Dan Holden, Village Clerk | Village of Chatham
Dan Holden, Village Clerk | Village of Chatham
Village of Chatham Village Board met Jan. 28
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
1. Meeting Opening
1.1 Village President Dave Kimsey called the Regular Village Board meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
1.2 Moment of Silence
1.3 Pledge of Allegiance
1.4 Roll Call
Present: Village Trustee Kristen Chiaro; Village Trustee John Fletcher; Village Trustee Carl Try; Village Trustee Brett Gerger; Village President Dave Kimsey
Absent: Village Trustee Tim Nice and Village Trustee Meredith Ferguson
Others Present: Village Manager Pat McCarthy; Village Attorney Lisa Petrilli; Chief Budget Officer and Treasurer Kayla Piehl; Chief Fiscal Officer Megan Cohran; Police Chief Vern Foli; Emergency Manager Trent Thompson and Village Clerk Dan Holden
Public Announcements
Les Morgan, with the Chatham American Legion and Chatham VFW, announced that the Legion Lenten Fish Fry’s will start on March 7, 2025.
Linda McCord and Jill Reynolds of the Chatham-Auburn American Legion Auxiliary addressed the board on their efforts in the recently completed Wreaths Across America project and to thank the Village Board and Village Staff for supporting this project. They gave a special thanks for Village President Kimsey for attending the event and to village employees Arick Hanson and Dustin Patterson for their assistance.
2. Old Business
There was no Old Business discussed at this meeting.
3. New Business
3.1 An Ordinance 25-01 Transferring Appropriation Authority Between Line Items for the Fiscal Year Commencing the 1st Day of May, A.D., 2024, and Ending on the 30th Day of April, A.D. 2025
A motion was made by Trustee Chiaro to bring Ordinance 25-01 to the table for discussion. This motion was seconded by Trustee Try. By a 4-0-0-2 vote of the Trustees, the motion passed. The vote was as follows: Trustee Try – yes; Trustee Nice – absent; Trustee Ferguson – absent; Trustee Chiaro – yes; Trustee Fletcher – yes; Trustee Gerger – yes.
3.2 Resolution 03-25 for IDOT Improvement MFT Project Plummer Blvd Resurfacing
A motion was made by Trustee Fletcher to bring Resolution 03-25 to the table for discussion. This motion was seconded by Trustee Gerger. By a 4-0-0-2 vote of the Trustees, the motion passed. The vote was as follows: Trustee Try – yes; Trustee Nice – absent; Trustee Ferguson – absent; Trustee Chiaro – yes; Trustee Fletcher – yes; Trustee Gerger – yes.
4. Consent Agenda
Warrants Resolution 04-25
Approval of Meeting Minutes from the Regular Board meeting on 1-14-25
A motion was made by Trustee Try to bring the Consent Agenda to the table for discussion. This motion was seconded by Trustee Fletcher. By a 4-0-0-2 vote of the Trustees, the motion passed. The vote was as follows: Trustee Try – yes; Trustee Nice – absent; Trustee Ferguson – absent; Trustee Chiaro – yes; Trustee Fletcher – yes; Trustee Gerger – yes.
5. Public Comment
There was no Public Comment on Village Business at this meeting
6. Next Scheduled Meeting
Village Board 6:00 p.m. at Municipal Hall on 2-11-25
7. Executive Session
7.1 Personnel under 2(c)(1)
7.2. Collective Negotiating Matter (2)(c)(2)
7.3. Litigation under 2(c)(11)
7.4 Setting the price for sale or lease of public property (2)(C)(6)
7.5. Review of Closed Session Minutes 2(c)(21)
7.6 Purchase or lease of real property for the use of the public body, including meetings held for the purpose of discussing whether a particular parcel should be acquired 2(C)(5)
Village President Kimsey announced that there will be a need for Executive Session under 7.2 Collective Negotiating Matter (2)(c)(2)
A motion was made by Trustee Chiaro to suspend the Regular Village Board meeting to enter into Executive Session. This motion was seconded by Trustee Try. By a 4-0-0-2 vote of the Trustees, the motion passed. The vote was as follows: Trustee Try – yes; Trustee Nice – absent; Trustee Ferguson – absent; Trustee Chiaro – yes; Trustee Fletcher – yes; Trustee Gerger – yes. The time of suspension of the Regular Village Board meeting was 6:09 p.m.
At 6:54 p.m., a motion was made by Trustee Gerger to resume the Regular Village Board meeting after the adjournment of Executive Session. This motion was seconded by Trustee Fletcher. By a 4-0-0-2 vote of the Trustees, the motion passed. The vote was as follows: Trustee Try – yes; Trustee Nice – absent; Trustee Ferguson – absent; Trustee Chiaro – yes; Trustee Fletcher – yes; Trustee Gerger – yes.
A motion was made by Trustee Gerger to adjourn the Regular Village Board meeting. This motion was seconded by Trustee Fletcher. By an affirmative voice vote of the members present, the motion passed and the meeting adjourned at 6:55 p.m.
Meeting Minutes prepared by Village Clerk Dan Holden