
Sangamon Sun

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Ball-Chatham School District Board discusses food-service program deficit

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At a recent meeting, the Ball-Chatham School District Board discussed the district's Food Service Program deficit.

The Ball-Chatham Board of Education consists of seven board members elected to serve, without compensation, for overlapping terms of four years each. The board elects a president, vice president and secretary to serve for one-year terms.

Below are the minutes from this meeting, as provided by the board.

Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Community Unit District Number Five Sangamon County, Illinois August 22, 2016

The regular meeting of the Board of Education of Community Unit District Number Five was August 22, 2016 at the Ball-Chatham District Office which place is within the boundaries of said district.

President Steve Copp called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. The Board clerk noted that Board members Carter, Copp, Maddox, Sieren, Worley, and Yurevich were present. Board member Weitzel was absent.

Administrators present: Tricia Burke, Mike Dobbs, Jen Farnsworth, Elizabeth Gregurich, Tammi Kuhn, Jim Lee, Jim Lovelace, Charlotte Montgomery, Josh Mulvaney, Ashley Romadka, Tina Root, Betsy Schroeder, Kim Sepich, Josie Wertheim, and Dr. Doug Wood.

Media present: Joe Pritchett, Chatham Clarion

Moment of Silence – Before the meeting began, there was a moment of silence in remembrance of Asst. Princi- pal at Glenwood Elementary School, Sarah Yakus.

Approval of Agenda President Copp called for a vote to approve the evening’s agenda.

Maddox moved to approve the agenda for the Board of Education’s regular meeting of August 22, 2016. Upon said motion being seconded by Yurevich, the Board president called for a vote. All Board members voted “yes.”

Action Items from Closed Session Board President Copp read aloud the following recommendation: To approve the closed session minutes of July 25, 2016 as amended or presented in Closed Session.

Maddox moved to approve the Closed Session Minutes of July 25, 2016 as amended or presented in Closed Session. Upon said motion being seconded by Sieren, the Board president called for a vote. All Board members voted “yes.”

Communications Citizens – None noted.

Consent Board President Copp asked if anyone would like to pull any items out of Consent for further discussion. Ms. Worley pulled Item 5.3 – School District Accounts Payable. Mr. Copp called for a vote on the other items listed under “Consent.”

Maddox moved to approve the Consent Items (less Item 5.3) as presented. Upon said motion being se- conded by Yurevich, the Board president called for a vote. All members voted “yes.” Consent Agenda items included:

• Adoption of Consent Agenda Items

• Minutes of Regular Board Meeting July 25, 2016

• School Activity Account Reports

• Treasurer/Financial Report

• FOIA Requests

• Second Reading: Policy 4:45 - Insufficient Fund Checks and Debt Recovery; Policy 5:60 AP1 - Expenses- Travel Compensation

School District Accounts Payable – Board member Worley asked Technology Director Josh Mulvaney whether all the Citrix licenses were up-to-date, and about Sentinel’s involvement in helping with the licensing. Mr. Mul- vaney confirmed that all licenses were current, and that Sentinel came in for one 8-hour day to work on renew- ing registrations and tying up any loose ends. [Sentinel is the company the District contracted with previously to get the licenses and registrations current.]

Maddox moved to approve Item 5.3 – School District Accounts Payable, as presented. Upon said motion being seconded by Yurevich, the Board president called for a vote. All members voted “yes.”

Personnel Consent Board President Copp asked if anyone would like to pull any items out of Personnel Consent for further discus- sion. Mr. Sieren asked that Item 6.16 –Employment of GES Interim Assistant Principal be pulled for discussion. Ms. Worley asked that Item 6.51 - Job Description Change, be pulled as well. Mr. Copp then called for a vote on the other Personnel Consent items.

Maddox moved to approve the Consent Items (less Items 6.16 – Employment of GES Interim Assistant Principal; and 6.51 – Job Description Change) as presented. Upon said motion being seconded by Carter, the Board president called for a vote. All members voted “yes.” Personnel Consent Agenda items included:

