Andrea Rediger, Secretary (left) and Laura Calderon - Vice President (right) | Ball-Chatham School District
Andrea Rediger, Secretary (left) and Laura Calderon - Vice President (right) | Ball-Chatham School District
Ball-Chatham Community Unified School District 5 Board of Education met Feb. 26
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
Members present
Steven Bryant, Laura Calderon, Ryan Murphy, Patrick Phipps, Andrea Rediger, Ann Strahle, Tiffani Saunders
Meeting called to order at 6:40 PM
Call Meeting to Order 6:40pm
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call
Present: Steven Bryant, Laura Calderon, Ryan Murphy, Patrick Phipps, Andrea Rediger, Tiffani Saunders, and Ann Strahle. Also in attendance Dr. Becca Lamon.
Action: 3.01 Approval of Agenda
President Saunders made a motion to approve to amend the agenda to add a New Business item 7.08 Resignation of a School Board Member to the agenda.
Motion by Laura Calderon, second by Ann Strahle.
Final Resolution: Motion carries
Yes: Steven Bryant, Laura Calderon, Ryan Murphy, Patrick Phipps, Andrea Rediger, Ann Strahle, Tiffani Saunders
Recognition: 4.01 Recognition of Art Students
The winners of the Mid-Central Illinois Region of Scholastic Art Competition were on display in the M.G. Nelson Family Gallery February 2- February 20, 2025.
The show features artwork from students in grades 7-12 from a variety of schools across 33 counties in central Illinois.
Congratulations to the 2025 Winners!
Ava Albertini - 1 Gold Key, 1 Honorable Mention
Trinity Caldwell - 1 Honorable Mention
Emily Harris - 2 Silver Gold Keys, 1 Honorable Mention
Ruby Klein - 1 Honorable Mention
Emma Pomeroy - 2 Gold Keys, 1 Honorable Mention, 1 Silver Key Art Portfolio
Brady Rayl - 1 Gold Key, 1 Silver Key, 1 Honorable Mention, 1 Silver Key Art Portfolio
Layne Rude - 1 Silver Key
Mia Warren - 1 Silver Key, 1 Honorable Mention students were recognized by Board photo taken
Recognition: 4.02 Recognition of IHSA Sectional Coach of the Year
President Saunders shared that the Illinois Softball Coaches Association has named Softball Coach Vondel Edgar the Illinois Coaches Association Softball IHSA Sectional Coach of the Year.
Information: 4.03 Citizens- Opportunity for Visitors to Address the School Board Concerning any Agenda Topic
No one spoke.
Action: 5.01 Adoption of Consent Agenda Items
That the Ball-Chatham School Board adopt the consent agenda items (as presented) as recommended by the Superintendent.
Motion by Steven Bryant, second by Laura Calderon.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yes: Steven Bryant, Laura Calderon, Ryan Murphy, Patrick Phipps, Andrea Rediger, Ann Strahle, Tiffani Saunders
Action (Consent), Minutes: 5.02 Minutes of Regular Board Meeting, January 22, 2025.
Action (Consent), Minutes: 5.03 Minutes of Policy Committee Meeting, February 11, 2025
Action (Consent), Minutes: 5.04 Minutes of Facilities and Grounds Committee Meeting, February 12, 2025.
Action (Consent), Minutes: 5.05 Minutes of Finance Committee Meeting, January 21, 2025.
Action (Consent), Minutes: 5.06 Minutes of Finance Committee Meeting, February 18, 2025.
Action (Consent): 5.07 Treasurer/Financial Report
Action (Consent): 5.08 School District Accounts Payable
Action (Consent): 5.09 School Activity Account Reports
Action (Consent): 5.10 FOIA Requests
Action: 6.01 Adoption of Consent Personnel Agenda Items
That the Ball-Chatham School Board adopt the personnel consent agenda (as presented) as recommended by the Superintendent.
Motion by Ryan Murphy, second by Steven Bryant.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yes: Steven Bryant, Laura Calderon, Ryan Murphy, Patrick Phipps, Andrea Rediger, Ann Strahle, Tiffani Saunders
Action (Consent): 6.02 Resignations
Action (Consent): 6.03 New Hires
Action (Consent): 6.04 Retirements
Action (Consent): 6.05 Transfers
Action (Consent): 6.06 Leaves of Absences
Action (Consent): 6.07 2025/2026 Fall Coach Renewals
Action: 7.01 Disposal of Athletic Equipment at GHS
It is the recommendation of the Administration to approve the disposal of five wrestling mats GHS.
Motion by Andrea Rediger, second by Ryan Murphy.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yes: Steven Bryant, Laura Calderon, Ryan Murphy, Patrick Phipps, Andrea Rediger, Ann Strahle, Tiffani Saunders
Action: 7.02 Resolution to Abate Working Cash and Transfer to Operations and Maintenance Fund
Laura Calderon asked if is this routine?
