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Thursday, March 6, 2025

Chatham Library Board discusses Property Tax Freeze legislation

Webp meeting 11

At a recent meeting, the Chatham Area Public Library District Board discussed the Property Tax Freeze bill working its way through the Assembly, which would affect libraries' cut of property-tax revenue.

The Chatham Area Public Library Board consists of seven members elected to staggered four-year terms. The board is charged with managing the library. Board meetings are held at 7 p.m. on the third Monday of every month.

Below are the minutes from this meeting, as provided by the board.

Chatham Area Public Library District

Board Meeting Minutes

Monday, May 16, 2016

I. Board Meeting Called to Order, 7:00 p.m.

Present: Susie Fairfield, Michael Roubitchek, Chelsey Moore, Leslie Rios, Christine

Westerlund, James Burgdorf and Deborah Schumer.

Also present were Amy Byers, Library Director and Linda Borst, Administrative Assistant.

II. Recognition of Visitors/Public Comments

There were no visitors present at tonight’s meeting.

III. Approval of Minutes

There were no changes to the minutes from April 18, 2016.

Motion to approve: moved by Deborah Schumer, 2nd by James Burgdorf, motion approved.

IV. Approval of Special Meeting Minutes

There were no changes to the special meeting minutes from May 10, 2016.

Motion to approve: moved by Michael Roubitchek, 2nd by Chelsey Moore, motion approved.

V. Treasurer’s Report/Review of Payments

Treasurer’s Report presented by Deborah Schumer. The April financials look good and is noted that there are two items over budget: copier lease and Comcast. Motion to approve: moved by Michael Roubitchek, 2nd by James Burgdorf, motion approved.

VI. Reports

A. Friends of the Library

A new Café/Book Store Coordinator has been hired, Dan Miller. Murder Mystery was under $3K due to an increase in catering costs. Friends are looking at other catering options for next year’s dinner.

B. Library Foundation

Dr. Vic Lary was presented a plaque for the Giving Tree for his dedicated service to the Library Foundation. A project was discussed to build a Gazebo type of structure on the lawn area. This would be used for children’s events, book clubs and many other venues. The Foundation would like to have some type of Fundraiser to assist in the financing of this project.

C. Library Director’s Report

The library has recently purchased some new technology to replace older machines. The older technology will still be used in the library in other locations. The ice maker located in the kitchen was recently serviced. We are going to compile a schedule of maintenance for the equipment.

Motion to approve: moved by Deborah Schumer, 2nd by James Burgdorf, motion approved

D. Status of Libraries in Illinois – State/System/Consortia


Amy shared that there are some concerns regarding the possible retirement of Jesse White and the changes that could come with a new Secretary of State and the impact on Libraries. There is also discussion in regards to a state wide library consortium. The consortia, SHARE had cut $150,000 from its budget and there are concerns that the members will have to subsidize this cut through raised membership fees.

E. Property Tax Freeze Legislation – HB 696

The Property Tax Freeze legislation has passed the House and is now on to the Senate. This will impact Libraries in regards to the funds that we receive in property taxes.

F. Seed Library Legislation – SB 3130

The past seed laws did not include Library Seed Programs so the law is being amended to

include libraries. 3 State Representatives have visited our library to view our process and

procedures for our Seed Library.

G. Newspaper Articles

Articles appeared in the Chatham Clarion: Library Lines, Coffee with a Cop, and Chatham

Township Board presenting a check for the 2016 Summer Reading Program.

H. Art Committee Report

The June/July Art Show will feature the work of Katherine Pippin Pauley and a reception will be held on Friday, June 10 from 5:30 – 7:30 p.m.

I. Other

Let the minutes reflect there is no other business to discuss.

VII. Unfinished Business

A. GO 2007 Bond Re-Issuance/Approval

Discussion took place and a motion was made to proceed in this time frame and to retain First Midstate Inc. Investment Bankers which would be in the best interest of the library. Motion to approve: moved by James Burgdorf, 2nd by Susie Fairfield and a roll call vote was then taken with all Board Members present voting aye, motion approved.

B. Other

Let the minutes reflect there is no other unfinished business to discuss.

VIII. New Business

A. Auditor Proposal/Approval

Proposal for auditing services by Estes, Bridgewater & Ogden was presented for discussion and approval. It was noted that we have a good working relationship with the firm. It is noted that the fee has only increased $100 and that we do go out for bid every 3 – 5 years.

Motion to approve: moved by Susie Fairfield, 2nd by Deborah Schumer, motion approved.

B. General Insurance Proposals/Approval

Proposals for General Insurance were presented for discussion and approval. It is noted that we do go out for bid every 3 years. Nicoud Insurance (current provider), Country Companies and LIRA (Libraries of Illinois Risk Agency) were contacted. It was discussed that we have a good working relationship with Nicoud and based on the information provided to remain with Nicoud.

Motion to approve: moved by Michael Roubitchek, 2nd by Susie Fairfield, motion approved.

C. Adult Area Booths/Approval

Proposal is made for the approval of the purchase of 4 single booths and tables for the adult area of the library.


Motion to approve: moved by Susie Fairfield, 2nd by Deborah Schumer and a roll call vote

was taken with all Board Members present voting aye, motion approved.

D. Proposed Budget FY 2016 – 2017

Director Byers provided an overview for the proposed budget to the Board. Documentation

was provided to the Board for review and will be discussed further at the next Board


Executive Session 5ILCS120/2(c) (2)

Motion was made to move into Executive Session: moved by Susie Fairfield, 2nd by

Deborah Schumer, motion approved at 8:30 p.m. All Board Members are present.

During Executive Session, board members were given information on salary proposals for


Motion to reconvene Board Meeting from Executive Session at 8:40 p.m.: moved by

Deborah Schumer, 2nd by Susie Fairfield, motion approved. Let the minutes reflect that all

Board Members are still present.

E. Other

Let the minutes reflect there is no other new business to discuss.

IX. Announcements

A. Next Board Meeting: June 20, 2016

X. Adjournment

Motion to adjourn at 8:41 p.m., moved by Susie Fairfield, 2nd by Deborah Schumer, motion
