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Pleasant Plains trustees discuss zoning-map revisions, flooding woes


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At a recent meeting, the Pleasant Plains Village Board received updates on ongoing village zoning-map revisions and efforts to resolve water-drainage problems at the bus garage and on Jefferson Street.

Pleasant Plains Village Hall is open 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday-Friday and is closed weekends.

Below is the agenda for this meeting, as provided by the board.

Village of Pleasant Plains

200 West Fourth Street, P. O. Box 177, Pleasant Plains, Illinois 62677 (217)626-1024

Monday through Friday

APRIL 11, 2016

The Village Board of Pleasant Plains met in a regular session on Monday, April 11, 2016, at 7:00

p.m., at the Village Hall. President Jim Verkuilen called the meeting to order and roll was


Mike Huber present Elizabeth Rollins present

William Riggins, Jr present Darrell “Duey” Blair absent

Frank Sommer present Wayne Heideman present

President Verkuilen declared a quorum present.

Staff Present: Jim Verkuilen, Mayor

Carl Draper, Attorney

Brett Keyes, Treasurer

Judy Reiser, Village Clerk

Kevin Kesselring, Police Chief

Dave Stewart, Water Superintendent

Neil McCafferty, Assistant Water Superintendent

Greg Miles, Streets Superintendent

Visitor(s): Greta Myers, Tony DelGiorno, John Langley, Grant Reid

Mayor Verkuilen introduced Frank Sommer as a nominee to serve as a Trustee filling the

vacancy left by JD Harris when he resigned from the board. Trustee Bill Riggins, Jr., made a

motion to accept Frank as a Trustee to the Pleasant Plains Village Board. This motion was

seconded by Trustee Wayne Heideman. President Verkuilen declared the motion carried by a

unanimous aye vote.

Agenda for the Village Board Meeting was reviewed. There were no additions or corrections.

John Langley, PPCUSD#8 Instructional Technology Coordinator and PPHS senior Grant Reid,

revealed the revamped village website (www.pleasantplainsIllinois.com). Upgrades will continue

until Grant’s graduation. Staff was asked to put together a list of frequently asked questions to

be added to the site. The new website edition will prove to be more user friendly for village staff

and residents. In the future the ordinances, permits, applications, local businesses, etc. will be

available on-line. The Board thanked John and Grant, and was very appreciative of the volunteer

work these two gentlemen have put forward in updating the website. Trustee Wayne Heideman

made a motion to accept the new website and Trustee Mike Huber seconded this motion.

President Verkuilen declared the motion carried by a unanimous aye vote.

Minutes were reviewed for the March 14, 2016, Village Board Meeting. Trustee Bill Riggins, Jr.

asked that under the Water Customer Issues it be added, “Jon Klepzig lives outside the village”.

Motion to accept the minutes with the above correction was made by Trustee Mike Huber and

Minutes – Village Board –April 11, 2016 Page 1

seconded by Trustee Wayne Heideman. President Verkuilen declared the motion carried by an

aye vote.

Treasurer’s Report: The Board reviewed his written report. Brett stated it was time to be

thinking of the next fiscal year budget. Brett has asked the department heads to start putting

figures together for upcoming budget discussions. Water budget for this year looks like it is on

target however utilities have run a little high. Due to many changes through Illinois Funds Brett

has been having issues in getting information. He went through the Department of Revenue

website for the information on this report. He is waiting for a user name and ID so hopefully

getting on-line access to the website won’t be much longer. Motion was made by Trustee Wayne

Heideman to accept the Treasurer’s report as presented and seconded by Trustee Elizabeth


Ayes: Frank Sommer, Bill Riggins, Jr., Elizabeth Rollins, Mike Huber, Wayne


Nays: N/A

Abstain: N/A

Absent: Darrell “Duey” Blair

President Verkuilen declared the motion carried by a roll call vote

Payment of the bills was presented. The Village did receive an insurance claim check for the

well roof which will offset the Reiser Construction bill. We will also be receiving a check from

Leahy Bennett for materials and labor for a new hookup. This will offset material charges for the

water fund. Motion was made by Trustee Wayne Heideman to accept the bills as presented.

This motion was seconded by Trustee Bill Riggins, Jr.

