
Sangamon Sun

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Auburn City Council met June 19.

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Auburn City Council met June 19.

Here is the minutes provided by the Council:

Mayor Berola called the meeting to order at 7 p.m.

Present: Tom Berola, Chris Warwick, Julie Barnhill, Lori Basiewicz, Vic Devos, Jr., Jason Garrett, Rod Johnson and Seth Williams.

Absent: Ian Andrews, Larry Hemmerle and Tracy Sheppard Department Heads: Bruce Centko, Mike McCarthy, and Kristy Ponsler. City Attorney: Raylene Grischow.

I. Mayor’s Comments

A. Library Board Appointments

Mayor Berola recommended Ashley Foster, Carrie Pillischafske, and Connie Powell to be appointed to the Library Board for review and approval. A motion was made by Garrett to approve the recommendation that Ashley Foster, Carrie Pillischafske and Connie Powell be appointed to the Library Board, second by Williams. Voice Vote: AYE: Lori Basiewicz, Vic Devos Jr, Jason Garrett, Rod Johnson and Seth Williams. NAY: None. PRESENT: None. ABSENT: Ian Andrews, Larry Hemmerle and Tracy Sheppard (5-0-0-3)

B. Temporary Liquor Permit for Sugar Creek Deli, Wine and Cheese – 6/30, 7/1 and 7/2

Mayor Berola approved the temporary liquor permit for Sugar Creek Deli, Wine and Cheese for June 30, July 1 and 2nd. Mayor Berola also approved the 4th Street closure on July 1, 10 a.m. until midnight. Berola also approved for the parking spots directly in front of the deli to be blocked off on June 30 and July 2.

C. Street Closure for Holy Cross Parish – Washington Street in front of church and priest

house – July 23rd from 4:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.

Mayor Berola approved the Washington street closure, directly in front of St. Benedict’s Church and Father James house on July 23, 2017 from 4:30 p.m. until 6:30 p.m.

II. Visitors/Public Comments

A. Brandy Brown – Carnival Recap

Auburn Carnival organizer Brandy Brown addressed the council regarding the carnival that was held on May 11 – 13, 2017. Brown asked if there were any concerns during the time the carnival was here. Mayor Berola indicated that he has heard very good comments about the 2017 Carnival. Garrett asked Brandy Brown about the inclusion of a local vendor for the Port-A Pottys. Brown indicated that there was cost differential and went with out of town vendor. Centko did indicate that expanding the size of the carnival and using other streets could be a possibility and that included additional rides, and a bubble ball area.

B. Auburn Activities Committee – Ball Fields for July 29, 2017 (Mike Spears)

AYBSA President Mike Spears addressed the council regarding the use of the Auburn Ball Fields for a Home Run Derby on July 29, 2017. Mayor Berola approved the use of the Auburn Ball Fields for AAC (Auburn Activities Committee) fundraising Home Run Derby on July 29, 2017.

On another note, Spears also asked the process of vacating his alley. Council members discussed with him the process. He was informed that he has to have the legal description of the property and to have the property surveyed.

C. Economic Development Committee “Curbside Pride” Program Program

Economic Development Committee (EDC) members Wayde Rathgerber and Matt Brown were present to discuss the Economic Development Committee. Brown presented the EDC “Curbside Pride” Program that will run from June 26 to August 7, 2017. The concept is to get residents outside to make property improvements that elevate community spirit and pride in our community for all to see. Local Business will be asked to help distribute applications thereby connecting our businesses and residents.

Economic Development Committee indicated that it is their first step to promote relationship building between businesses and residents for the common goal of economic growth in Auburn.

