
Sangamon Sun

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Sangamon County Board appoints chairman

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The Sangamon County Board met Dec. 13 to appoint a chairman.

Here are the meeting's minutes, as provided by the board:

The Sangamon County Board consists of 29 members, each elected from one of the county’s 29 districts for a four-year term. The board meets at 7 p.m. on the second Tuesday of each month in the County Board chambers on the second floor of the Sangamon County Complex, 200 S. Ninth St. in Springfield.


SANGAMON COUNTY COMPLEX 200 SOUTH NINTH STREET – ROOM 101 SPRINGFIELD, ILLINOIS 62701 TELEPHONE: 217-753-6700/FACSIMILE: 217-535-3233 WEBSITE: www.sangamoncountyclerk.com



DECEMBER 13, 2016

The Sangamon County Board met in Reconvened Adjourned September Session on December 13, 2016 in the County Board Chambers. Chairman Van Meter called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Mr. Sullivan gave the Invocation and Mr. Fraase led the County Board in the Pledge of Allegiance.


A motion was made by Mr. Krell, seconded by Mr. Snell, to nominate and appointment Andy Van Meter as Temporary Chairman. A voice vote was unanimous.


Temporary Chairman Van Meter appointed Mr. Mendenhall, Mr. Smith, Mr. Krell, Mrs. Deppe and Mr. Madonia to the Credentials Committee, with Mr. Mendenhall to serve as Chairman. The Credentials Committee and County Clerk Gray left the chambers to go over the credentials of the newly elected board members. The Credentials Committee returned. Mr. Mendenhall reported that all credentials were in order.


Temporary Chairman Van Meter asked all the newly elected board members to stand for their oath of office. Judge Madonia swore in the newly elected members.


Temporary Chairman Van Meter asked County Clerk Gray to call the roll. There were 29 Present – 0 Absent.


A motion was made by Mr. Mendenhall, seconded by Mr. Smith, to nominate and appoint Andy Van Meter as Chairman of the County Board. A voice vote was unanimous.


A motion was made by Mr. Stumpf, seconded by Mrs. Deppe and Mr. Bunch, to nominate and appoint Catie Sheehan as Vice-Chairman of the County Board. A voice vote was unanimous.

Mrs. Ruzic and Mrs. Scaife presented County Administrator Brian McFadden and Mary Carter with Christmas gifts, and recognized them for all their hard work in the County Board Office.


Linda Fulgenzi presented a Proclamation in recognition of the 40th anniversary of the Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP), and proclaiming December 13, 2016 as Weatherization Day in Sangamon County. Director of Community Resources Sharmin Doering accepted the Proclamation and thanked the County Board for the recognition.

Mr. Fraase and the Road and Bridge Committee presented a Proclamation to Tim Zahrn upon his retirement as County Engineer. Mr. Zahrn was recognized for his considerable contributions and his leadership as Sangamon County Highway Engineer. Mr. Zahrn thanked the County Board, and he recognized his team for all their support at the Highway Department.

Mr. Madonia, Mr. Thomas, and Mr. Tjelmeland presented a Proclamation honoring the Rochester High School Football Team, the Rochester Rockets, on their outstanding sixth IHSA Class 4A State Football Championship title. Head Coach Derek Leonard and the team captains were present to accept the Proclamation.


A motion was made by Ms. Sheehan, seconded by Mr. Bunch, for approval of the minutes of November 9, 2016. A voice vote was unanimous.



A motion was made by Mr. Fraase, seconded by Mrs. Fulgenzi, to place correspondence on file with the County Clerk. A voice vote was unanimous.


1. Resolution appropriating motor fuel tax funds for FY2017 IMRF expenses.

A motion was made by Mr. Fraase, seconded by Mrs. Fulgenzi, to place Resolution 1 on the floor. Upon a roll call vote, there were 28 Yeas – 0 Nays for the adoption of Resolution 1.



2. Resolution approving an amended federal aid funding agreement for the Sangamon Valley Trail.

A motion was made by Mr. Fraase, seconded by Mr. O’Neill, to place Resolution 2 on the floor. A motion was made by Mr. O’Neill that the roll call vote for Resolution 1 stands as the roll call vote for Resolution 2. A voice vote carried. Mr. Hall and Mr. Sullivan voted no on Resolution 2.