• Resignation of GHS Spanish Teacher – Andres Tellez

• Resignation of GES Second Grade Teacher – Maggie Adkins

• Resignation of GHS Athletic Administrative Assistant – Kim Midden

• Resignation of Physical Therapist Assistant – Ellen Wisniewski

• Resignation of Full-time Paraprofessional – Lori Aragon -Takahashi

• Resignation of Full-Time Paraprofessional – Shirley Ayers

• Resignation of Full-Time Paraprofessional – Quentora Dumas

• Resignation of Full-time Study Hall Aide – Joe McDonald

• Resignation of GMS Cafeteria Supervisor – Jinny Lin

• Resignation of CE Playground Supervisor – Wes McGee

• Resignation of GES Cafeteria/Playground Supervisor – Jennifer Caskey

• Resignation of GES Playground Supervisor – Darcey Neuses

• Resignation of CE Part-time Cook (3 hrs/day) – Shu-I-Su

• Employment of Part-time (.8) Physical Therapy Assistant – Amanda Oldfield

• Employment of Full-Time Special Education Teacher at GIS – Erin Tebbe

• Employment of Full-time Science Teacher at GHS – Brenna McIlvoy

• Employment of Full-time Spanish Teacher at GHS – Angeles Garduno

• Employment of Full Time Kindergarten Teacher at CES – Christine Britton

• Employment of Full-Time Kindergarten Teacher at GES – Bambi Beekman

• Employment of Full-Time First Grade Teacher at BES – Kathleen Hochstein

• Employment of Full-Time Fifth Grade Teacher at GIS – Adrienne Crawford

• Employment of Full-Time 2nd Grade Teacher at GES – Rachel Rogers

• Employment of Part-time (.6) Social Worker at Ball Elementary – Laura Liska

• Employment of Full-Time Special Education Paraprofessional at GES – Margaret Williams

• Employment of GHS Study Hall Aide – Andra Grable

• Employment of Full-Time Second Shift Custodian at GHS – Larry Bernstein

• Employment of School Bus Driver – Joseph Ferguson

• Employment of Fourth Grade Team Leader at BE – Tim Niemeyer

• Employment of GMS Cafeteria Supervisor (2.5 hrs/day) – Kevin Patton

• Employment of CE Cafeteria Supervisor (2.5 hrs/day) – Naomi Wilson

• Employment of CE Playground Supervisor (3.5 hrs/day) – Rebekah Reese

• Employment of CE Playground Supervisor (3.5 hrs/day) – Sandra Rahling

• Employment of GES Playground Supervisor (3.5 hrs/day) – Sarah Gutierrez-Groth

• Employment of GES Cafe/Playground Supervisor (3.5 hrs/day) – Laurie Madden

• Employment of GHS Head Girls Tennis Coach & Head Boys Tennis Coach – Hayden Esker

• Employment of GHS Assistant Boys and Girls Cross Country Coach – Caleb Cox • Employment of GHS Assistant Girls Basketball Coach – Marquia Taylor

• Appointment of Volunteer Assistant Boys and Girls Cross Country Coach – Tracy Dowell

• Certified Transfers for 16/17 School Year – Shelly Ebener (from 2nd grade to 3rd grade)

• Approval of 16/17 Mentors – Meghan Gonzalez, Becky Adams, Jessica Tobias, Hannah Giacomini, Kelli Marchizza, Gloria Sanguedolce, Brooke Almdale, Eileen Hansen, Amanda Moore, Sabrina Carter, Rae Long, Deb Sullivan, Michelle (McMahan) Koster, Claire Ganci, Tracey Lex, Jamie Althoff

• Temporary Bus Assignments for 2016/17 School Year:

Employee Transportation Assignment Hourly Salary Estill, Stephanie PreK Driver $30.27 Irmler, Ralph PreK Driver $33.88 Padget, Joyce PreK Driver $25.19 Galloway, Becky PreK Driver $16.48 Reimenschnider, Bob PreK Driver $16.48 Hennings, Teresa PreK Driver $16.48 Rodriguez, Ernesto Noon CACC $16.00 Halford, John PM CACC $30.28 Halford, Bridget AM SCLA/SAFE $33.01 Caro, Salvatore AM HOPE $16.48 Caro, Salvatore PM Noll $16.48 Lederbrand, James PM HOPE $16.00 Mansfield, Martha AM SASED $28.02 Gardner, Jennifer PM SASED $16.48 Rauch, Sherri GMS Shuttle $33.88 Huffstutler, Vicky GMS Shuttle $33.88

• Employment of Temporary Bus Monitors for 16/17 School Year

Rehires: Name Hourly Rate Bialas, Jesse $10.00 Black, Andrea $10.00 Clark, Kay $11.20 Davis, Cathy $10.30 Estill, Samantha $10.00 Haven, Kelly $10.93 Hewitt, Ruby $10.00 Moriconi, David $10.30 Simmons, Devin $10.00 White, Jacob $10.00 Williams, Carmady $10.00 Young, Patricia $10.93 New Hires: Dogan, Elmas $10.00 Haven, Dalton $10.00 Kamgaing, Augustin $10.00 Scott, Bob $10.00

• Leave of Absence – Mike Dobbs– FMLA – Initial Request - Using 11 accumulated sick days. August 8, 2016 through approx- imately August 23, 2016

• Resignation of CE Playground Supervisor – Korey Johnson

• Resignation of BE Kindergarten Teacher and GMS Assistant Track Coach – Kristin Wujek

• Employment of Administrative Assistant to Director of Athletics – Molly Gilleland