Brown presented the Economic Development Committee (EDC) “Curbside Pride” Program that will run from June 26 to August 7, 2017 for the Councils review and approval. A motion was made by Williams to approve the Economic Development Committee (EDC) “Curbside Pride” Program that will fun from June 26 to August 7, 2017, second by Basiewicz. Voice Vote: AYE: Lori Basiewicz, Vic Devos Jr, Jason Garrett, Rod Johnson and Seth Williams. NAY: None. PRESENT: None. ABSENT: Ian Andrews, Larry Hemmerle and Tracy Sheppard (5-0-0-3)

III. City Clerk’s Report – Barnhill

Barnhill presented the meeting minutes from meeting on June 5, 2017 for the Council’s review and approval. A motion was made by Johnson to approve the meeting minutes and to destroy the recorded copy, second by Williams. AYE: Lori Basiewicz, Vic Devos Jr, Jason Garrett, Rod Johnson and Seth Williams. NAY: None. PRESENT: None. ABSENT: Ian Andrews, Larry Hemmerle and Tracy Sheppard (5-0-0-3)

IV. Treasurer’s Report – Warwick

A. Bills List

Warwick presented the Bills List June 6, 2017 to June 19, 2017 for the councils review and approval. Motion made by Williams to approve the Bills List June 6, 2017 to June 19, 2017, second by Johnson. AYE: Lori Basiewicz, Vic Devos Jr, Jason Garrett, Rod Johnson and Seth Williams. NAY: None. PRESENT: None. ABSENT: Ian Andrews, Larry Hemmerle and Tracy Sheppard (5-0-0-3)

B. Cash Report for May 2017

Warwick presented the Cash Report for May 2017 for the councils review and approval. Motion made by Garrett to approve the Cash Report for May 2017, second by Williams. AYE: Lori Basiewicz, Vic Devos Jr, Jason Garrett, Rod Johnson and Seth Williams. NAY: None. PRESENT: None. ABSENT: Ian Andrews, Larry Hemmerle and Tracy Sheppard (5-0-0-3)

V. Attorney’s Report –

A. First Reading 1434-17, Appropriations Ordinance

Attorney Grischow presented 1434-17 Appropriations Ordinance for its first reading for the council’s review.

B. First Reading 1435-17, IML Intergovernmental Cooperation Contract

Attorney Grischow presented 1435-17 IML Intergovernmental Cooperation Contract for its first reading for the council’s review. July 14 is the deadline for the approval of submitting this ordinance.

C. Petition for Annexation – 5199 W. Divernon Road

Attorney Grischow presented the petition for annexation of 5199 W. Divernon Road into the City of Auburn for the council’s review and approval. Motion made by Johnson to approval the petition for annexation of 5199 W. Divernon Road into the City of Auburn, second by Garrett. AYE: Lori Basiewicz, Vic Devos Jr, Jason Garrett, Rod Johnson and Seth Williams. NAY: None. PRESENT: None. ABSENT: Ian Andrews, Larry Hemmerle and Tracy Sheppard (5-0-0-3)

D. Executive Session

Attorney Grischow will need an executive session at the end of the meeting. VI. Department Heads A. Centko

Chief Centko provided the council an update of the Griffin Tower repeater not working. They will be here to find the problem and fix it. Centko is not sure of the estimate until they assess the problem. Fire Chief Powell has indicated that they would be willing to help with the expenses of fixing the problem.

B. McCarthy

1) 302 W. Adams Street Sidewalk

Superintendent McCarthy presented that he did access the sidewalk at the residence of 302 W. Adams Street, home of Donnie and Nancy DeHeve. The concrete would cost the city approximately $110. The City is willing to split the cost with the home owner. City Clerk indicated that she would pay the home owners half personally. She indicated that the home owner has had multiple strokes and cannot incur the cost of the concrete. 2) Alderman Johnson presented that Alderman Devos has asked for millings to be ordered, delivered and spread at the school. Alderman Devos will work with Superintendent McCarthy to get this project completed.

C. Ponsler

Office Manager Kristy Ponsler asked that Chairs of committees make sure they take minutes and submitted them.