3. 2016-036 – Kirk and Marilyn Jefferis, 6600 & 6711 State Route 4, Chatham – Granting a Rezoning, Conditional Permitted Use and Variances. County Board Member – Craig Hall, District #7.

A motion was made by Mr. Hall, seconded by Mrs. Small, to place Resolution 3 on the floor. Chairman Van Meter asked the professional staff to give the procedural history of the case. The professional staff stated that the Planning Commission recommends approval of the requested B-3 zoning. The LESA score of 180 indicates the property is suitable for agricultural use only; however, the 3.39 acres that is proposed to be rezoned contains barns and a grass field with varying topography that is unlikely to be economically converted to cropland. Recommend approval of a Conditional Permitted Use (CPU) for a tavern with a beer garden and live entertainment with the following conditions: (1) the tavern is limited to the existing barn footprint of approximately 2,800 square feet and patio area of 880 square feet as per the floor plan submitted with the petition; and, (2) the hours of operation of the tavern with a beer garden and all live entertainment including but not limited to any dancing, band, DJ music, or any other noise generating music of any kind, is governed by the Sangamon County Liquor Ordinance. The Springfield 2020 Comprehensive Plan calls for this segment of State Route 4 to be commercial. Also, the subject property contains ample area for parking.

They recommend approval of a variance to allow four uses on one parcel: (1) bed and breakfast, (2) single-family residence to serve as an annex to the bed and breakfast or a watchman’s quarters, (3) tavern with beer garden and live entertainment, and (4) banquet hall. Assuming the requested CPU for the tavern is granted, the subject property contains ample area for parking and is large enough to support the four proposed uses. The four proposed uses are very compatible with each other and can be operated within the existing structures on the property.

They recommend approval of a variance to allow green space parking with grass pavers or similar material subject to approval of the Zoning Administrator instead of the required minimum bituminous seal coat. While the property can be used economically if paved with conventional methods, green space paver parking in various forms have been accepted across the country as being an alternative to hard surfaced paving requirements and has been proven to help manage runoff on a site. Green space paver parking may help maintain the historic nature of the site by using grass pavers and keeping the character of the farmstead instead of requiring hard surfaced paving on a historic site. The Standards for Variation are met.

The Zoning Board of Appeals concurs with the staff report and recommends approval.

Petitioner Kirk Jefferis, residing at 6 Hyde Park in Springfield, addressed the County Board. The proposal for a change in zoning is actually for 3 1?2 acres that surrounds a core five acres. Five acres is already zoned B-3, and they are acquiring another 3 1?2 acres in addition to that. It was the advice of County Zoning that they should have those acres zoned the same as the primary five acres. All of the activity they anticipate conducting on the property is actually in those five acres. He doesn’t know all the reasoning behind having the other 3 1?2 acres zoned, but that is what they are doing. The core five acres with the house and barns is zoned B-3 currently, and the remaining 3 1?2 acres is zoned agricultural. The change in zoning is for the surrounding L shaped 3 1?2 acres. There is a horse barn on the north side of the property, and there is another implement barn on the northwest corner of the property. Chairman Van Meter asked what his vision is for the property. Mr. Jefferis stated his background is about 15 years in hotels, and he has learned some things that work and don’t work. His primary focus is having the house as a bed and breakfast. The secondary focus is the food service side. The idea is to take the barn and add some restrooms to it so it could be used as a pavilion with full service, so you wouldn’t have to run off to the house to use the restroom. They just love the setting on the property, and think it is unique. If they could buy more acres they would. They want to buy at least what they can to preserve the setting and make it available to people who want to come walk around and use it.

Mr. Bunch asked if any of this property is land locked. Mr. Jefferis stated it is not. It is all just one parcel that has a driveway going into it.

Annette Fulgenzi asked if they’ve had any further discussions with IDOT about the entrance and exit onto Route 4. Mr. Jefferis stated there has been. They met with one person from IDOT last week, and will be meeting with another group. There is a whole long process you have to go through for this to make sure there is some order and predictability of what happens along any roadway that has controlled access.