• Employment of CE Full-Time Paraprofessional – Kimberly Barber

• Employment of BE Part-time Paraprofessional – Diana Davidson-Frey

Employment of GES Interim Assistant Principal Dan Lund – Board members welcomed and thanked Mr. Dan Lund for stepping in to serve as the Interim Assistant Principal at GES. Mr. Lund has been an educator since 1999. He has worked in the Ball-Chatham School District since 2001 as an elementary teacher and administra- tor. Mr. Lund has taught third through fifth grade in the District. While teaching in Chatham, Mr. Lund was known for the student engagement in his classroom and the integration of the 21st century technology into the curriculum. Supt. Dr. Doug Wood added that he’s already doing an outstanding job, and he couldn’t be more pleased to have him serve in this capacity.

Sieren moved to approve Item 6.16 - Employment of GES Interim Assistant Principal Dan Lund, as presented. Upon said motion being seconded by Maddox, the Board president called for a vote. All members voted “yes.”

Board member Carter took a moment to note the reason for Mrs. Lisa Weitzel’s absence. She said that even though Lisa couldn’t attend due to her son’s hospitalization as he fights cancer, she would likely be in full sup- port of Mr. Lund serving as Interim Asst. Principal.

Job Description Change – Ms. Worley noted that since the District is realigning the responsibility for financial deposits to the building level, she is fully in support of their job description change to reflect the added re- sponsibilities.

Maddox moved to approve Item 6.51 – Job Description Change, as presented. Upon said motion be- ing seconded by Yurevich, the Board president called for a vote. All members voted “yes.”

New Business Revised Food Pricing – Supt. Dr. Wood noted that, according to the FY16 unaudited budget, the District’s Food Service Program is operating at a $150,000 deficit. Dr. Wood stated that much more research needs to take place as to potential reasons for this, and is recommending further discussion on the issue with key stakehold- ers, such as GenH, our cooks and our custodians. Mr. Sieren asked Chief Financial Officer, Charlotte Montgom- ery, to provide a break down, per building, of food services expenditures and revenue. Mrs. Montgomery stated that she would provide such a report, but the high school’s is quite different from the other schools since they are on an al a carte system. Mrs. Carter asked how the Free and Reduced lunch program impact the District’s bottom line. Dr. Wood said there are many variables, but ultimately the goal of the District is to pro- vide healthy food that students will eat. Ms. Worley noted that she would like to see the District take a more holistic approach to our food service program, and agreed that much more needed to be discussed. Board members agreed to table this item for further discussion at a later date.

FY17 Tentative Budget Presentation - CFO Charlotte Montgomery presented to the Board a tentative budget for FY17. She began by listing her goals for this year’s budget:

• To reflects the Goals of the Board

• Maintain Strong Educational Services

• Support Instruction, Technology & Professional Development

• Support Special Education Services

• Allocate Resources for Capital Improvements

• Meet the Goal of a Balanced Budget

• Reduce the Dependence on Early Taxes Received

• Stay Within the 5% Administration Limitation

Mrs. Montgomery discussed how the District had previously spent early tax dollars at the end of the fiscal year, and she warned against such practices. She noted that Districts should only spend the early tax dollars in the year for which they’re designated but surmised that the practice had begun in response to the State’s pro- ration of General State Aid, Regular and Special Education Transportation, and not paying the four categoricals in the Year Owed. Because of proration, the District has lost $1.2 mil. In this fiscal year alone, the State still owes the District $636,479.48. CFO Montgomery stated her plan to lessen the reliance on early tax revenue, which includes estimating expenses high to protect against unforeseen circumstances, and balance against revenues to stay on target for fund balances. She presented the following chart to show FY17 fund expendi- tures versus anticipated revenue.

Unaudited Estimated Fund


Beginning FY17 FY17 Ending Balance


FUND Fund Balance Revenues Expenditures Balance Inc./Dec.


Educational $5,962,536 $32,462,249 $32,441,259 $5,983,526 $20,990


O/M Fund $1,986,573 $3,874,095 $3,872,789 $1,987,879 $1,306


Debt Service Fund $2,400,395 $4,915,691 $4,988,860 $2,327,226 -$73,169


Transportation Fund $1,291,518 $1,999,406 $1,979,458 $1,311,466 $19,948


IMRF/SS Fund $743,173 $1,554,374 $1,565,543 $732,004 -$11,169


Capital Projects - MM $5,117,544 $10,000 $4,584,700 $542,844 -$4,574,700


Working Cash Fund $2,010,698 $140,489 $0 $2,151,187 $140,489


Life Safety Fund $975,862 $140,489 $1,000,000 $116,351 -$859,511

TOTAL $20,488,299 $45,096,793 $50,432,609 $15,152,483

Operating Fund Totals $ 11,251,325.41 $ 38,476,239.00 $ 38,293,506.00 $ 11,434,058.41 $ 182,733.00 Next, she reviewed the percentages of revenue that the District receives: local taxes, 71%; General State Aid, 13%; State, 6%; other local, 6%; and federal, 4%. Then she showed the percentage of expenditures per fund: Education, 64%; Debt Service, 10%; Capital Projects, 9%; Transportation, 4%; O & M, 4%; IMRF, 3%; and HLS, 2%. Mrs. Montgomery also provided an historical perspective on fund balances:

Unaudited Projected All Funds 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Education $12,623,819 $7,984,260 $5,314,944 $2,840,122 $2,956,572 $3,287,264 $5,962,536 $5,983,526 O/M $795,256 $1,240,692 $945,522 $772,360 $1,090,133 $1,735,290 $1,986,573 $1,987,879 Debt Serv. $1,555,833 $2,177,424 $2,772,413 $3,712,146 $3,080,599 $3,106,695 $2,400,395 $2,327,226 Trans. $566,296 $1,116,958 $1,305,659 $1,444,266 $1,545,749 $1,299,008 $1,291,518 $1,311,466 IMRF $393,158 $145,015 ($91,343) ($147,555) $120,227 $297,253 $743,173 $732,004 Capital $11,479,963 $4,501,181 ($1,152,852) $14,543,511 $6,632,931 $10,043,787 $5,117,544 $542,844 W. Cash $546,303 $821,016 $1,127,218 $1,350,932 $1,929,393 $1,930,102 $2,010,698 $2,151,187 Life/Safety $9,702,539 $3,782,057 $1,912,517 $2,049,715 $1,711,379 $1,148,173 $975,862 $116,351 Total $37,663,167 $21,768,603 $12,134,078 $26,565,497 $19,066,983 $22,847,572 $20,488,299 $15,152,483

Operating Funds 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Education $12,623,819 $7,984,260 $5,314,944 $2,840,122 $2,956,572 $3,287,264 $5,962,536 $5,983,526 O/M $795,256 $1,240,692 $945,522 $772,360 $1,090,133 $1,735,290 $1,986,573 $1,987,879 Trans. $566,296 $1,116,958 $1,305,659 $1,444,266 $1,545,749 $1,299,008 $1,291,518 $1,311,466 W. Cash $546,303 $821,016 $1,127,218 $1,350,932 $1,929,393 $1,930,102 $2,010,698 $2,151,187 Total $14,531,674 $11,162,926 $8,693,343 $6,407,680 $7,521,847 $8,251,664 $11,251,325 $11,434,058

She then discussed the importance of financial health in the operating funds, as it is used in the formula to determine the District’s financial profile and overall financial health. Ball-Chatham’s financial profile for the past two years was designated at “Review.” She would like to see that improve to “Financial Recognition.” Ms. Worley concurred, and said she would like the District to reduce its reliance on debt to make ends meet.

Finally, Mrs. Montgomery stated that building fund balances is critical to the District’s ability to change chil- dren’s lives in this community. ISBE recommends that school districts have enough cash reserves to sustain them for 180 days. She is anticipating the Ball-Chatham School District having $2.1 mil. in the Working Cash fund at the end of FY17. Board members all agreed that building up fund balances is a priority. This was an informational item only.

Set Hearing Date for FY17 Budget – Board President Copp asked for a vote to set the hearing for the FY17 Budget. The recommended date is September 26, 2016.

Maddox moved to approve setting the Budget Hearing for 6:30 p.m., September 26, 2016 at the District Office. Upon said motion being seconded by Sieren, the Board president called for a vote. All members voted “yes.”

Set Board Committees – Board of Education members agreed to table this item until which time Mrs. Lisa Weit- zel returns.

Communications Future Board Meeting Dates – In addition to those listed below, Supt. Dr. Wood noted that a Superintendent Goal Meeting needs to be scheduled. He will send out an email to the Board for possible dates.

• September 26, 2016 - Budget Hearing on FY17 Budget

• September 26, 2016 - Regular Board Meeting

• October 3, 2016 - Special Board Meeting - Facilities and Grounds (perhaps with a tour of facilities in- cluded)

• October 24, 2016 - Regular Board Meeting

Additionally, Supt. Dr. Wood said that the start of the 2016-17 schoolyear has been outstanding, and thanked all staff for their work making it so.

Citizens – None noted.

Adjournment With there being no further business, Board President Copp called for a motion to adjourn to Closed Session for the purpose of discussing employment, contract negotiations, and litigation.

Maddox moved to adjourn the regular session at 7:12 p.m. Upon said motion being seconded by Sieren, the president called for a vote. All Board members voted “yes.”

_____________________________ Betsy Schroeder, Board Clerk

_____________________________ _____________________________ Steve Copp, President Greg Yurevich, Secretary