VII. Committee Reports

A. Administration – Johnson

1) Meeting – June 14, 2017 and June 19, 2017

a) 2017 – 2018 Budget

Johnson presented the 2017-2018 Amended Budget for the council’s review and approve. Motion made by Johnson to approve the 2017-2018 Amended Budget, second by Garrett. AYE: Lori Basiewicz, Vic Devos Jr, Jason Garrett, Rod Johnson and Seth Williams. NAY: None. PRESENT: None. ABSENT: Ian Andrews, Larry Hemmerle and Tracy Sheppard (5-0-0-3)

b) Laborer Open Position

Johnson presented that Superintendent McCarthy has interviewed candidates and would like to recommend the hiring of Nick Anders in the position of laborer in the City Garage at the rate of $15 per hour with a start date of July 5 for the council’s review and approval. Motion made by Johnson to hire Nick Anders in the position of laborer in the City Garage at the rate of $15 per hour with a start date of July 5, second by Basiewicz. Warwick presented the Bills List June 6, 2017 to June 19, 2017 for the councils review and approval. AYE: Lori Basiewicz, Vic Devos Jr, Jason Garrett, Rod Johnson and Seth Williams. NAY: None. PRESENT: None. ABSENT: Ian Andrews, Larry Hemmerle and Tracy Sheppard (5-0-0-3)

c) Comp Time

Alderman Johnson indicated that the comp time is a larger undertaking and did not have time at the June 14 meeting. Personnel code will need to be looked into. Administration committee meeting will be made for the future to discuss this.

B. Public Works/Public Utilities – Hemmerle/Johnson

Alderman Johnson indicated that Public Works/Public Utilities did not have a report.

C. Health & Safety – Williams

1) Committee Meeting – June 15, 2017

Alderman Williams provided an update to the council on the various areas of the police department regarding out of date equipment needs; scheduling of police officers for vacation and trying to avoid overtime shifts; committee members were asked to come up with a solution to holding onto dispatch; addressing reopening of a sergeant position within our police department; and lack of police budget funding.

D. Health & Housing – Sheppard 1) 218 Cheyenne Drive

Office Manager Kristy Ponsler presented information regarding the overgrowth of lawn and weeds at the residence of 218 Cheyenne Drive. Motion made by Williams to declare 218 Cheyenne Drive a nuisance and needs to be abated by 7 days from the date of the delivery of the letter (June 27) or fine will be assessed accordingly, second by Basiewicz. AYE: Lori Basiewicz, Vic Devos Jr, Rod Johnson and Seth Williams. NAY: Jason Garrett. PRESENT: None. ABSENT: Ian Andrews, Larry Hemmerle and Tracy Sheppard (4-1-0-3)

E. Parks – Williams

Alderman Williams reported that 40-50 people attended the Movies in the Park – Finding Dory. A thank you was made to the 4H and Lutheran Church for the excellent work of painting at the East Park.

VIII. Executive Session

Motion to go into Executive Session was made by Johnson at 8:37 p.m.; second by Williams. AYE: Lori Basiewicz, Vic Devos Jr, Jason Garrett, Rod Johnson and Seth Williams. NAY: None. PRESENT: None. ABSENT: Ian Andrews, Larry Hemmerle and Tracy Sheppard (5-0-0-3)

Motion to of adjournment Executive Session was made by Johnson at 9:17 p.m.; second by Basiewicz. AYE: Lori Basiewicz, Vic Devos Jr, Jason Garrett, Rod Johnson and Seth Williams. NAY: None. PRESENT: None. ABSENT: Ian Andrews, Larry Hemmerle and Tracy Sheppard (5-0-0-3)

IX. Adjournment

Motion to adjourn was made by Basiewicz at 9:19 p.m.; second by Williams. AYE: Lori Basiewicz, Vic Devos Jr, Jason Garrett, Rod Johnson and Seth Williams. NAY: None. PRESENT: None. ABSENT: Ian Andrews, Larry Hemmerle and Tracy Sheppard (5-0-0-3)