Shellie McEvers, residing at 311 Butler Lane in Chatham, addressed the County Board. She explained her and others that live in the Fox Creek Subdivision are concerned with the potential of this reducing the value of their homes. They are also concerned with there being traffic, noise, and trash issues. They want to know how these issues would be resolved. They have no problem with a bed and breakfast, but do have a problem with the entertainment venue. If it became a 3:00 a.m. bar area, who approves that? She believes the board does. Just be aware you have a very densely populated residential area nearby.

Mr. Fraase asked Mrs. McEvers how far her house is away from this property. Mrs. McEvers stated she lives about 1?2 mile from Route 4.

Mr. Hall stated he has the best honor to represent this home. This is a very beautiful home in Sangamon County, and something needs to be done there to keep the home and barns in shape. He does have some concerns with the outside noise. He believes some of the neighbors’ concerns were that they never received something in the mail or nothing was in the newspaper. He thinks they have addressed that through their office. He also assured them that as long as he is on this board there will not be a 3:00 a.m. bar there.

Chairman Van Meter asked the chairman from the Liquor Committee to address this issue. Mr. O’Neill stated the Liquor Committee has determined since they’ve had bars currently with a 3:00 a.m. license go out of business, they will not allow other entities have a 3:00 a.m. license. He doesn’t think the objectors will have anything to worry about.

Mr. Stumpf asked for confirmation of the latest time the outdoor entertainment can go on. Zoning Administrator Trustin Harrison confirmed they can have outdoor entertainment until 10:30 p.m. on Friday and Saturday and until 9:00 p.m. through the week.

Mr. Jefferis gave his rebuttal. He explained that he plans to live there and would not want long hours. He plans to stay in character with what they are trying to accomplish. There will not be a lot of traffic since they will have a modest group of people there.

Mrs. Hills asked if this would be like a banquet hall or tavern/bar. Mr. Jefferis stated his business plan is to have the capability of having dinner parties with a lodging business that minors in food service.

Mrs. McEvers gave her rebuttal. She feels this will be similar to the Inn at 835 venue. She would have no problem with that, but if it is not, then they would have issues.

Chairman Van Meter asked for a roll call vote on the adoption of Resolution 3. Upon the roll call vote, there were 27 Yeas – 1 Nay. Annette Fulgenzi voted no.



4. 2016-037 – Christina Yoc, 5363 Mansion Road, Chatham – Granting a Conditional Permitted Use and Variance and Denying a Variance. County Board Member – Craig Hall, District #7.

A motion was made by Mr. Hall, seconded by Mrs. Scaife, to place Resolution 4 on the floor. A motion was made by Mr. Stumpf to waive the reading of the professional staff’s report. There were no objections. A voice vote was unanimous for the adoption of Resolution 4.



5. 2016-041 – William and Sheila Goldsberry, 3400 Block of Rte. 97, Pleasant Plains – Granting a Rezoning and Variance. County Board Member – Tom Fraase, Jr., District #1.

A motion was made by Mr. Fraase, seconded by Mr. Miller, to place Resolution 5 on the floor. A motion was made by Mr. Stumpf to waive the reading of the professional staff’s report. There were no objections. A voice vote was unanimous for the adoption of Resolution 5.



6. 2016-042 – Rebecca A. Cramblit, 3926 Circle Drive, Auburn – Granting a Variance. County Board Member – Sam Snell, District #6.

A motion was made by Mr. Snell, seconded by Mrs. Deppe, to place Resolution 6 on the floor. A motion was made by Mr. Stumpf to waive the reading of the professional staff’s report. There were no objections. A voice vote was unanimous for the adoption of Resolution 6.



7. 2016-043 – Drink-Em Up Inc., 4136 N. Peoria Road, Springfield – Granting a Conditional Permitted Use. County Board Member – Greg Stumpf, District #16.

A motion was made by Mr. Stumpf, seconded by Mr. Madonia, to place Resolution 7 on the floor. A motion was made by Mr. Stumpf to waive the reading of the professional staff’s report. There were no objections.

A voice vote was unanimous for the adoption of Resolution 7.



8. 2016-044 – Ricky & Karen Dunk, 1471 & 1525 Canterbury Road, Cantrall – Granting a Rezoning and Variances and Denying a Variance. County Board Member – Todd Smith, District #2.

Chairman Van Meter stated that Resolution 8 has been withdrawn.



9. 2016-045 – Text Amendment to the Sangamon County Zoning Ordinance regarding Chapter 17.02-General Provisions.