Wendy Dulakis, Finance Director answered that this is the Bond money we received, this is a way to move the Bond money.
It is the recommendation of the Administration to abate the Working Cash fund and transfer the funds to the Operations and Maintenance Fund.
Motion by Laura Calderon, second by Andrea Rediger.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yes: Steven Bryant, Laura Calderon, Ryan Murphy, Patrick Phipps, Andrea Rediger, Ann Strahle, Tiffani Saunders
Action: 7.03 BCSD Cardiac Plan
Dr. Lamon described this action needed per state regulation. It is housed in the Nurse offices and the emergency go bags. Ashlee Leahy, GHS nurse, helped produce the document. This is the developed plan for protocol during any potential Cardiac Emergency Response.
Motion by Ryan Murphy, second by Andrea Rediger.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yes: Steven Bryant, Laura Calderon, Ryan Murphy, Patrick Phipps, Andrea Rediger, Ann Strahle, Tiffani Saunders
Action: 7.04 Out of State Travel for GMS Choir/Band
The administration requests an approval for the GMS Choir/Band to attend an event at Six Flags in Eureka, Missouri.
Motion by Ryan Murphy, second by Steven Bryant.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yes: Steven Bryant, Laura Calderon, Ryan Murphy, Patrick Phipps, Andrea Rediger, Ann Strahle, Tiffani Saunders
Action: 7.05 Community Engagement Contract
Dr. Lamon explained that contacting with a community engagement firm is a step towards working on action items in the strategic plan. In total six forms were interviewed. Ryan Murphy and Pat Phipps tool part in the interview process. The community engagement form provide a unique, profession service.
It is recommended by the Administration that the Board approve the Community Engagement Contract with EO Sullivan.
Motion by Patrick Phipps, second by Andrea Rediger.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yes: Steven Bryant, Laura Calderon, Ryan Murphy, Patrick Phipps, Andrea Rediger, Ann Strahle, Tiffani Saunders
Presentation, Information: 7.06 First Reading of PRESS Policies
Action, Information: 7.07 Second Reading of PRESS Policies
Approve the PRESS Policies
Motion by Ann Strahle, second by Laura Calderon.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yes: Steven Bryant, Laura Calderon, Ryan Murphy, Patrick Phipps, Andrea Rediger, Ann Strahle, Tiffani Saunders
Action: 7.08 Resignation of School Board Member I make a motion to accept the resignation of School Board member Steve Bryant due to a residency move effective February 27, 2025.
Steve spoke with notes regarding his resignation today. Letter was submitted. Mr. Bryant has purchase a new home in Ball Township which make him legally ineligible to continue to serve on the Board due to the cap of three Board members allowed from one township.
Pat Phipps mentioned thank Mr. Bryant for their time together on the Board, especially during COVID.
Laura Calderon thanked Mr. Bryant for his time and the commitment needed to serve on the Board. They knew each other as neighbors first and then worked together as Board members.
Dr. Lamon presented Mr. Bryant with an appreciation gift. She was grateful for Mr. Bryant's guidance and how he served as a resource over the past 2.5 years.
Tiffani Saunders thanks Mr. Bryant for their time and service they shared as Board members.
It is the recommendation to accept the resignation of Steve Bryant.
Motion by Ryan Murphy, second by Andrea Rediger.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yes: Steven Bryant, Laura Calderon, Ryan Murphy, Patrick Phipps, Andrea Rediger, Ann Strahle, Tiffani Saunders
Information: 8.01 Future Board Meeting Dates for 2024/25 SY
Wednesday, March 12, 2025 Facilities and Grounds Committee Meeting at 4:00PM in the District Office
Tuesday, March 18, 2025 Finance Committee Meeting at 4:00PM in the District Office
Wednesday, March 19, 2025 Regular Board Meeting at 6:30PM in the District Office
Information: 8.02 Citizens- Opportunity for Visitors to Address the School Board Concerning Any Topic
An opportunity to address Board, Melissa Melinsky spoke on behalf of T-Funk students and parents.
Her statement was signed by Don Bowman, Sophia Gelhausen Anderson, Patrick Anderson, Brandon and Donna Snyder, Rob and Zana Kaine, Brandy Stabler, Rajesh and Renu Govindaiah, Eric and Julie Boler, Misty and Denny Wear, Jennifer Fairbanks, and John Bozak.
Action: 9.01 Adjournment of Regular Meeting
Move to Adjourn Regular Board Meeting at 7:06PM
Motion by Laura Calderon, second by Tiffani Saunders.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yes: Steven Bryant, Laura Calderon, Ryan Murphy, Patrick Phipps, Andrea Rediger, Ann Strahle, Tiffani Saunders