
Sangamon Sun

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Menard County Board of Commissioners met Jan. 30


Menard County Board of Commissioners met Jan. 30

Here are the minutes provided by the commission:

The Menard County Board of Commissioners met on Thursday, January 30, 2025 at 9:00 a.m. at the Menard County Courthouse, 102 S. Seventh Street, Petersburg, Illinois. Commissioners Bob Lott, Ed Whitcomb, Dalton Whitley, Troy Cummings, and Rich Brauer were physically present. A quorum was present. County Clerk Martha “Marty” Gum, County Coordinator Dara Worthington, Treasurer Molly Bettis, State’s Attorney Gabe Gros boll, and Sheriff Mark Oller were also present.

Chairperson Bob Lott called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.

Commissioner Brauer moved to approve the Special Meeting Minutes from January 23, 2025 and Regular Minutes from January 14, 2025. Commissioner Whitley seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

Scheduled Guest: Adam Pulley - Clifton Larson Allen LLP - Principal Auditor

Adam Pulley, Principal Auditor for Clifton Larson Allen, LLP was in attendance and provided the commissioners with an exit report regarding the FY22 Audit. CLA issued a clean opinion – an unmodified statement. He went over several different items and explained in detail different items on audit findings. Adam did let everyone know that they will be starting FY23 very soon.

Highway Department’s Report/Request for Board Action

Corey Dowd, County Highway Engineer, was in attendance and updated the Board on his department’s current projects.

Approval of Intergovernmental Agreement with Sangamon County for the Sangamon County Valley Trail. Commissioner Brauer moved to approve the request.

Commissioner Whitley seconded the motion. Roll Call: Brauer – Aye, Whitley – Aye, Cummings – Nay, Whitcomb – Nay, and Lott – Aye. The motion carried.

Concurrence of Award for the Low Bid on Construction of Section 18-0068-00-BT (Sangamon Valley Trail) A consensus of the board was needed. Roll Call: Brauer – Aye, Whitley – Aye, Cummings – Nay, Whitcomb - Nay, and Lott – Aye. It was the consensus of the commissioners to move forward with item for the Sangamon Valley Trail.

Preliminary Engineering Agreement with Veenstra and Kimm for Section 25- 00071-00-PV (Gudgel Ave) Commissioner Cummings moved to approve the request. Commissioner Brauer seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

Menard County Zoning Officer

Zoning Officer Joe Crowe was in attendance and provided the board with an overview of office activities. Crowe provided a 2024 annual report for the board to review. Joe updated the board on a draft zoning ordinance he has put together noting that the next step is for it to go before the committee that will be reviewing and commenting upon it. Joe updated the board on the FEMA training that he went to, reporting that he is now the FEMA contact for the county for any flooding. Joe also informed the board that Tom Eldridge is no longer on the board of the Zoning Board of Appeals creating an opening that will need to be filled.

EMS/EMA Report/Requests for Board Action

EMS Chief Kolbe Huss was in attendance and updated the board on the new ambulance that the County will be taking possession of at the end of February. He also informed the board of a CD that EMS has and the interest that it had earned. An update was provided on the sale of 3D10 (ambulance).

Authorization to Accept $22,000 Trade-In for 3D10 Ambulance. Commissioner Whitcomb moved to approve the request. Commissioner Whitley seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

Kolbe also updated the board on hiring of a part-time employee in preparation of transitioning to in-house billing.

Sheriff’s Report/Requests for Board Action

Sheriff Mark Oller was in attendance and updated the Board on the current jail census at seven total 7 inmates (5 male and 2 female). Sheriff Oller also updated the board on the prepping for the upcoming Swearing-In on Friday January 31. Discussion ensued regarding the upcoming jail report for the county board, including input from the Cass County Sheriff. Chief Deputy Hollis reported that Brown County recently contacted him about holding their inmates. Hollis is going to put together some information for the board and have it at the last meeting in March.

Treasurer’s Report/Requests for Board Action

Treasurer Molly Bettis was present and updated the board on her departmental activities which included: her IACO Leadership training, becoming a notary, communication with the taxing districts, and Govolution’s online payment system update. Updated everyone on the GOVOLUTION online payment, zoning will be the first office to start using it. 

Treasurer Bettis provided an overview on a wire fraud which occurred within the department during the last fiscal year

County Clerk’s Report/Requests for Board Action

County Clerk Gum advised the Board that the My Dec will go live March 1st, 2025. Marty also informed the board that she had filled the opening for the full-time recording position. Gum reported that the vendor had delivered the new voting equipment and removed all of the old equipment.

State’s Attorney Report/Requests for Board Action

State’s Attorney Grosboll provided an overview of activities within his office including the by-laws for the Veterans Assistance Commission. Grosboll is waiting for a response from Andrews.

Assistant State’s Attorney Gwen Thomas was present and informed the board that she will sworn in January 31, 2025 with Judge Atterberry and then at a later date in a public ceremony.

County Coordinator’s Report/Requests for Board Action

Coordinator Worthington was in attendance and requested that Executive Session Minutes from June 27,2024, July 9,2024, January 9, 2024, July 30,2019, and June 27,2023 will remain closed while Executive Session Minutes from January 12,2024, July 12,2022, and January 12,2021 be opened. Commissioner Brauer moved to approve the request as set forth. Commissioner Whitcomb seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. Worthington provided an update on the following: Pre-Bid meeting on February 11, 2025, the closing on the property being purchased set for Wednesday February 19,2025, transferring of the new property’s operating accounts, Vonage update, the FY23 Audit, FY22 GATA, new meeting iPads with assistance from Kolbe Huss and Jill Lounsberry, and the January 2025 UCCI meeting. A brief discussion ensued regarding work to be completed at the new property.

Individual Board Members – Report/Requests for Board Action

Commissioner Brauer gave an update on Rt 97.

Commissioner Whitcomb updated on brush cutting at the county farm.

Commissioner Cummings updated that there are five vacancies now out at Countryside Estates with someone moving in soon.

Other Scheduled Topics

Resolution 02-25 - Menard County Board in Support of Menard County Agriculture.

Commissioner Whitcomb moved to approve Resolution 02-25. Commissioner Brauer seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. The Resolution shall be known as Resolution 02-25.

Resolution 03-25 – Conveyance of Counties Interest in Parcel 11-24-406-130.

Commissioner Whitcomb moved to approve Resolution 03-25. Commissioner Brauer seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. The Resolution shall be known as Resolution 03-25.

Discussion and Approval of Menard County Treasurers FY25 Salary

Discussion was brought forth regarding the Menard County Treasurer’s salary, the recent COLA given to regular county employees, and the salaries of other elected officials. Upon conclusion of that discussion, Commissioner Brauer made a motion for the salary of the Menard County Treasurer to be $75,026. Retroactive to December 1, 2024. Commissioner Whitley seconded the motion. Roll Call: Brauer – Aye, Whitley – Aye, Cummings – Nay, Whitcomb – Nay, and Lott – Aye. Motion carried. The salaries of County Clerk, Circuit Clerk and Supervisor of Assessments will be discussed at the next board meeting.

Executive Session

Commissioner Brauer made a motion to enter Executive Session for the purpose of litigation at 10:23 AM. Commissioner Cummings seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.


With no further business coming before the Board, Commissioner Brauer moved to adjourn the meeting at 12:37 PM Commissioner Cummings seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.




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