A motion was made by Mr. Stumpf, seconded by Mr. Mendenhall, to place Resolution 9 on the floor. A motion was made by Mr. Bunch, seconded by Mr. Smith, to consolidate Resolutions 9 – 14. Chairman Van Meter asked County Clerk Gray to read Resolutions 10 – 14.

10. 2016-046 – Text Amendment to the Sangamon County Zoning Ordinance regarding Chapter 17.76-Administration and Enforcement.

11. Resolution approving a building lease agreement for the SMART facility.

12. Resolution allowing the Sangamon County Board of Review to be held in session until the 2016 complaints and subsequent administrative duties are completed.

13. Resolution approving the Tax Levies for Fiscal Year December 1, 2016 through November 30, 2017.

14. Resolution allowing Probation and Court Services to utilize CAM Systems as one of its vendors for the electronic monitoring/global positioning satellite.

A voice vote was unanimous on the consolidation.

Mr. Hall asked if it is legal for them to give a liquor license to a company that is incorporated. He asked if the license goes to the owner or if it’s transferrable.

Assistant State’s Attorney Dwayne Gab stated the county’s policy is if it’s over a certain percentage they have to reapply and get a new license. In general, it is not something that is transferrable; however, there is a reapplication process in relationship to smaller percentages. So, if someone takes 5% ownership of a corporate entity, they would not require there to be reapplication; however, the ordinance requires them to be apprised of that. Chairman Van Meter asked how this is relevant to these resolutions. He asked Mr. Hall to address this question to legal counsel at a later time.

A motion was made by Mr. O’Neill that the roll call vote for Resolution 1 stands as the roll call vote for Resolutions 9 - 14, as consolidated. A voice vote was unanimous.



A motion was made by Ms. Sheehan, seconded by Mr. Bunch, to waive the ten-day filing period. A voice vote was unanimous.



15. Resolution approving the renewal of the county’s property/casualty insurance policy with CHUBB Federal Insurance Company.

A motion was made by Mr. Krell, seconded by Mrs. Fulgenzi, to place Resolution 15 on the floor. A motion was made by Mr. Bunch, seconded by Mr. Tjelmeland, to consolidate Resolutions 15 – 19. Chairman Van Meter asked County Clerk Gray to read Resolutions 16 – 19.

16. Resolution requesting consent by the Department of Transportation to appoint Brian R. Davis as Acting County Engineer.

17. Resolution relating to participation by elected officials in the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund.

18. Resolution approving amendments to the Fiscal Year 2017 Sangamon County Budget.

19. Resolution approving a contract between Menard County Board of Health, Menard County, Sangamon County Board of Health and Sangamon County for the provision of public health services in Menard County.

A voice vote was unanimous on the consolidation.

Mr. DelGiorno commented on Resolution 17. As an attorney in private practice, one of the things he has tried to get away from is the billable hour. He commented that attorneys are always accused of padding their hours. After this issue became so politicized during the last campaign, and it was reported extensively concerning IMRF participation by County Board members, he really questions whether or not members of this body can reach 1,000 hours in a year. He thinks everyone in this room needs to take a long hard look at whether they adopt this. There has been criticism already about some of the time logs publicly written about. He thinks everyone needs to take a long hard look at this before they just adopt this. With that sentiment in mind, Mr. DelGiorno made a motion to table Resolution 17. There was no second. The motion to table failed.

A motion was made by Mr. O’Neill that the roll call vote for Resolution 1 stands as the roll call vote for Resolutions 15 – 19, as consolidated. A voice vote carried. Mr. DelGiorno voted no on Resolution 17.



Dwayne Gab stated he could now address Mr. Hall’s issue at the discretion of the chair. Chairman Van Meter told Mr. Hall that they could address it if he thinks it is important enough to put on the record; otherwise, legal counsel is always available to them. Mr. Hall asked if they have ever approved a liquor license for a corporation. Mr. Gab stated yes they have approved liquor licenses for corporate entities.


A. Resolutions

There were no new resolutions.

B. Appointments

Appointment of George Preckwinkle to the Sangamon County Board of Health for a term expiring December, 2017.

Appointment of Dwayne Gab as the Sangamon County Ethics Officer for a term expiring December, 2018.

Appointment of Brian McFadden as Sangamon County Administrator for a term expiring December, 2018.

