
Sangamon Sun

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Chatham Area Public Library District Board met May 22

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Chatham Area Public Library District Board met May 22.

Here is the minutes as provided by the board:

I. Oath of Office for appointed Trustees - Holden and Jeffries

Oath of office given to the newly appointed CAPLD Board members Carrie Jeffries and

Dan Holden by Board President Christine Westerlund.

II. Board Meeting Called to Order

Westerlund called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Board members in attendance: C. Moore,

C. Jeffries, D. Holden, C. Westerlund, L. Ross and Director Byers. Absent: S. Fairfield

and M. Roubitchek. Roubitchek is available via phone, but this makes him a non-voting

member since he is not present.

III. Recognition of Visitors / Public Comments

No visitors or members of the public were present.

IV. Unfinished Business

A. De-Annexed lake-leased properties Litigation / APPROVAL

Executive Session 5ILCS120/2(c)(11)

Motion to move to executive session made by C. Moore, seconded by D.

Holden, motion unanimously passed.

The board discussed the upcoming court date on May 23rd and the CAPLD's

attorney's thoughts on how to proceed with the litigation.

Motion to adjourn executive session made by C. Jeffries, seconded by D.

Holden, motion passed unanimously

B. Other

Let the record show that there was no further unfinished business discussed.

V. New Business

A. HVAC repair or replacement / APPROVAL

HVAC RTU-4 has a refrigerant leak on the compressor discharge line. The cost

of repair given by E.L. Pruitt would cost $1,030.80. Due to the age of the unit

(purchased in 1995) and pending other mechanical problems, a motion was

made by D. Holden to purchase a new unit to replace RTU-4, at a price of

$9,286.00, seconded by C. Moore, motion passed unanimously.

Byers also discussed issues with another HVAC unit, RTU12. Pruitt found that

the condenser coil was cracked and needs to either be repaired or replaced.

Byers will bring back more information at the next meeting.

B. Other

Let the record show that there was no further new business discussed.

VI. Announcements

A. Next Board Meeting – Thursday, June 22nd, 2017

VII. Adjournment

Motion to adjourn was made by D. Holden and seconded by C. Jeffries. The motion passed