Ayes: Wayne Heideman, Mike Huber, Elizabeth Rollins, Bill Riggins, Jr., Frank

Nays: N/A

Abstain: N/A

Absent: Darrell “Duey” Blair

President Verkuilen declared the motion carried by a roll call vote.

Budget meeting was scheduled for Monday, May 2, 2016, at 7:00 p.m. Brett has asked the

department heads to have their proposed budgets to him prior to this.

Brett will also get in touch with Pehlman and Dold regarding the audit.

Trustee Bill Riggins, Jr., asked if the committee chairmen would be changed this year,

particularly the Finance Committee. Mayor Verkuilen indicated Trustee Riggins will remain the


Police Department: Chief of Police Kevin Kesselring, nothing to report.

Street Department: Street Superintendent Greg Miles presented his report to the Board. Greg

stated he picked up over 40 ton of loose rock through Forest View. Trustee Bill Riggins, Jr.,

commented that the streets do look good.


Water Department: David Stewart, Water Superintendent stated the wells are holding up pretty

good. He has to pig the line every month because of iron.

Minutes – Village Board –April 11, 2016 Page 2

Water Customer Issue: Scott & Ambre Franklin reported a high water bill. Found the problem

was a leaky toilet. Since the water bill was not paid by March 15 th a penalty bill was issued.

Ambre did not feel they should have to pay the penalty since the bill had been challenged. No

motion was made. Penalty charge remains.

Presentation of Revised Zoning Map: Zoning Commissioner, Brad Hermes, distributed an

updated version of the village’s zoning map which is still in progress. Original zoning map from

Benton & Associated is dated 2000. Brad reviewed ordinances, files, and researched the area

with Greg and Jim making appropriate changes. Any changes that need to be made should be

brought to Brad’s attention. He will go through the appropriate process to make the update as

long as documentation is available to back up any change. Maps were turned back in so there

aren’t several versions floating around.

Sign Ordinance: Nothing to report

Update on Well Property: Trustee Bill Riggins, Jr. reviewed some changes made by the

landowner on the “Agreement For Purchase And Sale Of Real Estate” which will be tested as a

suitable site for a new well. Attorney Draper reviewed the changes and did not see any

problems. Motion was made by Trustee Mike Huber to execute the agreement for the purchase of

said real estate as revised. Trustee Wayne Heideman seconded this motion.

Ayes: Frank Sommer, Bill Riggins, Jr., Elizabeth Rollins, Mike Huber, Wayne


Nays: N/A

Abstain: N/A

Absent: Darrell “Duey” Blair

President Verkuilen declared the motion carried by a roll call vote.

A check owed to Mr. Milstead will be issued now for $4,332. Attorney Draper does need to

know which title company Mr. Milstead will be using. Trustee Bill Riggins, Jr., stated he will

coordinate with Dave and Mr. Milstead to stake the entrance lane and the general 100 by 100

parcel so all understand the exact area.

Test Wells: After discussion with the board, it was decided Benton & Associates will prepare the

bid specs so we can get the bid proposals out to any known engineering firms. Trustee Wayne

Heideman made a motion to have Benton & Associates give the specs for the proposed test well.

Motion was seconded by Trustee Elizabeth Rollins. President Verkuilen declared the motion

carried by a unanimous aye vote.

Water Drainage on Jefferson Street Update: Mr. Darget, Grounds Superintendent for the

school district, states he is working with Reiser Construction to solve the water drainage issue at

the entrance to the bus garage and the flooding of residents on Jefferson Street during a heavy


Tony DelGiorno introduced himself and sat in for the board meeting. Mr. DelGiorno will be

running against Representative Sara Wojcicki-Jimenez for Illinois State Representative for the

99 th District. in the November 8 th election.

Minutes – Village Board –April 11, 2016 Page 3

There being no further business, Trustee Bill Riggins, Jr. made a motion to adjourn the meeting.

Trustee Mike Huber seconded the motion. The motion was passed by voice vote. President

Verkuilen declared the meeting adjourned by a unanimous vote at 8:35 p.m.

Submitted by, Approved by,

___________________________ _______________________

Judy Reiser, Village Clerk Jim Verkuilen, President