Appointment of Byron Deaner as the Sangamon County Supervisor of Assessments for a term expiring December, 2018.

Appointment of David Butt as the Sangamon County OEM Director for a term expiring December, 2018.

Appointment of Wayne Rovey as the Sangamon County Information Systems Director for a term expiring December, 2018.

Appointment of Sharmin Doering as the Sangamon County Community Resources Director for a term expiring December, 2018.

Appointment of John O’Neill as the Sangamon County Liquor Commissioner for a term expiring December, 2018.

Appointment of Trustin Harrison as the Sangamon County Zoning Administrator for a term expiring December, 2018.

Appointment of Allen Alexander as Sangamon County Weed Control Officer for a term expiring December, 2018.

Appointment of Patty Meyer as the Sangamon County Building & Grounds Manager for a term expiring December, 2018.

Appointment of Norm Sims as the Executive Director of the Springfield-Sangamon County Regional Planning Commission for a term expiring December, 2018.

Appointment of Dan Noll as Sangamon County Hearing Officer for a term expiring November, 2018.

Appointment of David White as Sangamon County Hearing Officer for a term expiring November, 2018.

A motion was made by Ms. Sheehan, seconded by Mr. Bunch, for approval of the appointments. A voice vote was unanimous.


C. Ratification of the Sangamon County Highway Department Collective Bargaining Agreement

Mr. Smith thanked AFSCME Council 31 and Local 3079, County Engineer Tim Zahrn, Brian Davis, the lead negotiator and counsel, and the members of his committee for the cooperative effort in reaching an agreement on this contract. Tonight they are presenting to the board, essentially, a rollover of this contract for a three-year term, holding to their CPI, plus 1?2% wage increases, and agreeing to several non-monetary operational issues. He asked for their affirmative vote for ratification of this contract.

A motion was made by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Bunch, Mr. Sullivan and Mr. Fraase for ratification of the Highway Department Collective Bargaining Agreement. A voice vote was unanimous.



Sheriff Barr gave a report from the Sheriff’s Department. He publicly recognized the Sheriff’s Office Detective Bureau for the apprehension of two persons who committed residential burglaries. There have been major issues of burglary out in West County. About two months ago there was one individual who committed several burglaries and was stealing vehicles. It took about a week and a half to two weeks to apprehend that person. He is still in the Sangamon County Jail. About two weeks ago they started seeing an increase in residential burglaries again. The detective bureau was able to get some leads and yesterday caught them in the act of committing residential burglary out in West County. Those two individuals are in the Sangamon County Jail as well.

Earlier this year they approved a new vendor for the phone systems in the jail. That transfer took place in August. They have two months of reporting from this last quarter from the new vendor. He is happy to say they have seen an increase in revenue of 15.33% in the phone system alone. Part of that process was to implement a video visitation and kiosk system. The kiosk is out in the jail lobby. It allows individuals to come in and post money on the inmates’ books. The old way was they had to give the money to a control room operator who would have to count it and give them a receipt. A supervisor would then have to come in and verify it, and then the next day it went to the administrative division of the jail. They would then have to count and verify it again and make a deposit. With the new kiosk system, the person comes into the jail lobby are directed to the machine to put money on the inmates’ books. The money immediately goes on the inmates’ books and the person gets a receipt. Since November 24th till last week that machine took in over $22,000. That is $22,000 their staff didn’t have to touch, count and sort, and keep track of or deposit. The money deposited that day is automatically transferred to the Sheriff’s Office bank account at midnight that night, so it has been a great asset.

Sheriff Barr thanked the County Board for supporting the initiative they have been trying to implement in the jail to improve efficiency and safety of the jail. The video visitation system is unfortunately running a little behind. This should be up and running around the first of the year. That system will really improve the safety of the jail. It will cease having to take the inmates out of the cell blocks to the visitation area, and will keep people from coming inside the jail up to the visitation area. It will make it much safer for the correctional officers. It is a benefit to the inmates as well because visitors can schedule visits from 9:00 in the morning till 9:00 at night.

Sheriff Barr thanked the County Board for their continued support.



A motion was made by Mr. Bunch, seconded by Ms. Sheehan, to recess the meeting to January 10, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. A voice vote was unanimous.


Don Gray Sangamon County Clerk


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