implemented.
Information: 8.02 Future Board Meeting Dates for 2024/25 SY
Information: 8.03 Citizens- Opportunity for Visitors to Address the School Board Concerning Any Topic
Action: 9.01 Adjournment of Regular Meeting
Move to Adjourn Regular Board Meeting 7:08 PM
Motion by Steven Bryant, second by Steven Bryant.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yes: Steven Bryant, Laura Calderon, Patrick Phipps, Andrea Rediger, Ann Strahle, Tiffani Saunders